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Trying to protect her kingdom no matter the means, Princess Hilda agrees to allow Moblins to have their way with her so they stop attacking her people.

A heavy sigh escaped Princess Hilda’s lips as she approached the Moblin den that she knew was closest to her castle. She could feel her heart sink just a little bit more with each step she took as she made her way to the nearby cave. Giving herself up to a bunch of monsters in an agreement that they wouldn’t attack her kingdom as long as she was willing to service them. It was something that she never thought that she would need to agree to. But here she was, in the dead of night, standing just outside of the cave entrance as a few Moblins stepped out and started to approach her.

Not a single one of them made a sound outside of heavy breathing as they approached circled around her. Princess Hilda could see that each Moblin was just about double her size in height and more than likely three times her weight. All of them looked happy that she was here like they had expected of her. When she watched another the final Moblin step out of the cave, standing at twice the height of the others, Hilda had a good feeling about what she was in for. Her lips parted for just a moment as she tried to think of what to say to the creatures before her. But she closed them when she realized it would be pointless. Moblins didn’t speak her language and she had to have an adventurer that nearly lost his life in the process play delivery boy.

Instead of saying anything, Princess Hilda started to slowly strip herself of her attire in front of the beasts. Immediately, the circle of Moblins started to cheer and snort through their nostrils as she left herself in a matching set of dark purple bra and panties that matched her hair. Deep down, she knew there was no reason to wear anything at all while here, it’d get ruined before she got back to the castle either way, but it eased her heart just a little bit to have something she felt good in on her body. Especially as the largest Moblin took a step closer to her and reached for her dark purple hair.

Before she had a chance to say or even mutter anything, Hilda found herself pulled into the air and her feet lifted off of the ground in an instant. It wasn’t more than a moment before her eyes met with the Moblin leader’s, allowing her to see the intent to ruin her in his eyes. But she didn’t say anything as she closed her eyes and tried to swallow down her pride one last time. It would mean that her kingdom was safer and wouldn’t be attacked as long as she was willing to let the Moblin’s do as they pleased with her. Her heart sank into her stomach as she felt her underwear get ripped from her body, the tatters landing on the ground as one of the regular Moblin’s took a step back into his spot in the circle.

In the next moment, Princess Hilda felt the entire world around her vanish. She went from being eye-to-eye with the leader to having his ridiculously massive member impaled inside of her tight cunt, able to feel every vein and inch spread her pussy apart to the point she thought she’d be torn in two, to having her body bent backward enough where she could see the ground and the group of Moblins around her starting to masturbate. It didn’t help that as the world was upside down for her, she could feel that impossibly thick cock forcing its way into her more and more by the second. Hilda didn’t even find the will in her to scream as the pain of having something so large inside of her quickly and easily surged through her body.

Every inch of her being hurt far more than she had expected when she agreed to this deal. But the fact that one lucky Moblin approached her when she was bent over like this meant things weren’t going to go as expected no matter what she did. Throwing her arms out to try and keep the being away from her, Princess Hilda’s mouth opened as she felt the leader’s tip press against her womb, air escaping her just in time for her second partner to reach her. Unfortuatnely, she wasn’t able to close it in time before the lucky smaller Moblin grabbed onto either side of her head and forced his own shaft into her throat.

Finally screaming out as all of the pain she was filling reached her mind, Princess Hilda was easily muffled by the thick shaft that plugged her throat, even if all the two Moblin’s did right now was stand still and not thrust inside of her. She could feel both of their hips connected with her body and feared just what would happen if they actually started to fuck her. Of course, the moment that fear entered her mind, her thoughts came true. More pain ruptured through her body as both of the Moblins started to pull their hips back together, slamming into her at the same moment despite the difference in size.

Her eyes widened as there were sparks of pleasure that slowly mixed into the pain she was feeling. Each and every thrust that pushed through her, Princess Hilda could feel a small amount of pleasure in her core. She didn’t know if it was the lack of oxygen getting to her brain that allowed her to feel this pleasure, or if she was actually feeling good from the massive Moblin dick that pounded against her womb with each thrust, or if she was just a twisted slut that enjoyed monster cock and never knew it before. She didn’t get much chance to think about it as every thrust the two Moblins made wiped her mind clear of everything that was in it. Everything other than the intent to keep her kingdom as safe as she could despite the conditions she was in.

It didn’t take long before her pussy started to ache and her throat started to burn from abuse. But she didn’t fight the Moblins off as their thrusts started to get rougher by the moment and her hips popped out of place with a surprisingly intense thrust from the leader, the sound causing all of the others surrounding her to cheer. Her heart stopped as she realized that she wouldn’t be able to walk out of here anymore and she was at the mercy of the creatures that had all the intent in the world to ruin her beyond belief.

However, she was unable to fight it as the world around her began to slowly fade away as the lack of oxygen started to actually take effect. Her pussy quivered around the massive member that pushed against her womb with each thrust as her mind started to slow down. It didn’t help that all she could see when her eyes were open was the orange stomach of the Moblin that was kept her from breathing. Though, that didn’t stop her from being able to feel both of the cocks inside of her starting to throb and pulse. For a split second, Princess Hilda was hopeful that the Moblins would blow their load inside of her and call it a night, going back into their den to allow her to crawl her way home.

Unfortunately, just as the world around her completely faded and she was left with only the two Moblins that were thrusting inside of her, both of them came. She couldn’t hear the sounds that were leaving any of them as thick ropes of potent and powerful spunk flooded her mouth and womb. All she could do was stay still and spasm in the Moblins’ grip as they unloaded inside of her, filling her womb and her throat with more cum than anyone would be able to handle, let alone Lorule’s Princess. More and more cum pumped into her as minutes ticked by, her mind failing to notice anything else going on around her.

Her eyes became half-lidded and started to flutter shut as the monster in her mouth pulled out just in time to stop her from passing out from the lack of air. Though, as she tried to get as much breath as she could, Princess Hilda, of course, coughed and hacked up plenty of the cum that had been deposited into her throat. The fact that women had been taken and impregnated by these beasts in the past completely slipped from Hilda’s mind as she tried to spit out as much monster cum as she could, unaware of just how full her womb was with it as well. However, that quickly stopped as a different Moblin approached her and grabbed onto either side of her head, starting the process over once again by jamming its shaft into her throat.


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