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I recently (in the last few hours) found out that my great uncle (grandma's brother) killed himself early this morning. I would love to say that I'm going to take a few days to a week away to remorse and recover, but I don't exactly have that luxury right now. What I will do to give myself a little bit of ease and take some of the load off my shoulders is ask for help for next month's story set.

I've asked both BlackAce and Rebecca Chesire for help once again. If things go according to plan, Ace will be handling the Lucy/Levi and Mirijane/Seilah stories while Rebecca writes the Natsu/Lucy and Minerva/Erza stories. But I'll be taking over again for July's story set.

I'm also going to be taking a step back from the Casino of Fate series that I've been working on for a few months. Just to give myself a fresh start on something. I'll still be doing monthly Fate content, but I'll be working on a project called "Fate Academy".

I'm not really used to making posts like this (I hope I never get used to it), but I thought all of you should get an update as to why some things will be changed next month.

Don't worry, though. I'm alright, still going to be working just as hard as usual. I'm just getting help to ease the stress in a time like this.


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