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So, after some thinking, chatting ideas with a few people, and seeing that only a handful of people have transferred to SubscribeStar, I've decided I'm going to keep Patreon up and running and charging. SubscribeStar will be the focus and the (current) end goal for pledges until I can figure out a more permanent solution, but I'm going to keep Patreon up.

Unfortunately, that means that last few weeks of stress from worrying about moving to a new platform was almost for nothing, but I think this is a good middle ground for now. People either don't want to switch, are holding off to switch, or can't switch due to some banking issues (this one came up for a couple people). As a result, I'm leaving the rewards on each site as they are as an incentive for people to switch platforms in the long run (SubscribeStar's being better and allowing me to give back more than Patreon's).

TLDR: Patreon is staying up and is going to be charging when the month rolls over, but SubscribeStar will be my focus and will have better rewards. Both as an incentive for people to switch at their leisure and for those with banking issues that genuinely cannot switch over as a result.


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