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Aine shares her story with her lover once again. This time, before confessing how she truly feels.

As a demon princess, being away from home and being summoned by a human wasn’t something that was in the norm. But Aine took things in her new life in stride as she laid in the bed with her current partner, a young woman with long blonde hair and deep green eyes by the name of Jessica. The two were cuddled up together in bed with Jessica looking at the tv they kept across the room. “Aine, do you mind telling me again just why you aren’t allowed home? You told me once before, but… I don’t think I understand it yet…”

Aine couldn’t stop herself from chuckling at the thought. It was far from the first time she had told this story, but it almost seemed like Jessica forgot every time it was told. Fortunately, it wasn’t a story that she minded telling. With a smile coming to her lips, Aine adjusted herself in bed, pushing herself up with her leg hand so that she was sitting up while keeping her lower half resting in the bed. “Like I said before, I was exiled from my home and dethroned because I seduced an angel that didn’t fall like expected. It’s almost a rite of passage in the royal line for the next heir to the throne to cause an angel or two to fall. The more that they can corrupt, the stronger of a leader they will be… At least, that’s how my family sees it.”

A quiet pause filled the room as Jessica adjusted herself to get a better look at Aine while she spoke. “I get that, but why does that mean you get exiled? If you did what you were supposed to, then why--”

“Because my family lives by power. Ever since we took over the throne a few generations before my mother, they’ve been obsessed with having only a ‘worthy’ ruler on the throne. And my father cared about it more than anyone else. So, when my seduction of the angel was a success, but their falling didn’t happen… He didn’t see me as worthy of being his child anymore. Being the king, his word is law.” Aine’s eyes drifted down toward the bed as she recalled the moment her fate was chosen by her father, thinking back to that day like it was still happening to her.


“Father, why!? It was one mistake! We both know I’m more than good enough to make several angels fall if I choose! So why when--” Tears filled Aine’s eyes as she stared into her fathers, taking a good look at the uncaring gaze he shot her way. He was almost twice her size in both height and how he was built. Compared to her, he was almost a truck just waiting to slam into her. But she stood her ground in front of him, clearly unafraid to try and prove her point. Unfortunately, the tears that filled her eyes, the care and pain in her gaze, nor the fact that she was one of the most gifted of their line moved his thoughts.

“You’re lucky I’m letting you off with being exiled. If it was anyone else that failed, I’d have them executed in a grand ceremony. There is no need for weakness in our blood. And judging by those tears you shed, it’s clear that you’re weaker than you think you are.”

In the heat of the moment, Aine felt like her heart was going to break. Not only was her title being taken from her, but so was her family, her life, and her place on the throne. Everything was fading away before her eyes. And all she could do was shout at her father in an attempt to do something about it. Though, deep down, she knew he wouldn’t budge. And that, while he wouldn’t admit it, he wouldn’t kill his own daughter even if he was ordered. Fortunately, just as Aine felt her voice starting to break from trying to reason with the man, she felt a gentle hand rest on her shoulder.

Her mother stood behind her with the sweetest of smiles on her face and a look of concern in her eyes. It was clear that both of her parents were hurt by the fact that they were doing this, even if they didn’t want to say anything about it. And it was even more clear to her in the moment Aine felt her mother’s arms wrap around her body, pulling her into a tight embrace. Aine’s mother was the same height that she was, the two almost spitting images of each other outside of her mother having black hair compared to Aine’s white and their horns being on opposite sides of their heads. “Mom… I can’t… I can’t believe you two are letting this happen.”

“As little as we want it, it’s for the best. We need someone strong on the throne. We need someone who will not falter or fail. And most important, if we want our daughter to ever come back home, we need someone strong enough to tear away the laws laid down by your grandfather.” Aine’s mother’s voice was sweet and gentle as she spoke, yet almost distorted by pain and worry of her daughter. But neither one of her parents shed a tear for her as they opened a portal in front of her, silently sending her on her way through it.


“Wait, wait, wait.” Jessica brought both of her hands to Aine’s to try and get her attention. Pull her back to reality so they could talk. “They just let you walk away like that? They just… Did that?”

Another gentle laugh rumbled in Aine’s throat as she nodded her head, looking directly into Jessica’s eyes. But there was no real pain in them anymore, only joy and a small amount of regret. “Yeah, they just told me to leave. I do remember they told me to at least keep smiling before I was gone, though.”

Yet again, another moment of silence filled the room as Jessica processed what she had just heard. Sure, her parents were concerned and didn’t want their daughter to die. But she thought they didn’t need to exile her either. “To make things even more twisted, you were just lucky I happened to be trying to summon something at the same time a few months ago. If it wasn’t for that…”

“If it wasn’t for that, I was going to go to what you humans call Heaven and find that bastard that didn’t fall. My magic might not be too powerful, but I’d make sure he either fell through seduction or through death. Either way, I wasn’t going to fail again. But then you summoned me, looking for a demon to ravage you.”

When a deep shade of red came to Jessica’s cheeks, Aine couldn’t stop herself from laughing, breaking the silent tension that had filled the room as she told her story. “You still get embarrassed about that?”

“Hey! I was only trying to see if demons were real! Everyone hears stories and rumors, and reads stories about them. But to actually see one? I just had to see for myself.”

“And in the process, you found yourself faced with the Demon Princess, Aine Rosa Danube, didn’t you?” Aine teasingly dragged her tongue along her lips as she wrapped her arms around Jessica’s neck and pulled her own close. “And now look at yourself, cuddling in bed, naked, with the demon you made a contract with. For someone who has had their curiosity sated, you sure seem to not want me to leave.~” Without missing a beat, she stole a kiss from Jessica’s lips, making sure that her affection lingered for as long as she desired. Fortunately, Jessica was the type of woman to return any of the affection that Aine gave to her, even if she wasn’t in the mood to receive any.

After a few moments of trailing one kiss into another and into a third, Aine carefully pulled herself away from Jessica’s lips, her snake-like and forked tongue connected to Jessica’s tongue through a strand of their saliva. But that strand didn’t last for long before Aine licked her lips and suddenly disappeared from the bed. When she reappeared, she was standing across the room and in front of the tv. “Tell me, Jess. When you summoned me, did you expect to make the kind of contract you did with me?”

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat in her chest at the sound of Aine’s voice becoming slow and seductive. It was almost as if she was being hypnotized just from hearing her demon partner speak. So much so that she couldn’t bring herself to say anything, only mumble as she shook her head ‘no’. Though, part of the reason she was unable to speak was likely due to the way Aine’s hips shook and swayed with each step she took toward the bed, her tail playfully swaying and swatting the ground behind her.

“I’m not sure that-” As her tail smacked against the ground this time, Aine disappeared from Jessica’s sight, appearing behind her and carefully wrapping her tail around her neck. “Any human would expect to make that kind of deal with a demon. To be friends and lovers at the drop of a hat like that? You must be out of your mind if you think loving a demon is smart.~” Playfully dragging her tongue along her lips, Aine teleported once again. This time, she appeared on the edge of Jessica’s bed with a few sparks traveling from her fingertips to her elbow. “From the magic to the sadistic tendencies to the sheer insanity that demons actually exist. I’m sure no one expects it. Yet, here you are.~”

This time, when Aine disappeared, she reappeared with her rear end in Jessica’s lap and her arms wrapped around her neck to keep her lover from pulling away from her. “Almost hypnotized by the sound of my voice, eagerly awaiting what I’m going to do next, and with a look that just screams you want me to violate you.~” She playfully bit down on her lower lip as she smacked her tail down on the edge of the bed, snapping Jessica out of her stupor with a smile on her face. “But you’ll have to wait until tonight for me to have my way with your body. For now, if you’re going to actually eat anything today, I need to cook. Because you’re clearly too out of it to do it yourself.”

A gentle smile came to Jessica’s lips as she watched her demon partner teleport around the kitchen as she cooked, opening different cabinets and even hanging off of the ceiling to grab certain things that were too high for her to reach normally. The sight alone was enough to make someone chuckle, and Jessica was no different. Especially when she got a good look at Aine’s rear end shaking and purposefully swaying as she danced around the room in her own way. “Seemingly powerful demon, corrupts angels as a rite of passage, but is happy dancing around my kitchen as she cooks for me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were in love and didn’t know it.”

Aine almost stopped on a dime at Jessica’s comment, feeling her heart skip in her chest. No blush came to her cheeks as she turned her head to her partner and shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a shame it took you so long to realize it. I’ve been in your care for how long now? Humans truly are slow creatures sometimes, aren’t you?” A devious smile came to her lips as she turned her attention back to the food she was cooking, something inside of her telling her that Jessica’s cheeks were turning a deep shade of red while Aine focused strictly on the food.

“W-Wait a minute. I-Is that even possible? Can a demon fall in love with a human? And what about if you ever go back home? Then what?” Confused and embarrassing questions rushed through Jessica’s mind as she scrambled to get out of the bed, something about the prospect of Aine being in love with her drawing her closer to the demon. Though, she stopped a moment later just as she stepped into her kitchen, something in the back of her mind telling her to slow down and think. “Wait a minute… Are you really in love with me? You’re not trying to pull a prank on me, are you?”

“Well, let’s think this out, Genius. I’m a demon that has no home to go to and has been with a sole human since I arrived in your world from my exile. Not only did you care for me and have me care for you, but it brings me joy to see a smile on your lips and to hear the way you gasp when you get excited. I also can’t help but feel excited when I’m teasing you, as if you belong in my arms and no one else’s. And when I cook for you?” Aine stopped for a moment as she shifted the food she was cooking from one eye of the stove to another, taking the chance to look at Jessica. “I always love the way you devour every bite. You always make sure to leave nothing left, even if I cooked enough to have leftovers. And it fills me with pride to see you do that.”

With a smile on her face and her tail curling behind her, Aine stayed silent for a moment as she turned her focus back to the cooking. Teleporting once again, she appeared behind Jessica and wrapped her arms around her partner, cupping one of her breasts in her hand. “Is it longing? Very likely. Is it acceptance that I need you? Yes. Is there lust between us? Obviously. But is it love?” Aine bit down on her lower lip before smacking Jessica’s ass and teleporting back into the kitchen to start prepping the food. “I can’t think of any other way to put how I feel about you. So, I think it’s safe to assume it is love.”

She may not have been able to see it since she wasn’t looking at Jessica, but Aine could feel her heart racing at the knowledge that her confession caused her dear friend to start crying tears of joy. It was easy for her to hear the hitches in Jessica’s breath and to feel the look of love and desire that came from her partner. Aine couldn’t stop herself from chuckling and pointing toward the table in their kitchen with her tail. “Now sit down before you start crying all over the floor. We’ve got food to eat and then some fun to have.~” Without missing a beat, she stepped her way up to Jessica and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.


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