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Grayfia continues to have fun with Issei and Motohama through the night.

A gentle smile came to Grayfia’s lips as she turned her attention to Motohama, looking the young man in the eyes while gesturing toward the bar. “Would you do me a favor and make me another drink before we take things any further? I’m getting thirsty and teasing you cute boys isn’t helping.~” Without waiting on him to get behind the bar, she found a seat beside Issei that allowed her to sit and wait on her new drink while she enjoyed the sight of these young men. Of course, with Motohama having tried to sneak a picture of her, he was on her shit list in the back of her mind. But Issei? Issei was a sweet boy that seemed to genuinely enjoy her presence and being with her.

Unfortunately, just as she was eying Issei, her gaze drifting up and down his body while he watched Motohama pour her drink, Grayfia heard the two of them chuckling. And she immediately turned her head to see Motohama pouring her beer from the tap. “Is something on your mind?”

“How about we have another bet? Double or nothing?”

The thought caused the smile that was on Grayfia’s lips to fade away for a moment. Double or nothing? Was Motohama that annoyed at the fact that he was wrong about her bust size? Was he that determined to get pictures of her to keep for himself, or maybe even share around? She wasn’t sure if she should allow another bet to happen, unsure if she wanted to even humor the idea since she was just out to have a night of fun.

But when Motohama brought her the beer that she asked for and carefully set it on the table next to her, she simply looked into his eyes and playfully licked her lips. “What do you want if you win? And what do I get if I win?”

Motohama stayed silent for a moment as he watched her bring the beer to her lips but not drink from it right away. “I screwed up by trying to sneak pictures of you. I should have at least asked. So, if we win this bet, we get to take pictures and record you for the night while we fuck you as much as we want, upping our win of being able to touch you. And if you win, I erase your tab from our system in the morning. You get to drink for free the entire night. Or until my parents come back tomorrow.”

The idea of not having to pay for her drinks was certainly tempting. Especially with just how much she knew that she would be drinking with just how hot and excited these boys were trying to make her feel. And, being able to stop them from taking pictures would be a good way to make sure no one found out about tonight. Though once she started drinking the beer Motohama brought her, Grayfia also knew that she wasn’t drunk enough to genuinely enjoy making love to these two if she ended up losing the bet.

“You’ve got yourself a deal. Last time must have just been a fluke for Issei’s luck. So, how about we make the game a bit more fair?” With one hand, Grayfia tilted her beer back and started to chug it right in front of the boys, unashamed of just how quickly she downed the beer. With the other hand, she gestured to the dart board that was across the room from them. “From here, whoever can hit a triple bullseye, or gets the closest to it, wins the double or nothing bet.”

As she set down her beer, she watched as the two boys shared a quick look and then nodded their heads. Right before Motohama made his way behind the bar to grab the darts for them to play with. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she was almost sure that she couldn’t lose something like this. She may be a little tipsy, but she was still a devil and had plenty of benefit going for her. She gently bit down on her lower lip as she threw all three of her darts, one after another.

Much to her pleasure, two darts hit the bullseye and one strayed slightly to the right, getting just far enough to not count as a triple but leave her pretty close and almost guaranteed to win their little bit. However, much to her disappointment and shock, the moment that Motohama pulled her darks from the board, Issei threw all of his at once with a strange sense of confidence. And that confidence paid off as all three of his darts hit the bullseye and none of them strayed from their target.

It was right at that moment that Grayfia knew his luck was no fluke. In the back of her mind, she knew that it didn’t matter if Issei was just that lucky or if he was just that skilled. He won both of their bets and had won the right to use her body as he pleased. However, she knew that she still wasn’t drunk enough to let the two of them have their way with her. A heavy sigh left Grayfia as she grabbed the mug that Motohama had brought her a moment ago, holding it out to him. “You two won the bet, there’s no denying that. Unfortunately, I’m not drunk enough to let two teenagers have their way with me yet. I’ll need a few more beers before I reach that point.~”

When Motohama took her glass from her, Grayfia turned her attention back to Issei. There was so much that she wanted to ask him. Like if he just didn’t know he was skilled at games like this, or if he was just that lucky, or if he was doing it just so he could have even more fun with her body. However, the only thing she was able to do was wrap her arms around his neck and pull him to her body, caressing his head against her breasts and letting out an almost unsatisfied sigh. “If only you were a bit older, Issei. You’d be a treat for any woman.”


It didn’t surprise Grayfia that, after her confession of not being drunk enough yet, Motohama brought her two mugs of beer to chug down so they could have their fun. She knew that he wasn’t trying to hurry her up so they could have their way with her but to instead get her comfortable with the idea of sleeping with them both. It warmed her heart a small bit that he would go from trying to sneak pictures to making sure she’s comfortable.

Fortunately for her, the boys were also more than willing to accommodate some of her niche fetishes in order to get her more hot and bothered. A lustful smile graced her lips as she held out one of her beers with one hand, watching as both of the boys stroked their shafts while pointed directly at it. All the while, she was downing the other beer and watching as they pushed themselves closer and closer to a climax. Her heart started to race in her chest as her gaze drifted back and forth between the two, watching as Issei had a slower and more deliberate pace to his stroking while Motohama seemed to have a quick and fervent pace. Almost like he just wanted to get it over with and see her drink his cum.

Grayfia playfully licked her lips just as both of the boys came in her mug of beer, an excited gasp leaving her at the sight of rope after rope of their seed plunging into her beer and even going as far as to stain the glass itself. Her heart continued to race as the boys pulled their dicks away from her glass, allowing her to drink it. And drink it she did. Grayfia didn’t hesitate to bring it to her lips and start swallowing each and every drop of her now cum-mixed beer. Nor did she care about the fact that some of the alcohol dripped out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin, dripping down onto her breasts until she fully downed the beer.

But once she pulled it away from her lips, Grayfia’s heart seemed to soar in her chest. The mixture of cum, alcohol, and excitement that filled her prompted her to almost immediately be okay with playing with both of the boys. Especially when she noticed Issei bringing his hands to her breasts to scoop up a bit of the alcohol that she missed onto his fingers. And with a smile on her face, Grayfia immediately popped Issei’s coated fingers into her mouth, playfully licking and suckling on them in order to get them clean.

When she popped his fingers out of her mouth a moment later, Grayfia kept a gentle hold on his hand while looking him in the eyes. “Since you’re the sweetest boy in this room, Issei, what would you like from me tonight?”

“W-Well…” Issei’s cheeks flared a dark shade of red as he looked into Grayfia’s eyes, a gaze of pure seduction and dominance looking back at him. “I-I want you to r-ride me while I get to stare at your tits.”

“Done.~” There was no hesitation as Grayfia grabbed a gentle hold of Issei’s body, pulling him around so that she could push him into the seat that she was just sitting in. And the moment that he hit the seat, she climbed herself into his lap, and wrapped one of her hands around the base of his throbbing shaft. She could tell just from the look in his eyes how excited he was to lose his virginity to someone like her. And she could also tell just how turned on he was by the way his dick throbbed and pulsed in her hand, a small bit of precum already leaking from his tip. “Take a breath, Issei. I’m not drunk enough yet to lose myself in front of the two of you, but I want you to enjoy this. I want you to be able to look back on this and love every second of it.~”

Grayfia playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she slowly and carefully lowered herself down onto Issei’s cock, gasping as the head pushed against her inner walls and slightly stretched them out. He wasn’t massive or even as big as her husband, he for someone his age, Issei certainly had nothing to complain about. Her lips curled into a loving smile as she looked into Issei’s eyes the moment her rear end connected with his thighs. “How’s it feel having given someone like me your virginity?~”


The word left Issei almost breathlessly and effortlessly, causing Grayfia’s heart to warm in her chest once again. He really was a sweet boy that simply wanted them all to enjoy the night they had together. She carefully wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in close enough to steal a gentle and loving kiss from his lips. The kind of kiss that clearly made Motohama jealous by the sound of his whining next to them. Fortunately, Grayfia was able to ignore Motohama as she focused solely on Issei for now. “You said you wanted to stare at my tits, right? Then how about I give someone as cute as you a bit of a show?~”

Without missing a beat, Grayfia brought both of her hands behind her head as she leaned back, giving Issei a wonderful view of her plump and shapely breasts that, surprisingly, had absolutely no sag to them. She immediately started to sway her chest from side to side as she bounced on his cock, watching as his eyes were completely locked on her breasts. And as she picked up the pace of her bouncing, working herself into a steady rhythm of riding his cock, Grayfia made sure to keep her breasts moving at the same pace, making them practically dance for him.

She didn’t shy away from making them bounce and heave in front of him, completely captivating him with the sight of her lovely breasts moving. Nor did she stop swaying them from side to side as she felt him throb against her inner walls, lighting her up inside and making her more excited for just what the night was going to possess for them. “How do you like my titty dance, Issei? My breasts are putting on a show just for you.~”

As she spoke, Grayfia brought one of her hands to Issei’s cheek to caress him and keep him looking at her breasts. She easily felt him getting closer and closer to his climax as she continued to bounce on his cock, so much so that she wondered if he would even be able to hold out long enough for her to stop him from cumming inside of her. However, when she saw a look of pure joy on his face, and a few tears stinging the corners of his eyes, something inside of her told her that it would be a much better experience for him to cum inside of her. “You’re such a sweet and caring boy, Issei. What do you say we make this special for you? I don’t want you to cum inside of me, but--”

Unfortunately, just as Grayfia was about to tell Issei to not cum inside of her, he did just that. His cock erupted against her inner walls and filled her to the brim with his seed. Rope after rope of his thick and hot seed flooded into her cunt, some of it even pouring into her womb as she impaled herself on every inch of his member once again. And the feeling of him cumming inside of her pushed Grayfia over the edge and into her orgasm.

Her inner walls clamped down almost like a vice around his cock as she stayed in place on his lap, her heart and mind both racing with how to get out of this situation. However, when she felt his hands gently glide along her skin from her hips to her breasts, she knew that scolding him wouldn’t do anything good for anyone in the room. So, instead, she smiled as she brought both of her hands to his cheeks, pulling him into yet another loving and gentle kiss. “You did great for your first time, Issei. Though, let’s see if you can last longer once I have some more beer in me. I want to let loose with you two, after all.~”

One glance at Motohama, and it was clear that she wanted more alcohol. Thankfully, he was quick on the uptake and rushed to pour her a few more glasses. “Such an obedient boy when he gets to have his way… I’ll have to keep that in mind.”


After a few minutes of downing drink after drink after drink, Grayfia finally felt herself slipping into that point of drunkenness where she could really let loose. She was still sober enough to remember anything that was going to happen tonight, and even to call things off if the boys tried to go too far, but she was finally at a point where she didn’t feel the need to hold back. And that was very clear as she strutted her way away from the bar, her hips swaying with each and every step that she took. All while both Issei and Motohama stared at her plump rear end.

When she got far enough away from the bar to be satisfied, Grayfia brought both of her hands to her ass cheeks and gave them a firm grab, forcing her fingers to sink into the soft skin of her ass cheeks. But she didn’t say a word to either of the young men before smacking her ass and making her cheeks jiggle for them both to see. Though, a quiet and seductive giggle did leave her as she turned herself around and lifted her right leg into the air a little bit. Just enough to be able to hook her right arm underneath her knees. And the moment that she had a firm hold on her leg, Grayfia hoisted her leg high enough in the air to perform a vertical split for the boys.

The clearly wet spot in her panties and the smile on her lipstick-stained lips clearly caught the boys’ attention, both of them getting hard once again just from simply looking at her do this. And the fact that they were as turned on as they were while simply watching her move lit something inside of Grayfia. Something that prompted her to spin around on her heel while leaving her other leg high in the air. Something that caused her to lower her leg while facing away from the boys until it was parallel to the ground. The moment it was, another giggle left her lips as she plucked the string on her panties, causing them to snap and fall to the floor and fully expose her ass to the two of them.

In the back of her mind, she could’ve sworn to hearing both of them gasp at the sight of her running her own underwear just to put on a show for them. But Grayfia didn’t have a single problem with that as she lowered her leg back to the ground, placing her foot against it and bringing both of her hands behind her back to undo her bra. Fortunately, she turned around in time to see Motohama getting closer to her just as she undid her bra, the fabric falling to the floor and revealing her breasts just in time for him to grab a firm hold of her waist. “Well, someone’s certainly eager after all that.~”

As she spoke, Grayfia found herself stepping back toward the wall as Motohama gently pushed her, clearly wanting to pin her against it as he had his way with her. And she didn’t stop him, even as he grabbed onto her thigh and began to lift her right leg in the air once again. Without saying a word, she knew exactly what he wanted from her and easily hoisted her leg into the air to do a vertical split once again right as her back connected with the wall Motohama wanted to fuck her against. “Don’t hold back now, Motohama.~”

Fortunately for her, that was exactly what Motohoma did. He didn’t hold back in the slightest as he plunged each and every inch of his hard cock deep into her tight pussy, bringing a moan from both of their lips. For just a moment, he remained still as he was buried inside of her, enjoying the feeling of her inner walls quivering and convulsing around his shaft. And once that moment was over, Motohama began to rock his hips back and forth inside of her, plunging his cock as deep as he could into Grayfia’s cunt.

Much to her surprise, Grayfia felt Motohama also wrap his lips around one of her breasts, suckling on her soft and full mound while he fucked her. With instinct and bliss running through her, she brought her hand to the back of his head and held him there as he sucked on her nipple, his tongue dancing around the hardening bud as he fucked her. “That’s a good boy. I didn’t think you’d be so good so young. But you two are just full of surprises, aren’t you?~” Grayfia playfully tangled her fingers into Motohama’s hair as she looked across the bar to see Issei looking at the two of them with pure jealousy on his face.

A gentle giggle rumbled in Grayfia’s throat as she watched him sugar and look at her like he wished he was in Motohama’s place. “Is something wrong, Issei? Are you jealous of your friend?~” She teasingly dragged her tongue along her lips as she watched him nod his head and take a step closer to them. However, she didn’t give him what he wanted, keeping herself pinning against the wall as Motohama hammered away at her pussy.

Grayfia simply watched as Issei tried harder and harder to control himself and not rush over and start fucking her with Motohama. It was only fair to his friend, after all. Issei had his chance to fuck her and now Grayfia was giving Motohama that same chance. Though, as she watched Issei stare lustfully at her body, something inside of her wanted to coddle to him and give him what he wanted. Something inside of her pushed her to gently get herself off of the wall without pushing Motohama off of her.

And once she was in a position where she could move freely, Grayfia moved the hand that was on the back of Motohama’s head to his side, keeping a firm hold on his hips as she bent herself over backward so that Issei could have access to her throat. “You’re being such a good boy, Issei. Come fuck my throat while Motohama enjoys the pussy you just finished filling with your cum.~”

Grayfia’s heart raced in her chest as she faced away from the wall now, having Motohama’s back toward it as she watched Issei step closer and closer to her. It was so cute to hear that he was able to get jealous of his friend after having just fucked her, but it was that cuteness that prompted her to give in and let Issei have his way with her one again. And when his cock was right in front of her face, she didn’t say a word to him. Grayfia simply looked into his eyes before pressing a gentle kiss against the head of his member and playfully swirling her tongue around it.

As she was swirling her tongue around the head of Issei’s member, the pleasure that coursed through her prompted her to lean herself forward and take the first few inches of Issei’s dick into her mouth. Grayfia smiled as she brought one of her hands to her throat, spreading her fingers around it to accentuate how it looked to have his dick buried in her mouth. Her inner walls clamped down a little bit around Motohama’s shaft when Issei reached both of his hands down and started to play with her breasts, kneading and teasing the soft mounds at first.

However, once Issei started to work himself into a rhythm that matched Motohama’s, Grayfia found herself being swamped by a sense of pleasure that she hadn’t felt in ages. The fact that she had two boys pining for her body, two boys fucking her and playing with her at the same time, and two cocks stuffing her holes in unison. All of it lit something inside of her and flipped a switch that she absolutely loved. The sense of pleasure that these two filled her with was unlike anything that her husband had managed to bring her on his own.

Of course, the fact that Issei continued to play with her breasts and maul at them as he fucked her throat seemed to spark something else inside of Grayfia. The feeling of his fingers sinking into the soft skin of her tits as he plowed into her throat with the same intensity that Motohama had with her pussy caused her heart to skip a few excited beats in her chest. Instinctively, she reached both of her arms around Issei’s body and held on tightly to his hips, making it so that he couldn’t pull back too far from her throat, incidentally making it so he didn’t pull back far enough to let her properly breathe.

But that only excited the devil more as she began to rock her hips ever so slightly in time with Motohama’s thrusts, chasing the pleasure that they were bringing her. She didn’t want it to end, nor did she want them to stop fucking her body like they were. Fortunately, by the way Issei grabbed onto her body and thrust into her throat like there was no tomorrow, it didn’t seem like either of them were going to stop anytime soon.

Grayfia’s eyes began to roll into the back of her head as she coiled her tongue around Issei’s member, sucking him off as he reached deep into her throat and filled her neck with each thrust. All the while, she could feel Motohama’s hands reaching underneath her and playing with her supple and round ass cheeks, both of the boys now playing with a part of her body while ravaging her together.

Before she knew it, Grayfia found herself hoping that both of the boys would fill her cunt together. That she wouldn’t be able to leave the bar without dripping their cum all over the floor. And as that thought surged through her mind, her inner walls greedily clamped down around Motohama’s member as he thrust into her. She also swallowed around Issei’s shaft, keeping her throat as tight as she possibly could around him. She wanted both of the boys to cum, and she wanted them to cum right then and there, wanting them to claim her body for themselves.

Fortunately, with how tight she just became, that’s exactly what both of them did. Issei groaned as he unloaded in her throat, keeping himself as buried in her throat as he possibly could. Rope after rope of his thick, delicious, and heated spunk flooded into Grayfia’s mouth and throat as Motohama unloaded inside of her ass well. Loud, audible, and excited gulps filled the room around them as Grayfia did her best to swallow down Issei’s seed while Motohama filled her womb. Her own orgasm rushed through her in the same moment that she felt him paint her inner walls a thick shade of white with his seed, her pussy clamping down around his member and attempting to greedily milk him of even more cum.

Unfortunately, both of the boys managed themselves from Grayfia’s grip as she was still swallowing down Issei’s cum, a rope of two of his spunk splattering against her face as Motohama coated her thighs. But she didn’t complain about them not cumming inside of her, knowing that this was just another way for the boys to claim her as their own. However, when she adjusted herself to stand up straight and look at the two of them, Grayfia couldn’t help but lick her cum-covered lips clean in front of the two boys before swallowing that bit of cum down. “I hope you two aren’t done yet. I want a few more drinks. And I want each one to have your cum in them.~”

Of course, both of the boys were more than eager to give her what she wanted at this point, Motohama running behind the bar as she turned her attention to Issei. “Now, while I wait on my drinks, how about you give me something else to swallow?~”


An hour and about ten drinks later, Grayfia found herself in Issei’s lap once again with a bright smile on her face. She happily bounced on his cock as she had both of her breasts in her hands, playing with them and kneading them as she rode his dick in front of Motohama. Though it still annoyed her, she allowed him to record her riding Issei’s dick after having a few more drinks, a bright smile on her face as she screamed her pleasure loud enough for the world to hear. “Fuck! I know I wanted to tease you boys when I got in here, but I didn’t think your dicks would feel as good as they do! I didn’t think Issei’s would reach my womb so easily!~”

Grayfia bit down on her lower lip as she accepted each and every ounce of pleasure that coursed through her, loving the way that Motohama gasped and moaned beside her. For reasons beyond her current understanding, something about having the young boy record her also lit her up inside. Something about him moving the camera along her voluptuous body as she took his friend’s dick inside of her over and over again caused the pleasure that she felt to be even stronger than it was before he brought out the camera.

Whatever the reason for it was, Grayfia didn’t have a problem with it as Motohama reached his hands out and started to play with her breasts while recording her. The young man even went as far as to suck on her breasts as she tended to Issei’s cock. It was a little odd in her mind that Issei was just sitting back and staring and not playing with her breasts, but she couldn’t bring herself to care as nothing but pleasure and bliss filled her body. At least, not until she felt Motohama bite down on her nipple and give it a gentle tug. The mixture of pain and pleasure that rushed through her prompted her to grab onto the back of Issei’s head and bring his lips to her breast. “Bite my nipple, Issei. Bite it and pull on it. And I’ll let you cum inside of me again.~”

Of course, with that being the reward for him doing something so simple, that’s exactly what Issei did. The feeling of his teeth clamping down around her nipple caused Grayfia’s pleasure to skyrocket. Her inner walls blissfully clamped down around Issei’s cock as she continued to ride him. “Oh gods… Oh fuck… You two are much better lovers than I gave you credit for. You two… I fucking love your cocks. Don’t you dare stop fucking me until you’re unable to cum anymore, got it? I don’t care if you record me anymore. Just don’t stop giving me your cum.~”

Almost right on queue, Issei gave her exactly what she wanted from him. He bit down on her nipple once again, tugging it in the same moment that he came inside of her. Pleasure and pain filled Grayfia in equal measure, causing her to scream out in pure and utter bliss as the pain that surged through her started to enhance the pleasure that she felt. Her inner walls clamped down around his shaft as he erupted inside of her, greedily trying to milk Issei of every drop of cum that she possibly could.

It didn’t matter to her that he was filling her womb once again, Grayfia knew that she wasn’t going to end up pregnant from this. Unfortunately, due to just how much she had been drinking, she wasn’t sure just why she knew that, or if she was even right. But it still didn’t matter to her as she came right along with Issei, moaning like a slut in heat as she accepted every drop of his seed into her womb.

Grayfia’s breath hitched in her throat when she felt Motohama grab onto her ass cheeks, making her turn her head to look at him. But instead of complaining to him or telling him to stop, she simply bit down on her lower lip and looked him in the eyes, silently telling him that she wanted more. More of his hands on her ass that he was happy to provide, groping and mauling at her supple ass cheeks while she carefully pulled herself out of Issei’s lap. “Don’t let go of me, Motohama.~”


Grayfia wasn’t sure how long it had been since she came while riding Issei’s cock. Thirty minutes? An hour? Ten minutes? She didn’t know at this point. And with the position she was in, she couldn’t bring herself to care either. Issei straddled her shoulders as she laid on her back on the floor, his cock between her breasts and his balls hovering over her face. All while Motohama was on the other side of her body, his cock pressing against her asshole and slowly forcing its way into her.

Grayfia’s heart raced in her chest as she relished in the feeling of Issei’s throbbing member between her tits and the way Motohama’s shaft stretched out her inner walls. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning up a storm underneath the boy as he groped and played with her breasts while fucking them. The feeling of his fingers pinching her nipples and tugging on them as he fucked her cleavage lit her up inside. And with the way Motohama worked himself into a rhythm that allowed him to hammer away at her asshole only caused her moans to grow louder and louder.

Her anal walls quivered and spasmed around Motohama’s shaft as the pleasure of having them both use her started to get to her once again. Grayfia’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she stuck her tongue out of her mouth and began to lick and tease Issei’s balls while he continued to abuse and ravage her breasts. Much to her surprise and excitement, the feeling of her tongue dancing around his heavy and full balls only seemed to excite him even further, heavier moans leaving Issei as the pace of his thrusts increased.

On the other hand, Motohama seemed more than content to be between her legs with one of her thighs in one hand and the other hand holding his camera. He continued to record her as they both ravaged her body and had their way with her now that she was drunk enough to not care. “You have such a wonderful body, Miss Grayfia. It’s too bad you can’t come back another night and we can do this all over again.”

Grayfia chuckled underneath Issei at the thought of coming back for more. In her current mood, with this amount of pleasure running through her, it seemed like such a wonderful idea. Like something she would have to do no matter what. But instead of answering Motohama, she instead wrapped her arms around Issei’s thighs and pulled him close enough to place a few gentle and affectionate kisses against his ass cheeks. “As long as you boys keep cumming in and on me, I don’t plan to leave.~”

Issei’s heart skipped a beat in his chest at the feeling of Grayfia toying with his ass. He didn’t know if he should stop her or let her have her way with her rear end like she was trying to. But as her tongue danced from his ass cheeks to his balls and then back, it didn’t seem like it was worth stopping her. Especially when the feeling of her tongue tracing along her body like it was caused his cock to throb and pulse between her breasts, pushing him closer and closer to his orgasm by the moment.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one getting close to cumming. Both Grayfia and Motohama were on the edge of their orgasms, and all three of them were unashamed in the way they moaned and pushed each other to their limits. Grayfia’s anal walls clamped down tightly around the cock that plunged into her while she continued to do her best to bring Issei as much pleasure as she could. On top of that, the fact that she was being recorded again caused the pleasure that she felt to be even more intense than it usually was.

Hot and heavy gasps left Grayfia when she reached the peak of her pleasure first before the boys, her anal walls clamping down like a vice around Motohama’s shaft as she wrapped her lips around Issei’s balls and instinctively sucked on them to avoid from screaming in pure bliss. Her body shuddered and quivered underneath them as they continued to rock themselves back and forth and fuck her on the floor.

Fortunately, it didn’t take either one of the boys long to reach their peak as well. Issei came almost right away from the feeling of her tongue dancing around his balls as he throbbed between her breasts. Rope after rope of his thick and hot sum splattered along her stomach and in her cleavage as he blew his load. But instead of simply cumming on her and leaving it at that, Issei pulled himself back and pushed the tip of his shaft into Grayfia’s mouth. And he was immediately satisfied when her saw and heard her gulping down each and every drop of his cum that he filled her mouth with.

Of course, Motohama reached his peak right along with Issei. And he didn’t hesitate to pull out of her asshole and stroke himself to completion above her stomach. He quickly pointed his camera at Grayfia’s face as she dutifully sucked Issei off and took him into her mouth again, being unafraid to cum on her stomach and against the underside of her breasts, panting and moaning all the while. Unfortunately, he felt spent as he pulled away from her, watching as Issei popped his cock out from between her lips and slapped it down against her face. “Issei…”

“I know we won the bet and all, but thank you for letting us do this, Miss Grayfia. This has been the best night of my life!” A bright smile came to Issei’s lips as he made his way behind Grayfia, getting in the same position that Motohama was in before he moved. Without missing a beat, he grabbed onto her body and carefully rolled her over in place until she was on her hands and knees, her plump rear end pointing directly at him.

“That’s wonderful, Issei. You’re helping me have a fantastic night as well. I can’t wait to see what you do with me next.~” Grayfia teasingly licked her lips again as she playfully swayed her plump rear end back and forth in front of Issei. She knew what he wanted, but she didn’t know if he would fuck her ass or her pussy. In the back of her mind, she knew that he would try to claim her cunt again, knowing just how much he enjoyed it when she was riding him.

But when he leaned over her and roughly grabbed onto her breasts, Grayfia couldn’t stop herself from gasping and almost screaming in bliss. All while his cock dragged along her inner walls and his tip and threatened to plunge into her cunt in this position. Her soft lips curled into a gentle smile as she pushed her hips back, forcing the first few inches of his member into her pussy. And much to her pleasure, Grayfia felt ISsei meet her movement and thrust into her without a moment of hesitation.

From there, he quickly plunged himself as deep as he could into her with each and every thrust. And from the way he held her breasts, the way his fingers sank into her soft skin, and the way he huffed and grunted in her ear, some part of Grayfia thought that the two of them were made for each other. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt him throbbing against her inner walls, relishing in the feeling of him reaching deep and stretching her inner walls to the shape of his shaft with each thrust. “That’s the way, Issei! Just like that. Fuck me like you mean it! Fill me with your dick and your cum!~”

Grayfia’s eyes blissfully rolled into the back of her head as Issei picked up the pace of his thrusts, slamming into her as deeply and roughly as he could manage from this position. But when his tip didn’t reach her womb with each thrust, Grayfia didn’t mind one bit thanks to the way he was mauling and toying with her breasts. With just how roughly Issei was groping her soft mounds and toying with them, the fact that he didn’t reach too deep inside of her didn’t even cross her mind. The only thing to rush through her mind was the pleasure that Issei was bringing her. Especially when her arms gave out on her and her cheek crashed against the floor, Issei following her body and hammering into her from above now.

Of course, since he wasn’t participating in the fun right now, Motohama took it upon himself to record Grayfia and get a good look at her face as she was enraptured in pure and utter pleasure. He moved around her body until he was able to see her face, his cock hardening as he watched her eyes flutter shut and her tongue roll out of her mouth. Motohama couldn’t stop himself from chuckling under his breath as he adjusted the camera to look under her body, seeing the way that Issei was absolutely toying with and mauling at her chest like her breasts simply belonged to him.

Fortunately, Motohama was able to position the camera perfectly to see Issei’s shaft plunging deep into Grayfia’s pussy over and over again. The view was perfectly on her pussy, capturing her taking each and every inch of Issei’s member with each thrust he made. Thankfully, he was also able to capture the sounds of Grayfia’s pleasure filling the room around them, her moans and screams of bliss getting louder and louder by the moment. “Fucking hell, Issei… She’s loving your cock. I wonder if she’s fallen in love with you.”

Unfortunately, so lost in her pleasure, Grayfia wasn’t able to deny the insinuation that she was in love with Issei. Nor did it seem like a lie as her inner walls clamped down around his shaft when she suddenly came before him. A loud, shameless, and blissful scream erupted from Grayfia’s throat as she came around his shaft, squirting down onto the floor and almost onto the camera right before Issei reached his peak as well.

The feeling of Grayfia’s inner walls clamping down around his shaft like this pushed Issei over the edge and into his orgasm. Grabbing tightly onto her breasts, his fingers sinking into her soft skin, he grunted as he reached his peak and came inside of her right again. Rope after rope of his thick, potent, and hot spunk flooded her inner walls and poured into her womb as he slammed himself as deep into her as he could in this position.

Fortunately, it seemed that both of them were more than happy with this as some of Issei’s cum started to drip and leak out of Grayfia’s pussy, dripping right next to the camera and Motohama’s hand. But no one said a word for a moment until Issei pulled himself back and out of Grayfia’s tight and spasming cunt. Where she was the first one to speak up.

Grayfia giggled as she rolled over onto her back to get another look at Issei, reaching out and tenderly stroking his cock while pulling him close enough to plant a gentle kiss against his lips. “You’re such a sweet boy, Issei. Thank you for reminding me what it’s like to be loved by someone so kind and gentle.” With a smile on her lips, Grayfia began to share kiss after kiss with Issei, bringing one hand to the back of his head while keeping the other wrapped around his still-rigid shaft.


Despite just how much she drank and how much fun she had, there was a point as the sun rose that she began to feel a bit sober once again. Drunk enough still to have had a blast with the two boys and walk out of the bar without a single scrap of clothing on, but sober enough to remember that she had to come back and put her foot down to avoid letting them spread the recording they took. And as she stepped out of the bar, Grayfia couldn’t stop herself from giggling at the feeling of their cum dripping down her thighs and down to her feet.

She stopped at the door with her clothes in one hand, turning around and giving Issei and Motohama one last look at her breasts and her fantastic body. She was covered from head to toe in sweat and their cum, and it was a perfect excuse for her to not put her clothes on and cover up. Fortunately, as she turned her head from side to side, she didn’t see anyone walking around the streets that could see her. “I’ll be back later, boys! I know I let you record our fun through the night, but I can’t risk you spreading things and getting me caught cheating with two boys like that.”

Grayfia giggled as she got one last look at them, a completely spent Issei leaning his head back and holding his hand in the air with a thumbs up. She playfully licked her lips one last time as she turned around and started to make her way down the street, happily swaying her hips with each and every step she took.


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