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After making a mistake that her village paid the price for, Naruko is put naked on display for anyone to do what they want with her.

Being the Hokage was a tough job that not many people would be able to do. Naruko was proud to have the position that she’s sought after since she was a child, but it came with its hindrances as well. Every now and again, when something major would happen in the village, she would be the one held responsible, and often lose a bit of her reputation for it. Usually, she’d earn it back by doing her best to make sure that something like it never happened again. But today, Naruko was with her arms and breasts against a street lamp in the middle of town. Her punishment was one so severe that she never would’ve expected the people she did her best to protect to turn against her like this.

From sunrise to sunset, Naruko had to be outside, naked and bare, for all of the villagers to see and do what they wanted with her. Many would just stop and spank her, leaving her plump rear end and dark shade of red before noon. But there were few, like the man that held onto her hips right now, that wanted to fuck their Hokage senseless. And for today, and today alone, they were allowed to do just that with no consequence.

A loud scream of pleasure of pain ripped from Naruko’s throat as the young man, who she didn’t even recognize, forced his hard cock to sink into her tight asshole. Having a dick in her ass wasn’t anything she was foreign to thanks to her loving wife, Hinata, being so supportive of her cravings when it came to sex. But for it to be a stranger’s cock? That was something that Naruko didn’t know how to properly deal with.

Her breath caught in her throat as he started to thrust into her without concern, his hands on her hips and his fingers sinking into her soft skin. “I can’t believe people like you would be so willing to take advantage of their Hokage…”

“Well, when you fail at your job, it affects all of us. And how else are we going to make sure things are fine after the fuck up you put us through!”

The man’s anger was clear in his voice as he hammered his cock deep into her asshole. And Naruko could feel his wrath in each thrust that he made, especially when one of his hands moved from her hips and upward along her back, his nails dragging along her skin and leaving red lines along her back. However, she knew that he was right that she had screwed up. Naruko didn’t think that having herself be fucked in public by a stranger for anyone to see was the punishment she deserved, but she couldn’t exactly fight it. Her hands were tied to her breasts while her breasts were squashed against the street lamp that she was being fucked again.

However, as the man continued to thrust into her tight ass, Naruko couldn’t deny the feeling of bliss that coursed through her. Over the years she had spent being married to Hinata, she had learned to get off with just having her asshole being fucked. But with this stranger having a far rougher touch, it was easy for her to feel the ecstasy he brought he as he fucked her. It didn’t help that Naruko could look in any direction and see the people of her village staring at her, most of them enjoying the sight of such a lovely woman naked and being used like this.

“Please be gentle,” was all that Naruko could get out of her mouth before the man suddenly grunted and slammed his hips against his plump rear end. Rope after warm, thick, potent rope of cum flooded her asshole and painted her anal walls white with his seed while he just stood there and held her in place. She could feel every throb, pulse, and jet of spunk that flooded her asshole, pushing her closer to an orgasm she didn’t want. But it didn’t quite get her there.

She heard the young man chuckling to himself as he pulled his still hard cock out of her asshole and slapped it down against her rear end. “W-What’s so funny back there? You got to fuck me like you wanted!”

“I did, but I’m far from done with you, Lady Hokage.”

The sudden feeling of the man’s hands wrapping around her body and squeezing her already squashed breasts caused a sharp moan to escape Naruko’s lips. She shivered as this man touched her exactly how she wanted to be touched when it came to sex. Every move he made caused the Hokage to shiver and shudder in place against the pole until she felt his nails drag along her stomach and reach her pussy, a sharp breath leaving her when he teased her clit. “W-What do you think you’re doing? You can’t fuck your Hokage’s pussy!”

“Says who? I don’t remember that being a rule.”

Before she could open her mouth to fight against what he was saying, Naruko felt his throbbing shaft suddenly plunge into her cunt in one swift motion. The first few inches of his member were the only thing to enter her at that moment, but those first few inches were all it took to make her change her mind. The Hokage’s eyes fluttered shut as she gripped tightly onto her breasts, pleasure filling her in a quick fashion compared to when he fucked her ass.

His thrusts started out slow and steady, almost teasing her with the speed he had chosen to fuck her. But she didn’t complain or ask him to go faster. Part of her didn’t want to risk him breaking her. His cock was far bigger than the one Hinata always gave herself when they were having sex. It was a few inches longer and almost twice as thick, making Naruko writhe and whine against the light pole as he slowly and steadily filled her with more and more of his impressive length.

“Gods… It's so big… I didn’t think men could have cocks this big…” As she moaned, Naruko allowed her eyes to flutter open once again, this time only being half-lidded as she saw her wife standing in front of her, staring with a confused gaze. She couldn’t find it in herself to fight the pleasure that she was feeling, but the love that filled her gaze as she stared at Hinata was unrivaled by anything else. The ecstasy she felt and the orgasm she was being pushed to was nothing compared to how happy she felt to be looking at Hinata and seeing that confused look turn into one of lust.

“It’s so big, Hinata… It feels so much better than yours…” Naruko gasped as the young man swiftly and suddenly slapped her plump rear end, making it jiggle and shake to his touch. Over and over again, the pain of him smacking her ass cheek filled her body and mind. But she was too focused on her wife coming closer to her at her own pace.

Both of their cheeks were flushed a gentle shade of pink as they stared at each other. Naruko, embarrassed to have her wife watch her getting fucked by a stranger. And Hinata being slightly ashamed to be getting more and more turned on by the fact that her loving wife carried such a lewd expression when being fucked by a stranger. The comment about the cock she gave herself while they had sex didn’t bother the Hyuuga in the slightest. She knew that she didn’t give herself the biggest one, but she didn’t want to hurt her wife when they were in bed either.

Of course, when Hinata finally got close enough to Naruko, she couldn’t help but smile and kneel down until she was eye-level with her wife. “Does it really feel that good, Naruko? You’ve never complained about my cock before.” There was a slight bit of embarrassment to her tone as she cupped her lover’s cheek in her hand, gasping when the young man fucking the Hokage suddenly pulled on Naruko’s pigtails to tilt her head back and spoil their little moment.

“Excuse me, I’m a bit busy here. Unless you would like to join in.~”

Having the young man pull on her pigtails like that only pushed Naruko closer to her orgasm once again. All she needed was one more push and she’d reach true heights of bliss right here in the middle of the street. She didn’t know just what she wanted or how she wanted to reach that orgasm. But the Hokage knew that she wanted to cum on this stranger’s cock as he kept fucking her.

It wasn’t until she felt Hinata’s lips suddenly press against her own that she managed to reach that orgasm she was chasing after. It was a heated, loving, passionate, and lustful kiss that made her head spin and her heart pound in her chest as her inner walls clamped down around the man’s shaft. Naruko came harder than anyone would’ve expected the Hokage to when getting fucked by a stranger. Her arousal dripped down her legs as she squirted onto the ground underneath her.

Of course, the fact that the young man that was currently fucking her didn’t stop while she was going through her orgasm just enhanced her pleasure and pushed her to new heights. And the feeling of Hinata’s tongue pushing past her lips and into her mouth caused Naruko to moan happily against her wife’s lips. She didn’t care about the fact that more and more people had gathered since Hinata had first turned up. Not when she had a wonderful cock inside of her and her wife’s lips pressed against her own.

Though, that didn’t mean she was unable to feel the stranger reach the height of his pleasure as well. Rope after rope of his thick, potent spunk flooded into her womb as she screamed against Hinata’s lips, able to feel the warmth of each rope of cum. Naruko didn’t fight back or struggle as this young man that wasn’t even supposed to fuck her pussy came inside of her with more than enough cum to make sure she would likely end up pregnant. There was no reason to as he let go of her pigtails and allowed her to slump against the lamp post and bask in the afterglow of her orgasm.

“Hope that teaches you a lesson about fucking up.”

Naruko wasn’t sure just what kind of lesson he was trying to teach her as she continued to kiss her wife over and over again, making out with her in front of everyone before Hinata slowly pulled away from her. But she wasn’t going to argue with him and when he started walking away. Deep down, she just wished that more people would be willing to fuck her in her current position, especially if Hinata stuck around for a while.

Of course, when Hinata’s lips pulled away from her own, Naruko couldn’t stop herself from whining and staring at her wife. At least, until she watched the Hyuuga drop her shorts and expose her wet pussy to her. The Hokage quickly dragged her tongue along her lips before opening her mouth and happily accepting when her lover pressed that slick pussy against her lips and tongue.

The fact that she felt another pair of hands grab onto her rear end now that the other person had left only made this moment that much better in Naruko’s mind. Not only was she eating out her wife in front of everyone, something that she never thought would happen, but she had both her ass and her pussy filled with cum and someone else was wanting more of her. Hopefully they would fill her with just as much cum. Or else she might have to sneak out at night to give this another try.


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