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Ursula asks for Akko’s help in her hypnotism demonstration for the class.

Being taught a class on hypnotism felt a little bit odd to Akko when she sat down at her desk. Everyone in the school knew the basic concept and what it could do to people if it was actually true, but something about that knowledge told her that it was simply something that shouldn’t be taught in classes. At least, that was what went through her mind until she caught Ursula’s eye and noticed a slight smile come to her teacher’s lips.

“Akko, I would like your help with my demonstration for today’s class. Please come up here.” Ursula thought about which student she should pick for this class and who she should humiliate in front of everyone else. But when her gaze met Akko’s, she knew that she had made the perfect choice in a victim. Especially when her poor student got up from her desk with an unsuspecting smile on her face. And when Akko got to the front of the class, Ursula’s smile only grew before she addressed the class. “Today’s class is going to be a bit different than usual. Instead of explaining to you how hypnotism works, like I’m sure some of you were hoping for, I’m going to show you the repercussions of using it and how it can affect, and even ruin, someone’s life if used wrong.”

Akko’s heart skipped a beat in her chest when she heard that. Being called to help demonstrate was one thing, but to be the one demonstrated on for something that could ruin someone’s life? Her cheeks immediately flared at the dozens of thoughts that rushed through her mind at the same time. “Um… What exactly are you going to be using me to demonstrate?”

“Oh, that’s the easy part, Akko.”

With a snap of Ursula’s fingers, Akko felt every ounce of strength in her body suddenly vanish. She didn’t fall over and she didn’t feel like she was going to, but it felt like her mind’s control over her body simply wasn’t there anymore. And that something else had replaced it. Her heart sank in her chest when she realized that she was already under her teacher’s hypnosis and had no say from here on out. “Um… Professor…?”

“Now class, be sure to keep in mind that someone under your hypnosis will do anything you command of them. Even if they would never do it on their own. It may take a little bit of extra time if it’s something that goes against their very core. But any command you give will be followed. For example: Akko, would you be a dear for me and undress in front of the class?”

Akko’s eyes widened at the question that rung through her mind. The command grew louder and louder by the second as she looked out to the class, hoping that someone would try and stop this from happening. But when no one moved, her body began moving on its own. She was completely unable to stop herself from tugging at her own clothing, pulling her school uniform off of her body and dropping it on the floor next to her, leaving her in just a pair of panties and a matching bra. And for a moment, just a moment, when her body stopped moving, Akko thought that things were done. That she had followed her command and didn’t need to do anything else.

“All the way, dear. Lose the underwear.”

Almost immediately, Akko’s cheeks flared a deep shade of red as embarrassment coursed through her. She had no control over herself as she unclasped her bra and dropped it into the pile of clothes that were at her feet. She could close her eyes and try to look away from the class, but she knew that it didn’t stop any of them from seeing her. Especially when she heard a few of the students she didn’t talk to too much giggling and laughing at her. And that only caused the embarrassment and humiliation that she felt to flare up even more as she bent over and pulled her panties down to her ankles.

When she slowly rose back up to stand up straight, Akko’s body didn’t bother to cover herself, leaving her completely exposed to the class as Ursula clapped behind her. The applause almost made her heart skip a beat, the feeling of being praised for something so embarrassing that she had no control over not sitting well with her. And that was when she felt Ursula’s hand suddenly meet her ass cheeks, forcing a quiet and shocked yelp from Akko’s lips.

“Something to keep in mind, class, is that you can issue orders to someone that can affect their entire life. Orders that don’t have a clear ending can last forever. Like if I tell Akko here to never wear clothes again, she’ll never be able to wear clothes again.”

In the back of her mind, Akko felt a small bit of peace at the fact that the words weren’t bouncing around in her head like the order to undress did. Maybe, just maybe, she was able to avoid having that order placed on her because it was an example. That’s what she thought, and hoped for, until she felt Ursula’s grip on her ass cheek growing a bit tighter. “Miss Ursula…?”

Ursula didn’t hesitate to turn her attention directly to Akko and look the poor girl in the eyes. The faint, almost invisible, smile on her lips couldn’t be seen by anyone but her poor, humiliated student. But she didn’t wait to grab onto her ass cheeks even tighter before speaking again. “So, Akko. I order you to never wear clothing again. Whether it’s fancy robes for a party or rages that you find out in the streets. You’re never to cover yourself ag--”

Before she could finish, a student raised her hand into the air, prompting Ursula to turn her attention from Akko’s face and unfortunately miss the tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Yes?

“What you said earlier about the one under hypnosis having to do things they never wanted to do. I thought that was a myth?”

“Every myth has a small bit of truth in it. Unfortunately for those that get hypnotized by the wrong person, that myth is completely true. And I know the perfect way to demonstrate that.” Ursula turned her attention back to Akko before letting go of her plump rear end. “Be honest with me, Akko. You’d never masturbate in front of your friends and fellow students, would you? Are you even the type to masturbate at all?”

The words “tell me the truth” rung through Akko’s head before she quickly shook it, silently telling the truth and denying that she would ever do such a thing.

“Good. Then you following my next order will prove the myth is a fact. I want you to masturbate in front of the class.”

Akko’s eyes immediately shot open in both fear and anticipation for what was going to happen. At first, her body didn’t move. She didn’t even budge an inch as the order started to bounce around in her mind. But the anticipation for what was going to happen and just who was going to see caused her cheeks to flare up a deep shade of red. And the moment that embarrassment started to ring through her mind was the moment that her body started to move on its own. Akko’s heart raced in her chest when she grabbed the top of Ursula’s desk and climbed her way onto it, spreading her legs without any hesitation. “Please, Ursula! Please, I don’t want to do this!”

Without missing a beat, Akko brought two of her fingers to her lips and started to gently suck on them as she closed her eyes to avoid looking at everyone in the class. Unfortunately, it did nothing to stop her from hearing the “Oooh”s and the “Aah”s that filled the room watching her do something like this. It was clear from the confession earlier that she wasn’t the type to masturbate at all, let alone in front of someone, and that caused the humiliation that coursed through her to feel even more prominent than when she was told to undress.

However, when she pushed two of her fingers deep into her cunt and began pumping them back and forth inside of her, everything around Akko seemed to stop. Not only did the world around her seem to slow down, but the pleasure that suddenly spiked through her body seemed to vanish for an instant. An instant that was filled with nothing but despair and regret for agreeing to come to the front of the class and help Ursula demonstrate hypnotism. Once that moment was over, the pleasure that she felt from fingering herself began to build in her core.

Unfortunately, Ursula wasn’t satisfied with Akko simply masturbating in front of the class. The embarrassment and humiliation that she felt were written all over her face, but the moans that were spilling from her lips as she fingered herself made it seem like she was somehow enjoying this. Of course, she knew that it was only because the order didn’t tell her to not feel pleasure, so Akko didn’t have a choice in the matter. But, that’s when something devious and twisted came to Ursula’s mind. If she didn’t tell Akko not to feel pleasure anymore, she could just as easily command the girl to never be able to cum no matter the circumstances.

The unwanted pleasure that surged through Akko could be heard by the entire classroom as she brought one of her hands to her small chest, playing with her breast as she fingered herself in front of everyone. She did her best to bite down on her lower lip and quiet herself, hoping that it would prove she didn’t want to do this and that she wanted help getting out of this situation. Unfortunately, no one came to Akko’s help. Everyone simply sat there and watched her masturbate in front of them, even as she pushed a third finger into her pussy and began picking up the pace that she plunged said fingers inside of herself.

Fortunately for Akko, this order at least had an ending for it when she came. She would have succeeded in masturbating for the class and that command would be done. Maybe then she’d be able to get out of this and go back to her seat. Unfortunately, just as she was about to reach her peak, her inner walls clamping down around her fingers, Ursula cleared her throat to give another order.

“Akko, you’re not allowed to cum. Not now, not ever.”

Before Akko could even process that order that was just told to her, her hands stopped moving. Everything that could bring her pleasure and push her over the edge and into an orgasm halted and didn’t seem like it was going to start back up again. She sat on the table, whining when she realized that Ursula was looking at her with a devious smile on her face. “W-What do you mean I can’t have… W-Why would you--”

“Since my last order got interrupted, I’m not entirely sure it stuck. I want to test things out while continuing to prove that you have no control over yourself, even if the order is something you don’t want to do.” Ursula looked around the classroom to see if there was a student that could help her out with further demonstrating. Fortunately, she saw a young man that was about twice Akko’s size sitting at his desk with a clearly excited, and turned on, look on his face. “Would you mind picking up Akko’s panties and putting them on her before you come here and breed her in front of the class?”

“B-Breed?! Am I just some livestock now?!” Akko’s heart raced in her chest as the student that Ursula was looking at got up out of his desk and made his way toward the front of the room. She didn’t know where this was going to go and how far things would go from here. But she did know that she wasn’t going to like it. Especially when her middle and ring fingers spread her pussy lips for the young man without her control over them. Anxiousness and nervousness filled her in spades as the young man picked up her underwear and got closer to her, clearly going to try and put them on her again.

However, something in Akko’s mind forced her to kick her panties away and out of the student’s hands. Prompting her to realize that Ursula’s order to never wear anything again actually stuck, even though it was interrupted. However, that realization caused her to be distracted long enough for the young man to grab onto both of her thighs and spread her legs enough for him to fit between her. “P-Please… I don’t want you to-”

“I’m just helping Ursula with her demonstration. Blame her if you want. But this isn’t on me.”

Akko’s heart sank into her chest as he pushed his hips forward and swiftly buried each and every inch of his cock into her pussy. But before she could even scream out in pain or pleasure, the student began thrusting into her over and over again,a actively fucking her in front of the rest of the class without saying another word to her. Her cheeks flared into a deep shade of red as he continued to thrust into her, her eyes glistening over as her embarrassment and anxiety reached the highest it had since she first stepped up to help Ursula at the start of class. Unfortunately, a single order from Ursula caused those feelings of dread that coursed through her to amplify even more.

“Akko, you shouldn’t be so crude. If he’s going to impregnate you in front of the class, you should give him a kiss, right? Make him feel like he’s doing a good job. I’m disappointed that you need to be ordered just to be a carrying partner.”

Akko’s heart quickened in her chest when she realized just what the order meant for her. Her body reacted without her giving any sort of consent, her arms wrapping around the young man’s neck as she leaned in and caught his lips in a few heavy and passionate kisses. The kind of affection she didn’t think she’d ever be giving anyone, even the person who she married in the future. But here she was, her heart aching, her mind racing, and her body accepting every ounce of pleasure that was forced into it despite the fact that she was now unable to cum for the rest of her life.

Deep down, she couldn’t believe that things had taken the kind of turn that they did. But as the student picked up the pace of his thrusts and the rhythm he had worked himself into started to wane, something in the back of Akko’s mind told her that things were only going to get worse from here. That he was getting closer to cumming inside of her and actually impregnating her in the front of the class. And all she could do, despite hating every single second of this class, was make out with the student like he was the best thing to ever happen in her life.

Anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and pain all echoed in akko’s heart as this young man fucked her without a care in the world in front of her friends and the rest of their class. All because her teacher wanted to use her for a hypnosis demonstration and didn’t even give her a chance to say no before placing her first order on the young girl. Tears welled up in Akko’s eyes and almost immediately started to fall at the sound of the young man grunting and moaning against her mouth, clearly at the edge of his orgasm.

Unfortunately, Akko knew that feeling better than anyone at this point, her body always on the verge of reaching a climax but never being able to get there. And when the student volunteered to breed her came inside of her, that feeling only grew all the more familiar in her mind. Her inner walls instinctively clamped down like a vice around his cock as he hammered away at her womb, cumming inside of her and almost guaranteeing a pregnancy. All while she was unable to reach her peak because of Ursula’s order.

Tears continued to fall down Akko’s cheeks as the young man came inside of her, her mind racing with worry while her heart ached. Thankfully for her, the student wasn’t afraid to pull out of her and slap his cock down against her pussy a few times before taking a step back. Unfortunately, he also wasn’t afraid to grab onto the back of her head and start stealing kiss after kiss after kiss from her before making his way back to his desk.

“You see now, class? Any order you give is absolute. It doesn’t matter if you want to follow the order or if you despise it. You will do as you're told. And some things can never be undone. But that’s why I’m going to teach you how to--” As she was speaking, Ursula was cut off by the school’s bell ringing around them, signalling the end of class. “I suppose it’ll need to wait for the next time we see each other. Until then, stay safe. You wouldn’t want to end up like Akko.~”

With all of her temporary orders finished, Akko finally felt the pleasure that was coursing through her fading away. But she was unable to do a thing about it as she continued to cry at the front of the classroom, bringing both of her hands to her face to try and hide her embarrassment and shame.


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