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With August being my birthday month, I've been debating on just doing my own thing and posting a story each week that I want to write for myself. At first, I wondered just what I should write since it's been a while since I've done anything for my own tastes and not just what I thought would work in a story. But I think I've come to a decision on just what to write. It'll be a mix of Fate, UNIST, Naruto, and possibly Nier content, but I'm going to mix things up a bit from my usual go-to women from the series. I'm not sure just who I should go with yet, but I'll be sure to put my best into these stories and not put a limit on the word count just to meet a deadline.

Also, I hope everyone's been doing alright with everything going on in the world. It's been incredibly stressful for me, so I can only imagine how it might be for some of you.


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