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It had been a few days since Lulu had managed to get some alone time away from Waka and the rest of Yuna’s retainers. It may have been always lively and entertaining with everyone around, always something to talk about and something to laugh about. But in the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep? Lulu found that it was the only time that she could manage to be alone. Luckily, tonight was a night before a long trip, meaning everyone was going to be asleep for a long time and she could step out to the nearby waterfall and enjoy herself a proper and relaxing wash that she almost felt was needed.

She remained as quiet as she could as she slipped out of the tent that she shared with her lover, Waka, hoping to not wake him. When Lulu managed to get out of the tent and step outside on the dirt, she took a quick look back to make sure she didn’t wake him on her way out. Luckily, when she turned her head to look, she could still see him snoring up a storm at the edge of the tent, knowing that he had to give her the space that she wanted. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she started to step back away from him. “Such a kind man. It’s too bad that you’re just…. Not enough.”

Lulu didn’t waste a single moment before making her way toward the waterfall, making sure not to wake a single person that she passed in order to make sure she had all the time that she could alone. The gentle smile on her lips remained as she found the waterfall, not hesitating to strip and leave her clothing out on the edge of the small pond that had formed under the waterfall. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she put her feet in the water, feeling just how cold it was against her bare skin. It was far from unbearable, but it was enough to make her nipples erect simply from standing in the water.

In the back of her mind, she could only imagine how her body was going to react if the water ended up being waist-deep. A soft chuckle rumbled in her throat as she made her way underneath the falling water only a few feet away from her, loving the way it fell and pelted against her skin with a near-perfect amount of force. The smile that was on her lips only grew when she leaned her head back and allowed the water to fall on her breasts, her sensitive mounds almost driving pleasure through her body right then and there.

Deep down, Lulu knew the chances of her getting caught if she allowed the pleasure to get to her like it was starting to as she washed herself. There was very little chance that anyone from her group would wake up and come to find her. But anyone from a nearby village or someone else that might be camping or exploring? That was another story altogether. Though, she didn’t let it bother her for more than a moment before she brought both of her hands to her large mounds and gave them a firm but gentle squeeze.

Lulu also brought one of her hands between her legs, dragging her middle finger along the entrance to her pussy as she stayed under the water. Her heart started to race in her chest as she started to play with herself, the fact that she was fully exposed to anyone that might come around turning her on more than she expected. Her breath hitched in her throat as she pushed a single finger into her tight and recently-untouched pussy, sending a jolt of pure pleasure to rush through her body as she stood there. “I didn’t think I would be so sensitive… But I guess it has been a while… I haven’t done anything with Waka, after all…”

As she pumped that long digit in and out of her cunt, rubbing it against her inner walls and exploring her sensitive pussy, Lulu heard the sound of someone gasping just a little bit away from them. From the sound of the voice that filled her ears, it was a man. And when her eyes shot open to see just who it was that saw her, she knew right away that it was someone else that came to bathe. However, instead of sending him away and telling him to forget what he saw like her instincts were telling her to, she instead looking him in the eyes and smirked. “You know… I shouldn’t say this, but you’re more than welcome to join me as long as you keep things quiet.~”

It didn’t take any time at all for that man to make his way over toward Lulu, dropping his clothes and everything he was carrying on the edge of the water. She expected him to immediately latch on to her breasts just like everyone else that wanted to do something with her. As a result, Lulu was quickly caught off guard when he made his way behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips quickly meeting her own in a deep and passionate kiss. A kiss that she hesitated only for a moment to return. She was smart enough to know that once this got started, she wouldn’t be able to turn him away and go back to her own business.

Luckily for Lulu, as soon as she returned the kiss to this man, she didn’t want to go back to how things were. The feeling of his cock slapping against her plump rear end as they shared kiss after kiss was enough to make her not care about what would happen from here. He could fuck her pussy and knock her up, she could get caught with him by Waka and she would still smile it off, or she could even be forced to be this man’s bitch for the night and she’d return to the group in the morning with a smile on her face.


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