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Annette is late for Byleth’s lecture in the nearby sauna. Unfortunately, she doesn’t realize someone else is in her spot when she sits down, putting herself right into his lap.

Wanting to mix things up for her class and teach all of the women a few things about being comfortable in their own skin, Byleth decided that it would be best to bring them to a nearby sauna while keeping everyone naked. They were all girls, no one could peek at them, and they were all trusted comrades in battle. It was the perfect thing in her mind. Especially when a few of the students seemed excited to be going to a place like a sauna. Fortunately, it was rather easy getting all of her students to the sauna and gathered around.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to get everyone to fit into the sauna together. Especially when there was already a man in there minding his own business. “Excuse us.” Was the only thing to leave Byleth’s lips as she stepped into the heated room and found a spot for herself to sit. Of course, she gestured to her class for all of them to sit. Which, they all did without question. Everyone squeezed into wherever they could fit without being too close to someone else, wanting to respect each other’s space.

In the back of Byleth’s mind, she wondered just how this man felt, having almost thirty young women storm their way into his sauna while he was minding his own business. And the only thing he got as an apology was an “excuse us”. She realized it must be odd at the very least, but she had a class to teach one way or another. And just as she opened her mouth to begin her lecture about confidence in and out of battle, the door to the sauna flew open with Annette standing in the doorway, a blush on her face.

“I’m so sorry I’m late! I overslept and when I was told by the boys that you were taking the girls to the sauna, I rushed over!” Annette made her way over toward Byleth with that blush still on her cheeks, a nervous and slightly embarrassed look clear as day. To take her apology one step further and show just how sorry she was, despite the fact that she was naked, she didn’t hesitate to bend over and bow in front of Byleth. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t realize that she was pointing her plump rear end directly into this sole man’s face, keeping her ass cheeks in his face for a few seconds as she looked toward the floor.

“You’re not as late as you’d think. Just take a seat.”

Annette stood up straight and took a quick glance around the room in front of her. She didn’t see any place where she could sit down without impeding anyone's personal space. Though, when she turned her head ever so slightly, she was able to see Ingrid to her side, bringing a smile to her lips before she simply planted herself down in a seat that was directly behind her. However, she didn’t realize that this seat was taken by the man she just incidentally pointed her ass at like it was nothing. The blush on her cheeks grew even worse when she realized that she was sitting in someone’s lap. A male’s lap, no less, his cock pressing against her ass cheeks.

When Annette finally sat down, Byleth heard her class mumbling and groaning as they tried to get comfortable now that everyone was here. It would be an issue if her class began to talk amongst themselves and not listen to what she had to say. Especially with Annette sitting down in a stranger’s lap. She let out a gentle but clear breath before clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention. Fortunately, it took less than a moment for everyone to quiet down and look at her. “I brought you here for one reason today. To boost your confidence. Some of you have more confidence than you should, some of you have less. You know who you are. But one of the easiest ways to raise your confidence is to be comfortable in your own skin.”

Annette couldn’t focus on Byleth’s lecture as she tried to adjust herself in this man’s lap. She kept her movements to a minimum, hoping to move his cock into a position that would be fine for both of them. Even if she didn’t know this man, as long as she didn’t look at him, it would make it less embarrassing somehow, right? Unfortunately for her plan, but fortunately for the stranger, the more she moved her rear end and adjusted herself in his lap the harder he became. And it quickly got to a point where she didn’t know if it would be smart for her to stay in his lap.

Without saying a word, Annette slowly raised her hand into the air to disrupt Byleth’s lecture. And when Byleth finally stopped talking and looked at her, the blush on Annette’s cheeks only grew deeper and darker, more obvious. “Um… Is there anywhere else for me to sit? I think I’m making it uncomfortable for this man… And I’d rather not--”

A quiet giggle leaving Byleth cut Annette off, the teacher shaking her head no in the process. “There’s nowhere else for you to sit unless you plan to sit in someone else’s lap instead. You might as well just stay there and try to focus. I’m already partway into the lecture and we’re on limited time, Annette. So, just do what you can.”

“R-Right…” A heavy breath left Annette as she leaned herself back, hoping that resting on him would make it easier for his cock to not strain against her body. Embarrassment and nervousness filled her to the point that she couldn’t even hear what Byleth was saying as she spoke. The only thing on the girl’s mind was the feeling of this stranger’s cock pressing against her body and just how hot it was, even when compared to the heat of the sauna. She bit down on her lower lip as she grabbed onto the bench and lifted herself up ever so slightly. Just enough for the cock to slide out from between her ass cheeks and flop against his thigh.

Unfortunately, in doing this, when she lowered herself back down, Annette only seemed to make things worse for the two of them. Not only was he harder than he was before, but she could feel his hard length pressing against her thighs and slipping toward her pussy through her sweat as he seemed to only grow more aroused. “I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean for this to happen…” She whispered, hoping that no one but him could hear her.

Of course, the man wasn’t the only one that could hear her. Right next to her, Ingrid glared at the man as Annette moved herself back and forth on his lap, hoping to make them comfortable. But she only saw it as him taking advantage of the situation and trying to get off using her body while she couldn’t argue it. She began to grit her teeth in anger, but didn’t say anything because it at least seemed like Annette was moving on her own, that he hadn’t put his hands on her yet.

Unfortunately, that only meant that Annette continued to move and grind herself against this man’s body. Her back was firmly pressed against his chest, her vibrant hair covering his face and resting against his shoulders, and her hands on either side of their body as she tried to keep the tip of his cock away from his skin. But she couldn't do anything as he stayed hard against her body, even when she lowered herself back down into his lap, his cock now poking between her dripping and sweaty thighs as she gave up on trying to get more comfortable.

Annette turned her head to look at the man, a couple of nervous tears stinging at her eyes. “I’m sorry… Please forgive me…” A gentle smile came to her lips when she watched him shrug his shoulders and turn his head the other way, at least making an effort to make things less embarrassing for the poor girl. Annette then turned her attention back toward Byleth to listen to the lecture, but was unable to do just that when she closed her legs together and felt his dick throb against her wet thighs. And at this point, with how she was sitting, it was resting directly against her pussy, almost like it was threatening to fill her in front of everyone.

Fortunately, it allowed Annette to find a single position for the two of them to sit without making it feel like she was bringing him pain. And that was a wonderful thing now. She could listen to Byleth’s lecture, even if she missed some of it. But as soon as she was comfortable, the man grabbed onto her hips and whispered something about needing to adjust her. Annette didn’t really catch it but understood he was moving her when his grip on her body tightened and he pulled her only an inch or two upward, separating her pussy and his incredibly hard cock.

Ingrid saw everything but couldn’t hear what either of them were saying. And when she saw this man grabbing onto Annette like he was, she couldn’t stay quiet anymore. “Byleth! I’m sorry to interrupt, but this asshole is trying to take advantage of Annette while everyone is listening to you. He’s using her kind nature against her and--”

“Ingrid!” Annette’s blush started to fade as she turned her head and looked at her classmate, shaking her head to try and stop her. “It’s okay. He isn’t doing anything other than trying to keep us comfortable. See? He’s already let me go.” Tilting her head down, everyone looked down to see that the man wasn’t holding onto her and had moved her just enough so that it didn’t look like he was trying to fuck her.

On the opposite side of Annette from Ingrid, Hilda couldn’t help but chuckle when she looked down and saw just how hard the man was between her legs. “Annette, just what were you doing to this man? He’s so hard. He’s probably going to get blue balls when we leave because of you.”

“B-Blue balls…?” Annette’s voice wavered at the word, unsure if she should believe Hilda or if she should just hope for the best and ignore her.

“It’s when a man goes unpleased but clearly teased. You leave him craving and wanting but don’t give him any. And it’s actually unhealthy for men. So, you might want to help him release somehow.” Hilda shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to Byleth. “Unless you want him to be in pain because of you.”

At that moment, Annette’s heart shuddered in her chest. She didn’t know what to do. Was it really her fault just for wanting to make sure they were both comfortable while the lecture happened? Would it be such a bad thing if she didn’t let this man release his desires? Would it cause her to have a poor reputation with the rest of the class if she let him use her body in front of everyone? All of these thoughts rushed through her head. But something inside of her, some part of her, wanted him to at least not be in pain because of her. And a moment later, she decided on just what to do.

Annette let out a gentle breath as she turned her head to face the man, purposefully and slowly lifting herself upward into the air, just enough for the tip of his shaft to press against the entrance to her pussy as she spoke. “I-If you need to…” Embarrassment began to fill her once again, causing her heart to race in her chest as she spoke to the man. “You can use my body to release if you need to… It’s… It’s my fault you’re like this, after all. It’s only fair…”

With the feeling of this man’s hands grabbing onto her slippery hips, Annette knew that he was going to use her body like she offered. And her heart raced in her chest as he slowly and carefully lowered her down onto his member. She gasped and bit down on her lower lip to keep herself from screaming as pain and pleasure filled her in equal measure. The feeling of his shaft filling and stretching her inner walls was more than she expected it would be. And when she finally connected with his lap once again, she couldn’t believe just how deep he felt inside of her.

Annette brought one of her hands to her stomach, feeling just how deep he was and gasping when she realized he was almost able to reach her womb in this position. Of course, she didn’t know how to react when she realized that, this being her first time having sex with anyone. Fortunately, this man was able to take charge and started to thrust upward into her. He lowered his hips and then thrust them back upward so his cock plunged into her time and time again.

Unfortunately, Annette was so focused on the feelings of bliss, pleasure, and pain that coursed through her that she failed to notice a solid portion of her classmates watching her take this stranger’s cock almost like it was made for her. They all watched her pussy take it at a slow and steady pace that the man set, all while her petite breasts rose with each heavy breath.

As soon as the pleasure started to fade away from her, Annette’s eyes began to roll in the back of her head, the onslaught of pure pleasure that filled her making her forget about everyone in the sauna. For now, it was just her and the stranger, her hands on his thighs and his hands on her hip, his cock plunging into her over and over again and forcing a few moans from her lips. But she couldn’t bring herself to care about that fact as her heart raced in her chest. Something about being in this kind of situation with a stranger, with someone whose name she didn’t even know, lit her up inside.

Though, the moment she opened her eyes again, Annette was filled with embarrassment and nervousness once again. She looked around the room to not only see that Byleth had stopped the lecture but that the entire class was watching her lithe body bounce on the dick that seemed to bury itself almost to her womb with each thrust. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should look away and just let this man do what he wanted. But as she noticed a few of her classmates masturbating, a deep and dark blush rose to her cheeks.

Bernadetta, Hilda, Leonie, and even Byleth herself were all teasing themselves as she got fucked in front of the class. All because she accidentally ground herself on this stranger’s lap and turned him on. But while her heart raced in her chest, embarrassment and desire filling her, Annette couldn’t stop herself from moaning and almost screaming as the pleasure started to reach and fill her mind. “Please don’t stare… Please stop…”

For a moment after she spoke, everything stopped. The man thrusting into her, her classmates and teacher teasing themselves, and even the embarrassment that she felt. All of it faded away from her mind. But once that moment was over, everything rushed to her mind once again and caused her to overload with pleasure and bliss. A stranger, voyeuristic enjoyment filled Annette as she began rocking her hips back and forth while this man thrust into her. All while she turned her head away from the class to look away from them.

Fortunately for her, the man catching her lips in a quick and heated kiss left her unable to hear Ingrid starting to complain to Byleth about this. It left her unable to shake the embarrassment and lust that filled every inch of her mind at this point. And it left her unable to really think about anything other than the dick that throbbed and pulsed against her inner walls, threatening to finally release like she had offered to let him do.

Before long Annette felt the man slam her down onto his lap, making sure that each and every inch of his shaft was buried as deep as he could manage into her snatch. And she couldn’t bring herself to struggle against him as he erupted inside of her, blasts of heat filling her core and making her shudder in pure and utter bliss in his lap. Her head leaned back as pleasure overtook her for a moment, erasing the embarrassment that she felt as she came right along with him.

Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around the man’s shaft as he came inside of her, instinctively and greedily trying to milk him of every drop of seed that she could manage. Loud, shameful, and blissful moans left Annette as she came right along with the man, gasping and squeezing tightly onto his body. Somewhere deep down in her core, Annette wanted more. She wanted the pleasure that coursed through her to last. She wanted the feeling of him cumming inside of her to persist and not fade away. And she wanted him to hold her tightly in his arms as he stole another kiss from her lips.

Unfortunately, Annette only got one of the things she wanted from him. The feeling of his arms wrapping around her body while his hands latched onto her breasts, their lips meeting for a deep and passionate kiss that he commanded in the same moment. Her heart fluttered in her chest as the embarrassment that filled her when she first sat in his lap started to return to her. And with the embarrassment filling her like it was, Annette couldn’t keep herself from carefully rising out of the man’s lap, forcing herself from his arms for a moment. “Um… I’m sorry for--”

Ingrid let out a heavy and annoyed sigh as she gestured to Byleth and then to Annette and the stranger that was here before them. “You see, Byleth? Annette’s too kind for her own good! Even after she got the man off like Hilda told her to, she’s still apologizing about things! She doesn’t deserve--”

“Shut up, Ingrid!~” Leonie huffed across the sauna as she stood up from her seat, gesturing to the annoyed girl with a deviant smile on her face. “You wanna sit here and bitch about Annette getting off with the man and enjoying herself, but you were over here masturbating just like the rest of us! If you’re going to try and make yourself out to be some kind of hero, you should at least act differently from the rest of us. I bet you’re actually just some bitch that wants to get fucked like she’s a toy.”

Annette turned her head to look at Ingrid, unsure of what to say about this. It all started because of her, and it was clear that she enjoyed herself. But to think something like that of Ingrid? To know that Ingrid was masturbating to seeing her get fucked? It was an odd thing to process. But it didn’t stop Annette’s blush from rising to her cheeks once again. “Ingrid… Were you really…?”


After everything that she had said to try and keep Annette from having to fuck this man, Ingrid didn’t expect that she’d be peer pressured by everyone, including Byleth, into bending over in front of him and offering herself to him. She didn’t say a word as she looked around the sauna to see the rest of her classmates looking at her and cheering for her to get fucked and put in her place. But she did gasp when the man grabbed onto her hips and pressed the tip of his member against the entrance to her pussy.

Deep down, Ingrid didn’t know if she wanted to be in the position that she was currently in or not. She knew that she only raised a fit in order to be put in her place and possibly have this man grab her when they were leaving. But to have him grabbing onto her while her entire class looked at her? Ingrid didn’t know if she wanted them to watch. But as he pushed his hips forward and buried each and every inch of his dick into her pussy, Ingrid couldn’t keep herself from gasping and moaning like a slut in heat.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he continued to slowly fill her with his shaft, stopping only when his hips met her rear end. And her heart raced in her chest when she realized that the entire class had fallen silent in order to hear the reaction that she would have when he was inside of her. Fortunately, she didn’t give them what they wanted, only gasping and biting down on her lower lip to try and stay quiet. At least, she tried to stay quiet when he wasn’t moving inside of her.

The instant that this stranger started to thrust his hips, rocking them back and forth, Ingrid couldn’t stop herself from moaning and almost screaming in pure and utter bliss. He moved one of his hands from her hips to her hair, yanking on her golden locks to lift up her head and make her look Byleth in the eyes. And for a moment, just a moment, she saw a look on her professor’s face that told her she was getting what she deserved. That look struck a cord in her heart, making Ingrid scream out in bliss as the man picked up the pace of his thrusts.

“I’m sorry, Byleth! I’m sorry, Annette! I’m sorry, Sir! I just… I just wanted--” A sharp and blissful gasp escaped Ingrid cutting her off, the feeling of the man’s other hand swatting at her plump rear end making her lower her head back down and start to lose herself to the pleasure. For a moment, she couldn’t remember what she was saying. She couldn’t remember anything but the pleasure that coursed through her. She couldn’t remember anything but the jealousy that filled her heart when she watched Annette take this man’s wonderful cock.

Though,after a moment of simply watching her get fucked, Ingrid moaned when she felt Byleth’s slender fingers caress her chin, causing the young blonde to look up at her professor. “B-Byleth…?”

“Why don’t you tell the class what you wanted, Ingrid?”

Ingrid’s heart sank into her stomach when she heard her professor talk to her like that. But she couldn’t help herself. The sheer bliss that rushed through her body prompted her to look around the room and meet everyone’s eyes before a gentle blush came to her cheeks. She bit down on her lower lip, hoping that she would be able to keep herself quiet and avoid spilling her desires to the class. But she was unable when she felt this stranger slap her sweat-covered ass once again, making her gasp and scream in bliss as her inner walls tightened around his shaft.

“I just wanted to be in Annette’s place! I wanted to take this man’s cock! I wanted to be put in my place and bent to this man’s desires! I wanted to be bred for him and carry his child! I want to be nothing more than a housewife who’s life is to just give birth over and over again! I just--” A loud and unashamed scream of pure and utter bliss cut Ingrid off, her eyes rolling into the back of her head once again, the man firmly grabbing her sweaty ass cheeks and playing with them making her slightly lose her mind to the bliss. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Byleth chuckled under her breath as she sat back in her spot, watching as her blonde student accepted what she wanted and vocalized it for the rest of the class. “This is the perfect example of being comfortable with yourself. Not only do you realize what you want in life, but you’re able to tell other people just what you want as well. Even if it’s something as… Simple… As wanting to be a housewife.”

A pause filled the room for a moment as Byleth looked around the sauna to see all of her class, even Annette, playing with themselves. “Now, if Ingrid still wants to be bred, I think she should be.”

“Please! I’m no good as a knight! I only deserve to be a housewife and mother...” Ingrid screamed out in pure bliss as the man slammed himself as deep as he could inside of her, throbbing and pulsing and ready to erupt into her womb. Fortunately for her, it seemed that her plea was heard, the blush on her cheeks growing darker as tears of joy stung at her eyes. A rush of almost addictive heat filled her core as the man came inside of her without any warning, causing her to shudder and tremble in his grip.

Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around the erupting member as it painted her inner walls a thick shade of white with his cum, her womb being filled to the brim with his seed in the process. Unfortunately, the pleasure didn’t last too long for Ingrid as the man pulled out of her and plopped himself back down in the seat that he was in before any of them arrived in the sauna. It seemed the heat and the pleasure was starting to get to him, but that didn’t stop Ingrid from turning around after her orgasm and wrapping her lips around his shaft.

She didn’t know what was going to happen from here. If she was going to be expelled for what she said, if the class was going to make fun of her, or if she was going to go home with this stranger. But, in the back of her mind, she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to Ingrid right now was the taste of his sweaty cock as Byleth reached over her and handed the man a vulnery.

The man grabbed the vulnery that was given to him and looked at Byleth with a bit of a curious gaze, causing the professor to let out another quiet laugh. “You think you’re going to put on a display like that and get away with it? You can’t just fuck two of my students and get the rest of us aroused like this. You have to impregnate the rest of us properly first. And maybe then, I’ll write up the papers to have Ingrid released from the school so she can be your loving housewife.”


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