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So, a friend of mine decided I should give writing musk another shot and see what I can do with it over the weekend. So, I decided to write one of his favorite girls, Ishtar from FGO, giving a blowjob in a jewelry store. This is only the WIP, but I hope you like it.


Ishtar was a woman that knew her position in the world. She was a goddess that had plenty of power to do what she wanted with. She was in the body of a young girl that was petite and adorable to no end depending on who you asked. But she was also a woman that found herself in trouble more times than not. And right now was one of those times that she found herself in trouble.

She had talked down a random man in the middle of the jewelry store while she was looking around for something new to buy herself. And as a result, she ended up on her knees in front of the man with a deep blush on her face. Ishtar wasn’t an idiot, so she knew exactly where this was going to go and just what this man had in mind. “J-Just what do you think you’re-” As she opened her mouth to speak while trying to get off the floor, Ishtar felt the man promptly grab onto her shoulder and roughly push her back down to her knees.

Ishtar fell silent as she watched the man drop his pants. But not due to shock or fear out of what he was going to do to her. No, she fell quiet when the strong scent of his musk attacked her nostrils. The shock of seeing a dick so close to her face was nothing compared to the powerful scent of sweat and sex that assaulted her nostrils. Almost immediately, the near repulsive scent of the man’s crotch caused her eyes to water. The air around her got heavier and hotter as she inhaled breath after breath of this stranger’s powerful scent. It left Ishtar quiet as the tears started to drip down her face and her mind started to cloud over with his scent.

Of course, it also left her easy to play with for the man that dropped his pants. She didn’t argue or struggle against him as he slapped his cock down on her face, taking in deep breath after breath all on her own in an attempt to get in more of his scent. His heavy balls rested against her chin while the tip of his heated shaft reached into her hairline. And once again, Ishtar got a heavy whiff of the man’s musk. Her vision was filled with nothing but the stranger’s cock and every breath she took was filled with his musk. Sweat, sex, and his natural scent all filled her nose and her mind with each heavy breath that she took. But she couldn’t fight against it as he held her in place against the floor.

Though, his hand remained firm on her shoulder as he slowly dragged his member against her cheek and down toward her soft lips. Feeling his balls drag down her chin and slip off of her face while a small amount of the man’s precum dragged along her eye and down her cheek, Ishtar didn’t fight against him as he dragged his cock against her face. Every single inch that he moved felt hot and sweaty against her skin, almost sticking in place as she took in more of his scent while he took his time pressing the tip of his dick pressed against her plump lips. She slowly opened her mouth and allowed this man, who she was just berating not even two minutes ago, to push his heated length into her mouth. 

As it started to push into her throat, the goddess was instantly repulsed by the taste that coated her tongue. She didn’t gag when it reached into her throat but instead pressed her tongue against the underside of it to try and stop him from reaching too deep. However, when Ishtar stayed still for the man, pressing her tongue against his shaft, the more direct taste that coated her tongue immediately rushed to her mind. It was a perfect match for the scent that filled her mind, despite being stronger than the smell and starting to stain her taste buds. It was strong, almost repulsive, and perfect to start breaking her clouded mind just a little bit more.

Ishtar eagerly started to wrap her tongue around the throbbing cock that plunged in and out of her throat while the man moved his hips. There was no other reason in her mind to do so other than to get more flavor on her tastebuds. But the fact that it was bringing him more pleasure wasn’t an issue to her. Not when every breath she took was wonderfully ruined with his scent and her tastebuds were covered in his flavor. Being in the middle of a store didn’t cross Ishtar’s mind until she saw the man turn his head to look at the entrance. She didn’t know if they were alone or if no one cared to help her. But, deep down, Ishtar didn’t care to ask for help anymore. Not since she first got a whiff of the heavy musk that lingered from the man.

However, when he started to slowly pull his cock out from her mouth until his tip popped out of her mouth, Ishtar couldn’t stop herself from whining. Not until she was suddenly yanked against closer to the man’s crotch and had his heavy balls resting directly on her nose while the rest of his shaft pushed into her hair. With her nose pressed directly against the man’s heavy sack, Ishtar couldn’t stop herself from taking in another deep breath. The scent of his musk was multiple times stronger where she was and it caused more tears to fill her eyes. Her vision was nothing but the man’s heavy sack while his throbbing shaft pushed into her hair, precum staining her dark locks while her own saliva coated her face. More and more of the heavy and wonderful scent filled her mind and left her gasping for more when she was swiftly pulled away from his taint a moment later.


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