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“Alright, and we’re good, nice shoot Takamaki. We’re going to take a small 20-minute break before resuming once again.” 

With a smile and slight nod, Ann regarded the man directing the shoot before heading off back to her dressing room. A water bottle in hand, she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through her contacts. Her smile widening she found the name of who she was looking for; and tapped on it. Entering the room as it rang before the person on the other end answer with a soft, yet amiable “Hello”.

“Hey, Shiho.” Ann greeted while shutting the door behind her. Walking over to the studio couch, she let out a soft grunt and sigh as she plopped herself down right onto the cozy seat. “How’s it going?” 

A lighthearted giggled filled Ann’s ears, bringing a smile to the blonde’s lip. Ever since the events of Kamoshida had passed and things returned back to normal within Shujin Academy. Shiho had begun reverting back to her old self. Cheery, outgoing, no words could express the amount of joy Ann felt in seeing the life finally return back into Shiho’s once bleak eyes. 

“Pretty good on my end,” Replied Shiho. “What about you? Is the photo shoot finished for the day?” 

“Nah,” She took a quick swig of her water before continuing. “I just have one more set to go through and then I’ll be done.” She stifled a yawn that clawed at her throat. The exhaustion from the constant standing and posing for the camera finally catching up to her. 

The yawn, though muffled, was not missed by Shiho. “Tired?” The volleyball asked through the line. 

“More like stressed,” Though she was loving her life as a fashion model. It was really was a lot grueling than she initially thought. Between the many hours of photoshoots and the many deadlines that she had to meet from time to time. To ultimately being forced to watch her own figure, which meant having no choice but to cut down on sweets. That last one actually made Ann cry a little, her insatiable sweet tooth screaming protest and despair. 

But hey, sometimes a little sacrifice was necessary in life. . . even if she hated it. 

That little tangent aside, the blonde model stretched her arms. “I haven’t really had the chance to catch a break and relax. It’s starting to wear down on me.” 

“You ever try doing something to help you relax?” Shiho suggested, which merely earned a snort from the blonde. 

“Yeah? Like what?” Ann inquired, going in and taking another swig of her water bottle. 

“You’re alone at the moment, right? How about giving yourself a small little quickie?” 

If Ann had been anyone else, like maybe Ryuji, she would’ve spat out her water in shock at the wild suggestion her friend dropped so casually. She thankfully gulped the water down but ended up forcing it down the wrong pipe. “Wh-What are you s-saying?” She asked amidst her coughs and hacking. Beating her chest lightly calm herself down, a slight blush forming on her face. “Th-There’s no way I could-” 

“Why not? It’s a valid suggestion,” She reasoned. “It’s quick, easy, and it leaves you feeling a lot more relaxed than you actually think.” Though Shiho spoke with a clear, teasing, and playful tone residing in her voice. Ann knew her friend well enough to know she was actually serious about this. Which surprised her more than the actual idea itself. 

“I-I’m in public,” She protested, though her words came out with a lot less force than she expected. 

And yet, despite the hesitancy exuding from her friend; Shiho held firm on her stance, “Maybe, but you ARE alone, right? Just give it a try, it’s a lot more thrilling than you might think.” 

“I-I still can’t believe you’re actually suggesting this to me.”

“I know, it must be a shock to you,” Shiho couldn’t really blame her friend. Even for her, this had to have been the most radical idea she had ever proposed to her friend. “But hey, you shouldn’t knock it till you try it. Here, I’ll even help you. Make sure the door is locked for this. Respected privacy or not, you don’t want that one person unintentionally barging in on you.” When she didn’t hear any sounds of shuffling, or anything indicating that Ann moved from her spot; she pressed harder. “Come on, Ann.” 

Ann sighed, yet conceded to her friend’s demands and went to go properly lock the doors. Albeit with some grumbling coming from her. “There.” She huffed, plopping back into her seat. “The door’s lock and I’m all alone, happy?” 

“Very.” Giggled Shiho, “Now then, I want you to close your eyes. And envision yourself naked; are they closed?”  

“Mh hm…” Despite herself, Ann did allow herself to follow Shiho’s commands. 

Another giggle left Shiho, “Just making sure; now, as I said, imagine yourself completely naked. Not a single piece of clothing covering that killer fashion model bod of yours. You’re walking without a care in the world… down the middle of a runway shoot surrounded hundreds of photographers.” 

Ann’s eyes snapped wide open in shock, “What?!” 

“Shhh, don’t talk,” Hushed the volleyball player. “Just listen~” 

Ann frowned, yet made no retort as she leaned back into her seat. Tentatively closing her eyelids once more, allowing her body to relax. “Alright…” She breathed. 

“So as I was saying, you’re walking down the runway. Your entire body exposed for all to see. Your perky breasts bouncing with each sultry step you take. Your bubbly ass jiggling, even from the slightest movement made.” 

“Jeez,” Ann muttered, a faint blush already forming from the details Shiho was giving. It wasn’t a secret to her that Shiho always admired her body. She often felt her friend’s gaze lingering on her curves on more than one occasion. Yet she had no idea these were the kind of thoughts she could have about her. She wasn’t entirely sure whether to feel flattered or embarrassed by the whole thing. 

Shiho giggled, “You’re walking past each photographer. A self-confident smirk etched upon your face as you glance at them. You could feel their eyes watching you; even behind blinding flashes, and camera lens shrouding their faces. You can feel how much they want you.” 

Ann let out a gulp for her suddenly dry throat. Her thighs rubbing together as her heart started to quicken a little. A warm sensation starting to build in her core. 

“You can sense their overwhelming lust surround you from every corner, and you love it. You’re not stupid, you know exactly what these men want to do to you. How they just wanna jump on stage and grab you with their strong muscular hands.” Ann could swear she heard a soft pant come from Shiho for a brief moment. “It’s why you’re flaunting your body off in the first place.” 

Closing her eyes, Ann envisioned Shiho’s words in her mind. Images of her friend’s vivid description filling her mind as she slowly snaked a hand into her shorts. No longer was she in the privacy of her personal dressing room. She was now on the runway, naked just as Shiho claimed. With thousands of eyes, all focused around her and sinful body. Despite her situation, however, Ann was surprisingly calm. Not a shred of fear or embarrassment dwelling within her as she sauntered down the walkway. Instead, a mysterious sense of proud confidence swelled her breasts. 

“Your walk was cut abruptly by a brave soul. Climbing aboard the path and staring you down. His actions stunning the entire crowd. Yet no one dared to make a move, wanting to see what would happen next as he approached you. His tall and muscular figure, slowly towering you with each passing step.” 

A soft gulp left Ann as she pictured the man before her. Wearing clothes that helped define and show off his toned physique. Her heart beating rapidly as he walked up to her. Her body growing unconsciously wet with anticipation at what would come next. 

“Before you know it, he’s already standing before you. You could feel your heart palpitating uncontrollably by his mere presence. So engrossed by his overwhelming aura, you didn’t even notice nor realize him wrapping his arms around you. Seizing your lips in what would be an aggressive kiss. His dominant tongue forcing its way into your mouth.”


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