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Being the guardian of the Azure in this world, Es had only one duty. To guide the souls that enter this space away and only let one person through. The one who was deemed worthy of opening the way behind her. So, it was no surprise to her to see a few random and wandering souls popping up and vanishing from her sight as they tried to find their way around. More often than not, Es found herself able to ignore most of them, understanding the moment they came to her attention that they were not here of their own choice.

However, there was one soul, in particular, that seemed to show up in front of the gateway before disappearing entirely. But whenever it would come back, there was a strange pressure about it. A strange feeling that caused her spine to tingle when she looked at it. She was unable to see the soul’s true form, only seeing a vague shadow that seemed to become a beast before slowly turning into a human once again.

Having had enough of seeing this soul appear in her space unwarranted, Es knew that she had to drive it away. That she had to put this desperate soul in its place and do her duty. But when she approached it this time, the soul disappeared from her senses almost right away. And all she could see was a dark blue form with green sparks traveling along it. Unfortunately, before she was able to move and try to step away from the beast before her, preparing to fight, Es found herself suddenly forced onto her back.

A strong, powerful hand held tightly onto her neck as another latched onto her breasts. Still, she was unable to see and process just what was holding her down or what this soul was attempting to do to her. But she knew that it wasn’t something good. That it was something that would leave her unworthy of being the protector of the Azure. Unfortunately, Es was unable to fight back against the beast that held her to the ground as the hand that latched onto her breast began to claw away at her clothing, leaving her nude in a matter of moments.

And just as Es realized what was happening, what was going to happen to her when this beast was satisfied, the gate that usually stayed behind her was no longer there. She was left in a sea of white. A sea of nothingness and emptiness. A sea that turned black with pain and fear the moment she felt something hard and throbbing press against the entrance to her pussy. Unable to say anything with this hand wrapped around her neck, she did her best to kick and pry herself away from the monster that held her down and was about to violate her.

Unfortunately, Es was unable to do anything at the beast’s shaft slowly and painfully forced its way into her cunt. She couldn’t even scream out in pain as the beast’s grip on her neck tightened in response to her inner walls trying to tighten and keep him from penetrating her. Anything she could do to keep him out, she was going to. But, it seemed like nothing was going to stop this beast.

One flick of his wrist and Es felt her head forced back, a sharp gasp leaving her for a moment as her body reacted to the sudden pain and loosened up around him. And much to her dismay, the beast fully penetrated her in less than a moment. The pain of being filled to the brim with something as massive as the cock inside of her caused tears to come to her eyes. Sadly, the pain that she felt only grew worse as he began thrusting inside of her, rocking his hips back and forth and forcing his member to grind and rub against her inner walls in a way she didn’t want.

Lack of oxygen, the pain of being ravaged in a place like this, and the fact that this beast seemed to only be able to laugh at Es as he latched onto her breast and played with her body. The fact that something like this was happening to her was completely beyond Es’s understanding. Just how could something like this happen to her? Who did this soul belong to? Why did she feel like she was just an obstacle to this beast that he was trying to get out of his way?

Whatever the reason turned out to be, hot and heavy breaths began to leave her lips as the force of his thrusts grew harder and rougher by the moment, his grip on her neck loosening to allow her to properly breathe. The instant that she found herself able to breathe, Es began to scream in both pain and betraying pleasure, her body unable to properly handle just what was happening to her. Everything that this beast was doing, from choking her to using her body, to playing with her breasts, and even laughing at her as he defiled her. All of it caused her mind to focus solely on the shaft that was plunging inside of her time and time again, hammering against the entrance to her womb.

And much to her fear and dismay, Es was able to tilt her head just enough to watch as this beast carved the symbol of a sword over her womb with his claws, digging at her skin and making her bleed ever so slightly. But that didn’t seem to be the end of his plans for her. As soon as the crest of the sword was carved into her, she felt his member suddenly erupt inside of her, a flood of heat and spunk filling her womb and causing the crest to glow in a mixture of black and green. Forever marking her body as this beast’s belonging as he impregnated her right here in this abyss.


The addictive burning on her womb combined with the whisper in the back of her head pushed Es to cup both of her breasts in her hand as she looked at the beast that had marked her body as his toy. There was no hesitation or fear in the way she moved now, compared to the desperation she showed to get away from him a short bit ago. Her eyes were locked on the green sparks that traveled along the beast's body as his shaft slowly filled the space between her cleavage. A gentle, but hot breath left Es as she relished in the heat that filled her chest and radiated from the throbbing shaft that filled her womb less than an hour ago. And she didn't know what sparked the change in affection toward this beast, but as she started to move her breasts along his member, she found herself caring less and less by the moment.

She may still be unable to properly see the soul that had corrupted her, but Es knew exactly where to move her breasts and just how hard to squeeze them around the shaft that erupted inside of her. Every time her breasts were at the base of his shaft, she stuck her tongue out of her mouth and gently flicked it against the beast’s head. And she didn’t pull away as she moved her breasts back up toward the tip, only getting out of the way when she wanted the head of his cock to disappear into her cleavage.

Her soft, large, and supple breasts clamped around the shaft almost perfectly as she moved them up and down his length. And she didn’t hesitate to take the tip into her mouth when she moved her tits back down his length, being sure to swirl her tongue around his member as the burning around her womb and the whispers in the back of her mind pushed her to please him as much as she could. Fortunately, the hand that came to the back of her head helped Es stay in check as she playfully sucked on his tip while massaging him with her breasts.

She didn’t know just what was pushing her to do something like this. Whether it was the corruption in her mind, the fact that she was no longer connected to the Azure, or the simple fact that this beastly cock that invaded her mouth had an unusually addictive flavor. But whatever the reason was, Es found herself falling further and further from her position as the Azure’s guardian as she tended to this beast that simply toyed with her.

Of course, Es continued to hear him laughing in her mind and at her plight despite now leading her to tend to him like this. But as he throbbed and pulsed in her cleavage, the heat that radiated off of him and seemed to synergize with the seal over her womb prompted her to just continue what she was doing. Even as the hand that was on the back of her head grabbed at her blonde hair and started to tug on it, she could only bring herself to lower her breasts down to his balls and bring them back up to engulf his tip between her soft and plush mounds.

And it all came to a close when she felt the beast’s grip on her body shift back to her head, forcing her to take the first few inches of his cock into her mouth. Fortunately, Es opened her mouth just in time to have no trouble at all. But when she expected him to cum and fill her throat and stomach with the same seed that settled in her womb, nothing came. No disgustingly addictive flavor covered her tongue. No lustful desire filled her core and it left her full of craving and anticipation for what was to happen.


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