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After making a drunken bet, Kazehana has to work off her loss with her body.

“Excuse us, but would you be willing to have a little bit of a bet with the three of us?”

Kazehana turned her head to see just who was talking to her from the bar, seeing three fat men standing at each other’s sides and looking at her with a nervous smile on their faces. “And just what kind of bet would that be? I’m trying to enjoy myself.” She quickly downed a drink that was in front of her, her brown eyes glaring at the men as they were interrupting her drinking. “Speak up!”

“Well, since you’re enjoying your drinks, we thought we could make you a bet to see who pays for them. A simple game or two of poker. With a few stakes, of course.”

Kazehana looked at the three men as she gestured toward another drink that she had in front of her. “Let me guess. If you win, you want to see me naked. But you don’t know what to give me if I win?” For her age, she was a smart woman, and getting drunk from time to time didn’t stop her from being as sharp as ever. Especially after she had started being considered a drunk by some people. However, it seemed she was right on the money when the three men all looked at her, the smiles they had faded away. “Tell you what. If I win this poker game, you owe me drinks for a week. You’ll open up a tab, and at the end of that week, you three pay it off. And if I lose, I pay for the drinks we have while we play.”

“You’ve got a deal!”


A few hours, and quite a few drinks later, Kazehana found herself following the three men to their hotel room, all of them snickering to themselves as they walked. “Come on. I said I’d pay for the drinks. Not let you fuck me. Is this the only way I can work off that loss? What if I make a phone call and get you the cash?”

“Sorry, Kazehana. You lost the best and the game. It’s only fair we get what we want from you since you don’t have any cash.” A moment of silence filled the group as they arrived at the door of their room, all of the fat men surrounding Kazehana before they spoke again. “And I think you’ll want to do what we say. We’ve got connections at MBI and I doubt you want anything to happen to your dear ashikabi.”

Kazehana’s eyes went wide as she looked at the three men that surrounded her. They were right, she didn’t want anything to happen to her ashikabi. But to be tricked like this and blackmailed into letting fat men fuck her? It was something she didn’t want to ever happen. Even if she was drunk, this wasn’t a memory that was going to fade away after her hangover. She let out a heavy sigh before nodding her head and stepping to the door. “Just… Don’t hurt my ashikabi…”


It took a few minutes for Kazehana to work up the confidence she needed in order to put on the set of underwear that the men had in mind for her. But now that she was here? She was sitting patiently on the edge of their hotel bed, wearing nothing but a pair of dark purple panties and a matching bra. One of her arms rested against the tops of her breasts while the other remained in her lap. In the back of her mind, she knew what they wanted out of her. But she couldn’t believe that she was going to have to give it to them.

She lifted her gaze from the floor to the three men in front of her, realizing that they had all undressed in the time it took her to get ready. And all of them had cocks that put her ashikabi’s, and even a few black men, to shame. Kazehana thought for a moment, wondering if there was a way to get out of this predicament without risking getting anyone hurt. But as she stayed silent and in place, one of the men approached her, ready to use her body just like they said they would if she lost.

Her heart lept into her throat as she felt him push her onto her back on the bed, straddling her chest as his cock hovered above her breasts. But before Kazehana could do anything, she watched as he adjusted his hips and pushed his member into her cleavage from below. A quiet and almost blissful gasp left her when she felt him suddenly fill her cleavage and tap against her chin with his cock. Her eyes widened in shock when she was able to take the first few inches of his dick into her mouth while he rocked his hips back and forth.

Before she knew it, Kazehana was sucking this man off and allowing him to love every moment of it. The taste that coated her tongue was drowned out by the alcohol that she had consumed, thankfully. And the fact that his dick was this large didn’t fail to leave an imprint on her mind as he grabbed onto the back of her head and started to pick up the pace of his thrusts. Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest when she felt his balls slap against the underside of her breasts, his tip threatening to reach into her throat despite her breasts being in the way.

Of course, she didn’t know just what he was going to do with her after this. Maybe they would take turns with her? Or maybe he was going to use her breasts and get her ready for the other two to have their fun? Kazehana didn’t know what to expect. And the drunken thoughts that went through her mind caused her to understand that she didn’t have a choice in the matter. Especially once she started to feel impressed by his size.


Ten minutes or so after the first guy pinned her onto her back and used her breasts, Kazehana already had her lips wrapped around one of the other two fat men’s cocks. It was just as long as the first, and maybe a little bit thicker. But it managed to slide between her breasts just fine. And given that she now had cum on her breasts and inside of her cleavage, it seemed to make things even easier for the second man. Kazehana’s breath hitched in her throat when she felt this man grab onto her shoulders, his grip surprisingly tight for a man of his weight. But she didn’t fight against it. The fear of having her ashikabi injured keeping her in place on her back.

Unfortunately, the taste of the alcohol that she drank while they were playing poker was starting to fade away. And before she knew it, Kazehana was left with the taste of the man’s cock grinding against her tongue. It was a heavy and foul taste on her tongue, but it wasn’t one that she hated. It was a much stronger flavor than her ashikabi left on her tongue when they made love, but it wasn’t one that she wanted to enjoy. Especially as he picked up the pace of his thrusts and caused the underside of her breasts to hurt from the impact.


However, Kazehana didn’t get a choice in how things went here. Before she knew it, the second fat man had cum on her face and her breasts and left her there on the bed. As for the third man, he stood in front of the bed and waited for her to make her way to him. At this point, she knew what he wanted and knew what to do. But she didn’t know if she could forgive herself for doing it with a third person. Though, she knew she still didn’t have a choice in the matter.

With a heavy and disgruntled sigh, Kazehana made her way to the edge of the bed and at it. She stayed in front of this man for a moment before wrapping her cum-covered breasts around his shaft. And unlike the first two men where they took charge and made use of her body, this one remained still. He made her do the work. And she didn’t know how to feel about that as a strange heat in her core started to fill her. Especially since she had been at this for ten minutes, keeping her lips wrapped firmly around his shaft in order to bring him as much pleasure as she possibly could.

Her tongue eagerly danced around his shaft as her eyes fluttered closed. Not only could she taste the precum that leaked out of his tip, but she could also taste the remnants of the cum that the other two men had covered her tongue with. And Kazehana couldn’t bring herself to look at the man as she moved her breasts up and down the length of his cock, hoping that he would cum soon.

And cum soon he did. Without any kind of warning, the third fat man grabbed a firm hold of the back of Kazehana’s head, pulling her down around his cock before unloading in her mouth. Rope after rope of his thick, bitter, and hot cum flooded into her mouth and into her throat. At first, she wanted to spit it out right away. The taste of alcohol was no longer on her tongue, so there was nothing in order to dilute the taste of these men’s seed. But he wasn’t letting her go, keeping her around the tip of his shaft even as he finished cumming in her mouth.

After a moment or two of trying to pull her head back and not having any luck of doing so, Kazehana started to swallow down his cum. Loud gulps filled the room and her mind as she swallowed down each and every drop of his spunk. She felt it sticking to her throat as she took each drop down into her stomach, finally being allowed to pull herself back a moment later. Kazehana popped her lips off from around his member with an audible sigh before finding herself suddenly flipped over onto her hands and knees.

The motion was so fast that it threw her drunken mind for a spin, leaving her dazed and confused as all three of the men suddenly surrounded her. One of them remained behind her, another got underneath her, and a third made his way in front of her. She didn’t know which was which while in the position that she was, but it didn’t matter to her when all three of them suddenly thrust into her. One cock filled her asshole, another stuffed her pussy, and the third plugged her mouth. All of them plunging into her at the same time caused the world around her to quickly fade away.

Not from pleasure or desire, but from sheer shock. She didn’t think the three of them would do something like this after she agreed to get them all off. But she couldn’t stop them even if she wanted to. Each one of them held firmly onto one part of her body. The fat man that was beneath her kept his hands on her hips as he yanked her down onto his shaft. The one that was behind her hand his hands firmly on her plump and shapely rear end, his fingers sinking into her skin as he thrust forward and deep into her asshole. All while the man that was plugging her throat held firmly onto her dark locks, pulling her head back and forth along his shaft.

Neither of the three men moved at the same speed as the others, all of them fucking her at different paces and intensities than the others. Kazehana’s mind couldn’t keep up with what was going on as the three of them used her body in different ways for their own desires. It was clear almost right away that neither of them cared if she enjoyed herself, only wanting to use her busty body for their pleasure.

However, the more they fucked her, the faster they moved, and the rougher they got, Kazehana’s body started to adapt to their movements. It didn’t take too long for her to start feeling a sense of pleasure from their thrusts. The lack of touch she had from a man was catching back up to her. And now that she had three of them all touching her at the same time, it was starting to overload her in the best way that it possibly could.

In the back of her mind, Kazehana knew that they shouldn’t be bringing her pleasure considering the situation they put her in. But her drunken mind and body didn’t agree with that. As the man inside of her pussy squeezed her hips hard enough for her to feel the slightest bit of pain, she felt the pleasure coursing through her grow even more intense. Though, she knew it wasn’t enough to be able to get her off with them. Even if they were somehow warping her mind and her body into giving them what they wanted, she knew better.

Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to stop the three men from enjoying themselves and getting closer and closer to their own orgasms. Nor did it stop Kazehana from feeling pleasure from having the three of them fuck her like she was some prostitute in the casino. Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt the pleasure inside of her starting to grow, reaching a point where maybe, just maybe, they would be able to make her cum.

Luckily, she was a far cry from reaching that point. And these men wouldn’t be able to get her there with the way they were fucking her. They would need to keep it up for a few hours in order to make her reach her peak, even if they all came inside of her at the exact same time. Kazehana could feel them throbbing and pulsing inside of her body, almost like they were ready to explode and fill her with their cum. And, for a moment, just a moment, she wanted them to do so. If they were going to use her body like this, she might as well try to find some reason to enjoy herself enough to not harm them when they were done.

But as soon as that moment faded, Kazehana was gifted with exactly what she didn’t want. She heard each of the men grunt and felt their grips on her body tighten a little bit. For an instant, she tried to push herself off of the ground and out of their grips, hoping she could avoid them cumming inside of her. Unfortunately, with just how tightly they were holding onto her, she was unable to get away from them.

And the moment that she realized she couldn’t go anywhere and get out of their grips, Kazehana felt all three of the men cum inside of her. All three of the fat men grunted and slammed themselves into her at the same time, erupting in each of her holes and filling them with their cum. Rope after surprisingly warm and thick rope of cum pumped into her mouth, her pussy, and her asshole. And each of the men remained inside of Kazehana as they continued to cum inside of her, pumping her as full of their cum as they could.

Unfortunately, as they all came inside of her, Kazehana felt something snap in her mind. She didn’t know what it was that changed in her mind or just why it changed. All she knew was that something was going to be different from this moment onward. And Kazehana didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing with just how tightly the men held onto her, suddenly flipped her over so that she was on her back with one of the fat men underneath her. The one that was in her mouth slipped out because of the change in position, but the two in her asshole and her cunt remained inside of her, feeling bigger than ever with the shaft in position.

But before she could say anything or even try to figure out just what changed in her mind, Kazehana felt the three men suddenly pull out of her and change positions. She couldn’t keep track of who went where or who was inside of what hole when they penetrated her once again. However, she was able to feel them all suddenly start thrusting into her a moment later. They didn’t even give her a chance to adjust to being mating pressed while fucked from underneath and having the third fat man fill her mouth once again.

Unlike before, this position allowed Kazehana’s breasts and thighs to be free and exposed to the men for them to grab and play with. And it seemed that they knew that, not even hesitating to grab onto her body and move her around like she was a simple play thing for them. Hands latched onto her breasts, onto her thighs, and the man underneath her even grabbed onto her plump rear end. Her breath hitched in her throat as all of them continued with the same pattern and pace from before they came and changed positions, as if nothing had happened in the last few minutes.

The world around her was spinning and fading away as all three of them thrust into her as quickly and roughly as they could. Kazehana’s holes were unable to get used to their length and their thrusts with just how quickly they were fucking her. Pleasure and bliss coursed through her body as she felt them all squeeze and play with different spots on her body. Going from holding tightly onto her plump rear end to squeezing her hips to prodding at her stomach like they were expecting to get her pregnant.

Whatever was going through their minds, Kazehana had no idea about it as the taste of one of the fat men’s cock started to leak into her mind and cloud her thoughts. Memories of nights she spent with her ashikabi were now being wiped away by the simple and putrid taste of another man’s dick. And she felt horrible about forgetting about the taste of her ashikabi, but Kazehana found herself unable to do anything as all three of them suddenly stopped thrusting and stayed completely still. All of them throbbed and pulsed inside of her holes, almost like they were going to blow their load at any moment and they were trying to hold back.

When all of them stop moving, Kazehana felt the worst possible feeling she could in this moment. Not only did she want them to keep fucking her and get this over with, but she wanted them to fuck her as hard as they could so that she could cum right along with them. And despite being unable to voice what she wanted because of the cock that plugged her throat, the way she gently started to rock her hips and move them to try and chase the pleasure that coursed through her was all the men needed to know what she wanted.

Her eyes fluttered shut when all three of them started to thrust into her once again, feeding into the pleasure and desire that she was chasing. Her body spasmed ever so slightly when the fat man underneath her grabbed a firm hold of her breasts, his fingers sinking into the soft skin of her large mounds. All while the man that was fucking her throat pinched her nipples and gave them a firm tug. The pain that rushed into her only accentuated and enhanced the pleasure that she felt, causing her to moan around his shaft while the fat man that fucked her pussy brought one of his hands to her neck.

Before she could do or say anything, Kazehana felt her inner and anal walls clamp down like vices around the two cocks that were inside of her. An intense and powerful orgasm coursed through her from the mixture of pain and pleasure, causing her to swallow around the dick in her mouth to try and make him cum as well. Luckily, all three of the men continued to fuck her like nothing had changed, like she didn’t just get incredibly tight around their cocks. Like they were going to just keep using her until they were satisfied, uncaring about if she found enjoyment out of it or not.

However, before that thought fully sank into her mind, clouding her thoughts, Kazehana felt something that only enhanced her orgasm and caused it to last a little bit longer. All three of the fat men came inside of her once again, reacting to her orgasm in turn with their own. She didn’t hesitate to swallow around the cock that filled her throat, drinking down every drop of cum that she could get from him in the process. All while the dick that was in her cunt erupted into her womb and filled it with every drop of his cum that he could pump into her, her cock throbbing against her inner walls.

As for the man that was underneath her and filled her asshole? He didn’t hesitate to knead her breasts as he came inside of her, unloading rope after rope of his thick and potent cum into her asshole. And from the way he steadily rocked his hips back and forth while cumming inside of her, Kazehana knew that he didn’t care if she liked him cumming in her ass. But it was a fortunate thing that she quickly came around to having the three of them fuck her like this. At the very least, no matter how long they fucked her, she’d be able to find some kind of pleasure out of it.

And if things took a turn she couldn’t control, somewhere deep in the back of Kazehana’s mind told her it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to belong to three fat men with cocks as big as theirs. Especially if they were going to fuck her like this on a regular basis. If that ended up being her life, some part of her felt that she wouldn’t be against it. Especially with how memories of her ashikabi were fading from her mind with each passing moment.


Kazehana wasn’t sure how long the four of them had been at it, or how long it had been since she arrived at the bar, or even how long it had been since she first stepped foot into this room. The only thing that she remembered from this day was the feeling of pleasure that was currently coursing through her as she happily bounced on one of the fat men’s cocks while facing him. One of the men was behind her while the third was standing next to them, her hand wrapped around his shaft.

She bounced and bounced on their cocks as she looked over at the third, keeping one hand around his shaft while her other hand was latched onto her breast. Nothing but pleasure and desire mattered to Kazehana right now as she was fucked by all three of these men. Her breath hitched in her throat as she heard them groaning around her. “Come on… Don’t keep a woman like me waiting. Give me all of your cum and don’t stop until your balls are empty.”

Kazehana playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she swayed her hips from side to side, causing both of the dicks inside of her to twitch and grind against her inner and anal walls without a care in the world. Her heart skipped a beat when she felt the dick in her hand throb and pulse like he was about to erupt. And her lips curled into a bright and lustful smile as she looked at the three fat men who had been fucking her for what felt like hours. “Don’t be shy, boys. You’ve already brought me this far. Give me a little bit more and we can see what happens.~”

A gentle and excited chuckle rumbled in her throat as she looked at the fat man to her side, leaning in close enough to steal a kiss from his lips. She could hear all three of the men groaning around her, getting closer and closer to their orgasms as she continued to rock her hips and stroke the third man off. Deep down, Kazehana wanted them to cum. She wanted them to potentially get her pregnant. She wanted all three of them to coat her in their semen so she would have to go back to her home while covered in it. And she wasn’t going to stop riding them until she got what she wanted. Especially after they were the ones who put her in this position in the first place.

Fortunately for her, it didn’t take more than a few more moments before the three men all reached the peak of their pleasure. Before she knew it, rope after rope of thick, hot, and potent cum flooded her asshole and her womb. The two fat men that were buried inside of her pumped as much of their cum as they could into her, making sure to drain their balls right then and there. And the feeling of them cumming inside of her was enough to push Kazehana over the edge as well.

Her cunt and her asshole clamped down like a vice around the cocks inside of her, greedily milking them of as much of their cum as she was able to while she continued to stroke the third man off. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt him finally erupt as well, taking an extra moment compared to the others. However, his cum splattering along her breasts, her hand, and her stomach didn’t stop her from bouncing on the cocks of the men inside of her. With lust, pleasure, and bliss all coursing through her and driving her, Kazehana continued to move on their lips, hoping to make them cum even more.


Only an hour after being pumped full of cum and possibly impregnated, Kazehana decided that it would only be appropriate to get all three of the men off the same way she did when she first got in here. By allowing them to fuck her breasts. The first two of the fat men had already blown their loads and coated her breasts, stomach, and cleavage in their cum. Now it was time for the final man to enjoy himself using her breasts. Though, Kazehana knew better than to allow the other two to go ignored.

Her lips were curled into a bright and blissful smile as she stroked the other two fat men off, keeping their cocks as close to her face as she possibly could. All while letting the final one straddle her lap and play with her breasts while pumping himself in and out of her cleavage. However, Kazehana didn’t say a word as she turned her head from side to side, gazing longly at the dicks in front of her. All of them had fucked her at this point, stuffing each of her holes and making her cum in various ways. And now here she was, almost back where she started with getting all three of them off using her breasts.

A quiet chuckle rumbled in Kazehana’s throat as she looked at the cock that was plunging into her cleavage over and over again. She didn’t even know these men’s names, yet here she was, letting them fuck her like she belonged to them. And, in some way, she did. All because they were blackmailing her with a debt that she could never reasonably pay off. Though, she could keep visiting them and working it off by giving them her body.

Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when she realized that was probably their plan all along. To get her into a debt she could never repay and then just fuck and break her for the rest of their days. And, for some reason, Kazehana didn’t mind that fact. Maybe it was because all three of them didn’t hesitate to cum on her at the same time, painting her beautiful face in their cum while she continued to stroke the two cocks to her side off. Even as rope after rope of their seed splattered against her skin and started to coat her body, she didn’t stop bringing them pleasure. Maybe they knew she’d be the kind of lover to make sure her partner was never unsatisfied.

No matter their reason, Kazehana’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she continued to slowly stroke the two dicks to her side, looking at all three of the men. “I’m going to need to come back and keep working off my debt, aren’t I? What do you say I come back tomorrow and we can pick up from here?~” She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she watched all three of the men suddenly look at each other and nod their heads.

“Good. Then I’ll see you men tomorrow. Hopefully we can have some more fun.~” Kazehana playfully licked her lips as she got up from the bed, her legs weak and her body feeling heavy. She knew it was from the pleasure in her system, but she made her way to the door all the same. And she didn’t bother to lick up the cum that stained her face or her breasts, hoping that someone would spot her coated in cum and make use of her again.


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