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//This story was written by Rebecca Chesire, a friend and helper for KovaCommissions. You can find her Patreon here > https://www.patreon.com/R_Cheshire < if you like her work and want to support her in some way. I would have posted it earlier, but I didn't have the link until now. Either way, I hope you all enjoy the read//

They say that love comes when you least expect it. That it's a sneaky thing that pops up when you think you don't need it. Or sometimes you know the love is there but don't necessarily need to acknowledge it because you and your significant other know how you feel about each other. And as she watched her digital clock tick down to midnight, now officially marking today as February 14th, Kobayashi laid in bed wondering one final thought before she fell asleep...

“Which category do I fall in with Tohru?”

Come the morning, Kobayashi awoke feeling pretty relaxed despite the nagging thought she had the night before. Since today was a weekend day that meant no work, so already this was a perfect day. And of course because it was February 14th that also meant that it was Valentine's Day. The day of lovers, friends and family to show their affection for each other in the form of chocolate, flowers or other types of gifts. It was pretty standard. Nothing new exactly as if a new tradition was added to the holiday. Little did Kobayashi know though that this Valentine's was actually going to turn out very special...

After taking a shower Kobayashi went into the kitchen, somewhat blindly due to the steam on her glasses from the shower, to get a cup of coffee. When she did she was greeted by a familiar chipper voice.

“Good morning, Kobayashi-san!” Greeted Tohru.

Even with the steam on her glasses Kobayashi could imagine the bright smile on the dragon maid's face. Wait...was it odd that I can so easily envision her smile, Kobayashi asked herself. Deciding to ignore the question she shook her head and returned the greeting.

“Good morning, Tohru. Did you sleep well?” Kobayashi asked as she poured her coffee.

“Yes, very well even! In fact I had a dream that we were magical girls.” Tohru said as she added the chopped mitsuba to the eggs.

“Wha!? You mean me and you were Sailor Scouts?” Kobayashi asked in shock. She had a hard time seeing herself in a brightly colored short pleated skirt with ribbons all over her while fighting freaky monsters in heels. And imagining doing all that spinning just to transform made the programmer want to find her stomach medicine.

“Ha, ha, no! Not you and me. I meant me, Kanna, Fafnir, Lucoa and Elma.” Tohru explained with a smile.

“Oh, okay. And now that you explain it that makes a lot more sense. I can just see it; the Dragon Scouts. You would be the leader, most likely.” Kobayashi said to which the dragon maid puffed out her ample chest in pride.

“Naturally! I was the leader in my dream, too. I already called and told Lucoa about it and she asked me if she had a cute uniform but I can't recall exactly. I do know that Fafnir had a pleated skirt and leggings though.” Tohru explained which made Kobayashi snort a laugh.

“W-Wow! That's hilarious to imagine. Did you tell Fafnir that? I wanna call Takiya and tell him first. Think he'll get a real kick out of such a fearsome cursed dragon as a magical boy.” Kobayashi said, giggling as she pictured Fafnir wearing a black and red sailor uniform while posing with his hair done up in a bun and scowling angrily.

“I figured you would! And no, I didn't tell Fafnir yet. I may be aligned with chaos but I pick and choose my battles wisely.” Tohru said and the two shared a laugh.

“Morning.” Came a groggy, soft spoken greeting that could only come from Kanna.

“Ah! Good morning Kanna.” Kobayashi greeted her adopted daughter.

Looking at her Kobayashi still can't believe that Kanna is a teenager now, and a far cry from the small fry she used to be. So much had changed Now Kanna was as tall as Kobayashi(very likely taller but she ignored that to spare her pride) and the horns on her head didn't grow much but they had a more regal, aged look to them. Her baby face was long gone and was more mature looking, further proving her teen age. The clothes she wore also reflected this – and while they were pastel colors with feathered accents that referenced to Kanna's true feathered dragon form but her attire is more elegant and better suited to someone slightly older. As Kanna opened her eyes the programmer could see that the only thing that didn't change were her sparkling blue eyes.

“Good morning, Kanna! We're having tamagoyaki, bacon and melon pan for breakfast.” Tohru said to Kanna with a smile.

“Okay. I'll set the table.” Kanna said, her voice sounding like a finely tuned guitar instead of the bell-like tone she had as a kid. A pitch deeper and she would sound like a grown woman.

Kobayashi watched as Kanna took a few plates, the reusable chopsticks and went about setting the table. Then she let out a nostalgic sounding sigh.

“Ha. Can't believe it sometimes.” Kobayashi said.

“Hm? What do you mean?” Tohru asked.

“Nothing, nothing. It's just...Kanna has grown up so much. I could have sworn she was our munchkin snapdragon yesterday.” The programmer replied thoughtfully, to which Tohru giggled. “What's funny?”

“The idea of Kobayashi-san thinking back to when Kanna was younger when she'll be starting high school next week. It just makes you sound like an old man telling stories from his time.” Tohru explained in a chipper voice as she proceeded to make the first roll up omelet.

“Whoa, she starts next week? I thought it wasn't until later. I guess I am getting old.” Kobayashi said, taking a thoughtful sip of her coffee.

“That's okay! Kobayashi looks great older! Fine like a grey fox.” Tohru said happily.

“Heh, heh. It's fine like wine, and grey fox is more for men than women. But I appreciate the thought anyway.” Kobayashi said with a smile.

With a little prayer the small mixed species family ate their breakfast together. Then after they were done Kanna explained that she was leaving to meet with Riko and their friends to spend most of the day with them and would return for dinner. Kobayashi said it was fine and bid farewell to her teenage adoptive daughter, but just before she put on her shoes Kanna stopped.

“Oh. I almost forgot Miss Kobayashi.” Kanna said and went back to her room, then came back with two medium sized silver boxes wrapped in glittery colored ribbons. “I got these yesterday for you and Lady Tohru. Happy Valentine's Day.”

“Wow, thanks Kanna.” Kobayashi said and took the box Kanna held out to her while Tohru came from the kitchen space, drying her hands off from washing dishes, and took her box.

“Aww thank you Kanna-chan! I can't wait to see what it is.” Tohru said as she unwrapped her gift box while Kobayashi did the same.

Once both boxes were unwrapped and opened, Kobayashi and Tohru were left stunned by the contents. For Kobayashi she got a ceramic coffee mug that said Best Techno Mom with a design of a cutesy looking computer with “mom” on the screen and a smiley face after it. Meanwhile Tohru's gift was a pot holder with a chibi green dragon breathing fire embroidered on it that said Coolest Dragon Mom.

“I had them made at the custom crafts shop in town. You two...took me into your home, even when you didn't have to. I can't thank Kobayashi-san and Lady Tohru enough for being the parents I never had. So, Happy Valentine's Day.” Kanna said, and a worry etched it's way onto her usual stoic face while her voice was brimming with genuine gratitude and affection.

For a while Tohru and Kobayashi stood there, looking at their gifts. And the worry became more prominent on Kanna's face as she feared that the older women would hate the gifts. But those concerns were whisked away once she was enveloped into the warm embraces of both Kobayashi and Tohru.

“Kanna...it's perfect. This is definitely going to be my new favorite coffee mug. Happy Valentine's Day.” Kobayashi said with a smile.

“And I'll use this pot holder every day, Kanna-chan. Happy Valentine's Day.” Tohru said.

Kanna was stunned by the reactions at first, before a wide smile broke out across her face and she wrapped her arms around her adoptive parents in a tight embrace to return the affection. Well...maybe the embrace was too tight.

“Hurk, K-Kanna...too tight. T-Too tight...!” Kobayashi strained a squeak.

“Can't...breathe!” Tohru strained out herself.

“Oh! Sorry.” Kanna said with an awkward face and let go of both women. “Anyway, I should hurry to meet Riko. I'll be back later.”

“Have fun, Kanna-chan! And you have your present for Riko, right?” Tohru asked.

“Uh huh. I'll let you know how she likes it. Bye for now.” And with that Kanna put on her shoes and left the apartment.

“What did Kanna mean by that? How is this gift different from any other gift she got for Kanna?” Kobayashi asked curiously, to which the dragon maid wagged her finger in her face.

“Na uh! I'm not telling ~ You have to wait and see if you didn't know, Ko-ba-yashi.” Tohru said in a singsong voice with a mischievous grin on her face. It just screamed 'I know something you don't know'.

“That so? If I treat you to crepes and we do some window shopping would you give me a clue?” Kobayashi asked with a grin of her own.

Maybe. You'll have to try it and see.” Tohru said cheekily.

“Challenge accepted. Grab your jacket though, it's still pretty cold.” Kobayashi said.

And off the pair went out, going straight to the shopping/tourist district to check out their favorite shops and have some delicious goodies from the crepe stand. Kobayashi didn't mind coming here and wasn't really trying to trick Tohru to tell her what Kanna was planning for Riko's present. She was more focused on spending time with her. And...it was nice. Now it's not like it's a new feeling per say. Of course Kobayashi enjoys spending time with Tohru, like it's not as if her company is unpleasant. But right now – as they walked down the sidewalk and looked at the various shops while eating their crepes it felt like a different kind of nice. The kind where you're enjoying being able to spend time with a special partner after so long.

“...Partner?” Kobayashi asked herself aloud. How the heck did she think of that word, of all the ones she would use to describe Tohru?

“Huh? Did you say something Kobayashi?” Tohru asked.

“Wha? Oh no! Nothing at all. I was just thinking aloud. So, how do you like that new crepe flavor?” Kobayashi asked.

“Oh, it's yummy! I never thought I'd like tiramisu flavor. Here – try some.” Tohru said and held up her treat to the programmer's mouth.

“Nah, I'm halfway done with mine and don't want to mix flavors.” Kobayashi said.

“Come on! Mixing flavors is the fun part of treats. Try a little. Pretty please?” Tohru asked. And somehow, with that peppy smile and voice to match, Kobayashi couldn't say no.

“Well okay. But just a bit.” Kobayashi said and leaned forward to take a bit of the tiramisu crepe. She chewed a bit, let the flavor sit and swallowed before brightening up. “That is pretty tasty. I'll have to get that next time.”

“See? I told you so! Oh wait, you got some of the tiramisu cream on your cheek.” The dragon maid said and wiped off the cream off Kobayashi's cheek then licked it from her finger.

“Thanks, Tohru.” Kobayashi said.

“No problem! I am your maid after all. And it's my duty to clean after you. Even your face.” Tohru said, then gave a curious expression. “Although...I'm surprised you let me do that. I mean you usually bonk me on the head or scold me for PDA.”

To this Kobayashi gave a thoughtful expression, then nodded in understanding before looking off to the side with half a smile.

“Hm. Maybe I don't mind it anymore...” Kobayashi said.

“Huh?” Tohru asked in surprise. Did she really just hear that? But a new voice stopped her from asking for confirmation.

“Nothing. Come on, let's head to the park to rest our feet for a bit.” Kobayashi said and walked on ahead. Tohru started to follow after her, but then stopped short when she remembered something.

“You go ahead, Kobayashi! I got to pick up some new cutlery from the house wear shop!” Tohru called back.

“Oh, okay! See you soon!” Kobayashi said and proceeded to continue her way to the park.

Tohru waved back, then as she turned around she grinned. She did have something to get – but it wasn't from the house wear shop, and it sure wasn't cutlery. Instead the dragon maid went into a fancy stationery shop…

Meanwhile Kobayashi had made it to the park and was using the time she had to herself to think. Think of what she said to Tohru about how she didn’t mind the other woman touching her in public and think of why she thought of Tohru as a partner while they were walking and eating crepes. Yes, they've lived together for quite a few years. Yes, she likes the dragon's company and her cooking. And yes, she even stood up to Tohru's imposing malicious dragon father when she could have easily been killed. But anyone would do that without having romantic feelings!

...So why didn't Kobayashi believe herself when she told herself this? Why couldn't she agree that this was true? But most of all, why did she feel angry at herself for not standing by her words from earlier? Her relationship with Tohru didn't change a bit over the years. And if it did she would have noticed. And they treat each other the same way. Tohru cooks and cleans, Kobayashi brings home the paycheck. Tohru takes care of her while she's sick, Kobayashi does the same in kind. They take Kanna to school and other events for fun, or they go out drinking together. They laugh together, cry together. And...and

At that moment – the programmer was hit with the greatest epiphany of her life.

“I...love her. I'm in love with Tohru.” Kobayashi said. And just like that her heart became so much lighter, a weight lifted from her mind and she felt a breath of fresh air in her lungs. It was like she had the greatest revelation of her life. “Heh. But when I really think of it – this feels more like a great admittance than a revelation. I think I always loved Tohru. I was just too much of an idiot to say so.”

“Kobayashi-san!” Called a familiar voice and Kobayashi turned around to see Tohru running towards her, holding a bag too as she noticed, with a bright smile. She panted tiredly as she caught her breath before sitting down next to the human. “Sorry I'm late! I ended up helping an older lady with her groceries.”

“It's alright. I wouldn't expect anything less of you. Also, what's with the bag? It doesn't look like the usual kind from the house wear shop.” Kobayashi said.

“Tee-hee. Well, I didn't really go to the house wear shop. I went to that stationary shop instead. I had something pre-ordered and I remembered that it came out today.” Tohru explained.

“Oh? Then how come you told me you were going to a different shop?” Kobayashi asked now confused.

At this the dragon maid smiled widely, pulled something out of the bag and happily presented it to Kobayashi.

“Because I got this for you and wanted it to be a surprise! Happy Valentine's Day, Kobayashi!” Tohru exclaimed happily.

Kobayashi blinked in surprise and adjusted her eyes a bit to get a proper look at the item in Tohru's hand. It was a hard velvet pen case, colored dusty rose which was her favorite, and had her name engraved in glittery gold. She delicately accepted the case and looked at it, then at Tohru's smiling face and then back at the pen case. Finally Kobayashi opened it and gasped in surprise. It was...the most beautiful ballpoint pen she has ever seen! The craftsmanship was remarkable and the little part on the cap also had her name engraved. Kobayashi sat the case down in her lap and removed the cap on the ballpoint pen to be greeted by a sterling silver tip.

“Tohru...this is amazing.” Kobayashi said softly.

“Isn't it? When you told me about the promotion you got at work and how people keep stealing your pens, I thought I should get you a very special pen of your own. It writes in blue ink and you can even get refills for it. Also don't worry about it being stolen. I put a little non-lethal warning spell on it for safety.” Tohru explained.

“I...Thank you, Tohru. Really. And, actually, I got a present for you too. It's a bit last minute though but I think you'll like it.” Kobayashi said as she slipped the pen cap back on and put the writing instrument in its case.

“Really?! What is it, what?” Tohru asked eagerly.

Without another word Kobayashi turned, embraced Tohru and kissed her. Not a peck, not a ten second smooch but a full on lip lock. Of course Tohru was stunned by this. In fact she conjured her tail for a moment to flick her horns to see if she was dreaming. And to her further shock she wasn't. This was actually happening...Kobayashi, her most beloved human, was kissing her. When she realized it Tohru immediately wrapped her arms around the human's waist and returned the kiss. The intimate moment lasted for a few more minutes before they finally broke apart. The two women let out panting breaths before Kobayashi spoke up.

“I love you, Tohru. I think...no, I did always love you but I could never admit it then. I'm sorry. But I'm saying it now. I. Love. You.” Kobayashi said. Tohru blinked for a moment before smiling wide as tears of joys peaked at the corners of her eyes.

“Silly human. I always knew that. Took you long enough to say so.” Tohru said and playfully bumped her forehead against Kobayashi's.

“Ha, ha! Well I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Hope it was worth it at least.” Kobayashi said while nuzzling her forehead against the dragon maid's forehead.

“Oh yes. It was definitely worth the wait.” Tohru assured happily.

That night Kobayashi and Tohru, now a couple, had a big dinner to celebrate their union. Fafnir and Takiya came, Shouta and Lucoa were there, Elma even showed up and eventually Kanna, Riko and Georgie arrived...with Riko wearing a beautiful sapphire pendant. She was all too happy to announce that Kanna gave it to her and that they were now officially dating. Which explained what Tohru meant about the whole gift thing earlier. Fafnir of course scoffed at their being “so much sickening affection in one room” but Takiya cheekily mentioned that he doesn't think that when he kisses him at home, much to the cursed dragon's embarrassment and everyone's amusement. Shouta and Lucoa were also having their usual moments with the busty dragon trying to feed him while her chest was way too close to his face and the young mage in training rather typically tried to keep away from her. Meanwhile Elma was writing down the new recipes Georgie had come up with with bright eyes and a drooling mouth. And fun was had by all.

So yes. This was indeed a very special Valentine's Day for Kobayashi.


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