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Tomoe’s master and husband drags her away from Chaldea after they’ve battled for a long while, hoping to get in some rest and relaxation. Fortunately, when they get to the hot springs, she seems to get into it and enjoy herself.

It had been exactly a year since Tomoe first proclaimed her love to her master and he did the same to her, fully returning her affection. Ever since then, the two of them have lived a life of love and desire. Tomoe continued to stay her master’s most dedicated and powerful Archer and he continued to be the calm and stoic man that led her on the battlefield, while being the same loving and gentle husband that treated her like the best thing in the world when they were alone together. He always made sure to thank her for her dedication and hard work in his own ways, giving her gifts, treating her to dinner, massaging her shoulders after a long battle, whatever he thought he could do.

However, dragging her away from Chaldea and to a hot spring that he knew of for a few days was also one of his way of thanking her. It may have taken him practically dragging Tomoe away until she would finally listen to him for her to finally stop and breathe, appreciating what he was doing for her. But now that she was here, able to look around and see that he had taken her to somewhere beautiful, Tomoe couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she stepped up to the hot spring. And that smile only grew when she noticed her beloved sitting on the edge of the water with a towel wrapped around his lower half.

“M-Master… You know you didn’t need to do something like this, right? I would have been perfectly happy staying in our room and relaxing together.” A gentle blush came to Tomoe’s cheeks as she looked over to him and started to take a few steps toward him, fully intent to plop herself down in his lap and relax against his body like she had done a multitude of times already. “But… If I get to enjoy something like this with you, I’m more than happy with that.”

When she finally got close enough to sit in her beloved’s lap, Tomoe didn’t waste a single moment in doing so. She rested her back against his chest in the same moment that she rested her cute rear end against his lap. And she almost immediately felt his hands and arms wrapping around her stomach to pull her close to him, causing her to let out an adorable giggle before turning her head to look him in the eyes. “Thank you for this, Master… I may have struggled at first, but that’s because I wasn’t sure if it was smart to avoid battle for a bit. But now that we’re here… I’m glad you brought me.”

Tomoe let out a gentle breath as she turned her head a little more, cupped her Master’s cheek in her hand, and pulled him in for a gentle and affectionate kiss. The kind of kiss that made it clear she was sorry for not wanting to come here and that she was happy he continued to pull her along anyway. The kiss lingered for a moment longer than it should have, causing Tomoe’s heart to skip a beat in her chest at the feeling of her master’s grip against her body growing slightly tighter.

After a moment of simply enjoying her master’s touch, Tomoe felt something hard and familiar press against the underside of her rear end, causing her to gasp and look into his eyes. “M-Master… We’re in the middle of the open… I know we’re alone, but I didn’t think you’d feel excited right here.” Deep down, she didn’t know whether to feel excited or nervous as she felt her beloved’s cock hardening underneath her, straining against his towel to press against her body. At least, she didn’t know how to feel until she realized that it was only pressing against her as firmly as it was because he wasn’t wearing anything underneath his towel.

Almost immediately, Tomoe hopped out of her dear husband’s lap and looked down to see that, now that the towel was wet, she could see his cock through the slightly see-through fabric. “W-Wait wait wait. You aren’t wearing anything under your towel…? I thought we were supposed to keep ourselves covered in times like this…” A gentle breath left Tomoe as she remembered the feeling of her husband’s hands against her body, realizing only now just why he held her the way he did after just getting here. Not only was this a vacation to get her away from battle, but it was more time for them to spend alone as husband and wife.

A deep blush came to her lips as she shook her head for a moment, unwrapping her towel from her body and holding it out to the man she loved. Underneath it, she was wearing a strapless blue, white, and red gradient bikini with a skirt on the bottoms that almost reminded her of a kimono when she wore it. “Well, we are alone here… And it’s not fair if you’re the only one that’s naked, is it?” Tomoe’s lips curled into a gentle smile as she reached behind herself and untied the bikini top, allowing it to fall into the water and drift away as she reached for the bottoms, only to stop when she noticed her husband’s hand reaching out for her. “You want me to keep them on? If you say so, Dear.”

Tomoe giggled under her breath as she spoke to her beloved, carefully lowering herself back down into the hot spring water and making her way between his legs. But instead of allowing a simple towel to separate her from her husband’s cock, she slipped both of her hands underneath it and toward his shaft, happily spreading her arms so the fabric would slip off of him. And when his cock was finally freed and sprung out of the water, almost smacking her in the face, Tomoe couldn’t stop her heart from racing in her chest. “Even in a place like this, my husband feels this attracted toward me. Or maybe it’s because we’re in a place like this…”

Almost as if she was moving on instinct from the sheer amount of times she had been alone with her husband, Tomoe cupped both of her breasts in her hands and wrapped them around the base of his shaft. “Whatever the reason for your lust is, I will accept all of it. And as your loyal wife, I’ll return it to the best of my ability.” Without missing a beat, Tomoe wrapped her lips around the head of her husband’s cock as it poked out of the water. She moved her breasts along every inch of his shaft underneath the surface of the water, enjoying the way that the water caused each throb and twitch of his cock to feel even stronger than usual.

She immediately began swirling her tongue around the head of her master’s cock as she hovered just above the surface of the water, not wanting to dunk herself inside of it when she was still able to bring him pleasure. The feeling of his dick throbbing in her cleavage, the taste of it against her tongue, and the feeling of his fingers threading through her hair like they belonged on the top of her head were all familiar feelings to Tomoe. But the heat that swelled up inside of her, enveloped her body, and even went as far as to cause her heartbeat to quicken in her chest was completely new to her.

Deep down, Tomoe knew just what it was that was causing this new sensation, but she didn’t want it to stop. The pleasure of feeling her beloved’s hands grabbing onto her head and even slightly tugging on her hair as she worshipped his cock was something that she adored. Especially when she popped her lips off from around his member and pulled herself back ever so slightly. Just enough to be able to unwrap her soft mounds from his member. Tomoe swiftly brought one of her hands from the underside of her breasts to her master’s heavy balls, massaging them in one hand while she wrapped the other around the base of his cock.

Following her instinct, Tomoe immediately began to pepper a few kisses against the underside of her partner’s shaft, making sure to not get low enough to put herself in the water. But to compensate for that, she used the and that held his balls to guide his hips upward toward her. And much to her surprise and pleasure, he did exactly as she wanted, lifting his hips up and allowing a few inches of his member to rub and grind against her face as she peppered his length in affection and lust. “I love you, Master. Whether we’re at home in our bed relaxing, or in a hot spring like this, my love for you will never fade.”

Tomoe continued to cause her master to lift his hips until he ended up standing above her, his cock resting against her nostrils, his balls against her lips, and her hands against his thighs. There was something about this position that she liked, even if she didn’t get to indulge in it as much as she liked. Her lips curled into a smile as she opened her mouth and took both of his balls into her mouth, bringing one of her hands to her breast and the other to his throbbing shaft. Squeezing her soft mound, Tomoe didn’t hesitate to start lathering each and every inch of his sack in her saliva, dragging her tongue along his balls and enjoying the heavy flavor that coated her tongue as a result. All while she eagerly played with her nipple and stroked his shaft.

Hot and heavy breaths spilled from Tomoe’s lips as she felt him throbbing against her skin, the wonderful scent of his shaft filling her nostrils as a small amount of his precum leaked out of him and mixed in with the scent. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she heard him groan above her, his words unable to process in her lust-addled mind but able to understand that he was going to cum for her. Fortunately, she was able to unwrap her lips from his balls and pull herself back fast enough to open her mouth in front of his shaft before he came, continuing to eagerly stroke his member with the intent to keep him pointed at her tongue until he finished blowing his load.

And just like she was hoping for, hot and thick spurts of his cum flooded onto her tongue, down her throat, and on her face. Tomoe’s heart raced as she felt his spunk splatter along her skin and onto her tongue, excitement and lust flowing through her as she accepted each and every drop of her beloved’s desire. Of course, she continued to stroke his member as he came all over her, wringing out everything that she could until she heard him groaning above her once again. It almost disappointed her that his cum stopped flowing as quickly as it did, but when she took a breath and felt just how much had filled her mouth and dripped down onto her breasts, Tomoe’s heart lit up in her chest.

She eagerly closed her mouth and brought the hand that was wrapped around her husband’s shaft to her breast, swiping up some of his cum and allowing it to coat her fingers. But she didn’t put them in her mouth, instead swallowing what was already there and parting her lips to show that she had swallowed it all down with ease. Though, now that her mouth was open, Tomoe couldn’t help but let out a quiet giggle as she looked at her master’s still-rigid member. “You’re usually able to last more than one round, but it never fails to impress me that you stay so hard while I’m having my fun.~”

With her husband’s cum painting her face and her breasts, Tomoe let out a gentle but excited breath as she dragged her tongue along her lips, reaching out for his hips and grabbing onto them. Giving him only a moment to realize what she wanted, she didn’t hesitate to pull her beloved into the water where he could set at the edge, his lap remaining underneath the surface while his upper half remained above the water. “Much better.”

Tomoe playfully snaked her arms around her master’s neck as she sneakily climbed into his lap, lowering herself down just enough for her wet pussy to press against the tip of his cock. For just a moment, she stayed still as she looked into his eyes. Just long enough for her to gauge how he was feeling, long enough for her to cause her body to crave being filled with his familiar and wonderful cock, and long enough for Tomoe to realize that her rear end was half under the surface of the hot spring and half above it, making her realize just how loud she and her beloved master were about to be.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if there was anyone else here that would be able to hear or see them while they were enjoying themselves. But as she slowly and carefully lowered herself down onto her beloved’s cock, that thought was quickly wiped from her mind. And when she lowered herself down far enough to have taken each and every inch of his throbbing and twitching shaft, Tomoe couldn’t bring herself to think about anything other than her dear husband. Her lips curled into a bright and lustful smile as she looked into his eyes, her inner walls quivering in anticipation around his member.

For a moment, silence filled the area around the two of them, leaving Tomoe alone with the sound of her heartbeat and the feeling of warm love that she felt as her husband wrapped his arms around her waist. The smile that was on her face grew even more as she leaned in and stole a kiss from his lips, the quick peck that it was turning into a lingering and lasting show of affection. “I love you, Dear… More than words could ever really express. You mean more to me than I could ever convey.”

As one kiss led to a second and a second led to a third, Tomoe started to lift her hips up until only the tip of his shaft remained inside of her, incidentally causing her plump rear end to break the water’s surface for a moment. But she didn’t hesitate to drop herself back down and take each and every inch of his member once again, slamming her supple ass cheeks into the water and underneath the surface. It didn’t take more than lifting her hips a few times for Tomoe to work herself into a steady rhythm, moaning against her master’s lips and loving the way his hands felt against her hips.

It was clear to her from the way he held onto her body that he knew exactly what she wanted, and that he wanted it as well. And it was clear from the way his tongue dragged along her lips that he wanted a little bit more than to just feel her lips against his own. Of course, Tomoe was more than willing to accept this silent invitation to show him her love. She started to eagerly and lovingly suckle on his tongue, using her own to play with his as she bounced on his lap. In the back of her mind, for only a moment, Tomoe wondered just how this would look to one of the other Servants if they walked in and saw them.

Tomoe knew that many of the other Servants, male and female, adored her beloved husband. And some of them even proclaimed to be married to him right along with her. But when she realized just how this would look to anyone that could see, she knew they wouldn’t be able to compete with her. That her husband belonged to her and her alone. The view of her plump rear end breaching the surface of the water over and over again as her lips were wrapped around his tongue, her arms wrapped around his neck as her nails lightly dug into his back, and one of his hands on her breast while the other held tightly to her hips with his thumb hooked onto the string of her bikini bottoms.

Unfortunately, for as arousing as the thought was in her mind, the sound of the water breaking and splashing behind her because of just how fiercely and eagerly she bounced on her husband’s cock caused the thought to leave her mind. Not that it mattered to her, the love that she felt for her beloved as clear as day as she slammed her lips against his own, the moans that spilled from her throat muffling against him. Tomoe’s heart raced her chest as the pleasure and lust that pushed her started to reach a new peak, a new kind of height that she didn’t usually feel with her master.

Of course, the instant that she realized she was getting close to this peak, Tomoe’s bouncing became a bit sporadic and her lips parted from her husband’s. Not that it caused her moans to become any quieter or even muffle against anything anymore. She rested her chin against his shoulder as she picked up the pace of her bouncing, chasing the peak to her pleasure as she felt him throbbing and pulsing against her inner walls. “Don’t hold back on me, my love. Fill me with your love. Give me another child if you feel the need. Grab me and keep me close. Just give me it all and I will give it all back to you in spades.”

Almost as if on queue, as if he was waiting for her permission to cum, the moment Tomoe told him to fill her with his love, she was greeted with the feeling of her husband’s spunk flowing into her pussy. Rope after rope of his thick and heated seed coated her inner walls and pumped into her womb as she impaled herself on his shaft one last time, taking each and every inch like she belonged on it. And she was greeted with the feeling of her own orgasm rushing through her and sending shivers through her spine.

Heavy and blissful moans spilled from Tomoe’s lips into her husband’s ears as she came right along with him, her inner walls quivering and clenching around his member. And right in this moment, her pleasure reached a new peak when she felt her beloved pinch her nipple as he started to rock his hips back and forth, purposefully wringing himself out inside of her to make sure that she got every drop of his cum that she deserved. When she felt him doing this, Tomoe didn’t hesitate to bring her hands to his face, cupping both of his cheeks into her palms before pulling him into a heated and loving kiss. The same kind of kiss she planted on his lips before she started to bounce on his dick.

As she broke the kiss a moment later, Tomoe turned her head to look around them. Just to check and make sure that no one was there and able to see them. Fortunately, not even the staff came in to check and see what the noise they were causing was about. Whether that means they heard the noise and knew right away or no one heard them at all, she couldn’t bring herself to care. But as she carefully lifted herself out of his lap, being sure to bring a hand between her legs to make sure none of his cum dripped out of her, Tomoe couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she looked down into her beloved’s eyes.

“Thank you for bringing me here, my love… I know that, one day, we will need to return to Chaldea and be ready for battle once again. But until that day comes, and even afterward, I want to stay by your side and spend my time with you and you alone.” Tomoe’s lips curled into a gentle smile as she slowly sank back into the water, nuzzling up against her husband’s shoulder like she belonged there. And when she felt him wrap one of his arms around her waist and pull her closer, she couldn’t help but let out a quiet giggle. Right before placing a gentle kiss against his cheek and resting her head against his shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind, but… Please promise to take me away from battle again. Take me somewhere I will never forget. And then, let me be the one to soothe you. Allow your wife the pleasure of tending to her husband.”


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