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“Thanks for joining me this evening 18, you really managed to make my night.”


“You have NO idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this,” 21 grinned, looking down at the menu before her, “I honestly thought you wouldn’t be able to make it this evening.

18 bit her bottom in an attempt to keep her attention focus on the menu in front of her. While a light blush was beginning to dust her cheeks. It was late at night within West City, as the two lovely ladies were currently seated inside of a fancy 5-Star Restaurant. No real special occasion planned, other than 21 wanting to have a little girl’s night out with 18. And had been really delighted when the blonde had agreed to their little get-together.

Though, she had a pretty good feeling that the blonde cutie wasn’t going to refuse her anyway.

21 perked up when she sensed a waiter making their way over to the table. Pen and notepad in hand as he greeted the lovely pair with a smile, “Good evening Madams, are you ready to place your orders?”

“Mhm! Definitely ready to place mine,” She chirped, leaning forward on the table and resting her chin in her hand. “What about you 18?” She glanced over to her friend with a growing smile.

“H-Huh?” The blonde jumped up in attention, letting out an uncharacteristic noise as she looked over to her friend, “S-Sorry, what?”

“The kind waiter is waiting on you girl,” The smile morphed into a bit of a teasing one while the man looked on patiently towards the blonde. “You don’t want to keep him waiting now, do you?”

18 bit her bottom lip, shuffling about in her seat looking visibly uncomfortable by something. While on the surface, this action would raise a few brows of confusion towards the blonde, under the table was an entirely different matter. Slithering about discreetly and wrapping itself in a firm sensual manner around the android’s leg was 21’s Majin tail. The scientist in question had a playful streak about her ever since the two had arrived at the restaurant. Preferring to get her cute little pet all nice and worked up in various little ways as opposed to having a wonderful dinner this evening.

Yes, ‘Pet’, a name and relationship that had been established between the after the events with 21’s evil self. As a price for keeping her on the side of good and ensuring that she wouldn’t do anything to Krillin and the others. 18 ended up becoming somewhat of a slave to 21, whenever the android got one of her cravings. A deal that was made in secret from everyone else, and one that 18 would often find herself enjoying a lot more than she would honestly like to admit.

Her small grin turning devilishly, she slowly unfurled her tail from 18’s legs and started brushing the tip against her fellow android panty covered crotch. Her heightened hearing caught the slight hitch in 18’s breath as she gulped a bit heavily. Trying her best not to let out a moan from her actions, it was so cute and amusing, she just had to have more of her.

“Um… excuse me,” She called out, grabbing the man’s attention, “I think my friend’s gonna need more time to think about what she wants. How about you give us about oh… 20 minutes or so?”

The waiter nodded with a smile, unaware of what was going on between the two ladies, “Very well, I’ll come back in 20 minutes to take your order.” With that, the man left, leaving 21 to turn her attention back on the red-faced blonde.

“As for you~” She giggled with a light purr in her tone, “You’re coming with me for a little… ‘break’.”

Letting out another audible gulp, 18 could only give a simple nod to the brunette.


“Man 18, you really gotta work on that poker face of yours. You came real close to giving that guy a good view of your slutty little bedroom look.”

Outback in the alleyway behind the restaurant was 21 and 18. The former having brought the latter here via instant transmission not long after sending the cute little waiter away. 21, who wasted little time transforming into her Majin form, quickly pounced one 18. Discarding the blonde’s clothes to the side while she had two of her fingers jammed deep into her pet’s moist folds. Smirking as she felt the blonde’s walls coil and throb all around her slender digits as she pumped them nice and slowly deep into her core.

“N-Ngh, th-that’s only because you wouldn’t stop with damn-” She was silenced by the scientist pressing her tail against the girl’s lips before forcing it into her slowly. Earning a deliciously light gag from the milf.

“Now now, is that any way to talk to your Mistress?” She tutted, wagging a playful finger, “I think I should punish you for that.”

Before 18 could utter a muffled noise of protest against the woman, her body began to spasm violently. Caused by the lovely Majin letting out a small discharge of pink electricity inside of 18’s slick core. The powerful element coursed throughout the blonde’s body. Making her back arch out violently, putting a nice little emphasis on the milf’s sizable bust. Making 21 lick her lips as she grasped one in her hand and squeezed harshly, earning her a cry from 18 as she moaned soundly around the thick pink tail thrusting itself down her throat. A hot blush slowly forming on her face, much to the amusement of the scientist.

“That’s better,” 21 licked her lips and purred out a giggle, “See? You CAN be a good girl for me when you try. Doesn’t this feel a lot better than being inside of some stuffy ol’ restaurant?” She heard 18 make a small muffled noise, “Care to repeat that sweetie?”

The blonde android coughed as her chin was lifted up via 21’s tail to have her face the pink-skinned beauty. Face flushed she repeated her words, “Y-Yesh…”

“Hm…?” 21 Raised an amused brow, “Yes… ‘What’?” She said, lightly smacking the tip of her tail against 18’s cheek, “Speak properly 18, I taught you better than that.”

“Y-Yes… M-Mistress…”


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