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It was always almost eerie to Sakura just how quiet Naruto and Hinata’s home was when everyone was out of the house. Yet she found herself tiptoeing through it all the same after gently closing the front door. Naruto had informed her that Hinata was taking a nap after being unable to sleep the night prior. It had been ages since Sakura had been alone with Hinata, and it caused her heart to ache when she came to this realization. The last time the two had spent alone time together was just before Hinata announced her engagement to Naruto.

Her heart stopped as her mind flooded with memories of that night. The two had been alone at Sakura’s home, talking about Naruto and how much they wished he’d calm down now that he was actually growing up. And Sakura could clearly remember the beautiful tint of red on her friend’s cheeks when she mentioned having walked in on Naruto in the shower just a few weeks prior to that night. The rest of that night was a haze of pleasure, screaming, and a wonderful taste that seemingly returned to her tongue as she found the steps on the Uzumaki household.

The memory of the flavor alone was almost perfectly sweet. But in the back of her mind, Sakura knew that the memory had to have been faded and nothing when compared to Hinata’s actual taste. When she got to the top of the steps and saw a door cracked just a few steps away, she didn’t know if she should charge into the room and risk waking Hinata, or sneak her way in and risk coming off like an intruder when Hinata woke up. Both options would be resolved rather easily, but she didn’t want to disturb her friend and cause trouble.

However, as she slipped into the room, Sakura was greeted with a sight pleasant beyond measure. Hinata was flat on her back, her body sprawled across the bed, and the long shirt she was wearing as a nightgown pulled up to just barely cover her nipples while the pair of panties she was wearing was pulled down to her knees. It was clear that Hinata wasn’t asleep due to a lack of sleep. Naruto had done a thorough job of fucking Hinata until she didn’t have any energy left.

The sight alone brought a gentle tint to Sakura’s cheeks as she approached the bed. So many memories of Hinata being sexy, a tease, or passed out from a pleasure overload came back to her mind. She eventually sat down on the edge of the bed and brought a hand to Hinata’s, gently grabbing onto it. “Hey there, Beautiful... Naruto said you couldn’t sleep last night and that’s why you didn’t go with the kids. But I can see now that was a lie.” Turning her head away from her friend to face the door, Sakura wanted to make sure no one was about to suddenly step in.

“Yeah… He likes to use his clones without warning me…”

The tired voice was all it took to make Sakura nearly jump out of her skin. Her eyes immediately darted back toward her friend to see her eyes barely open. But they still held a loving gaze that made Sakura’s heart skip a beat. “Don’t scare me like that!” Despite the fearful tone in her voice as she gently squeezed her friend’s hand, Sakura returned a look of love and lust as well. She quickly leaned down and placed a gentle kiss onto Hinata’s lips, earning a quiet whine from her friend. “Are you actually too tired to go anywhere, Hinata?”

“Yeah… I really wanted to spend time with the kids today. But… Seeing you is just as good.” Hinata’s lips curled into a gentle smile as she let out a cute little yawn. She stretched her arms out over her head, causing her top to pull up over her breasts and fully expose her chest to Sakura. “C-Can I ask you for a favor…?”

“Anything, Beautiful. What is it?” Sakura found herself staring at her friend’s body once again now that it was fully exposed to her. Hinata had grown from such a cute, lithe little girl to a curvy, beautiful woman and she knew that. It almost made her jealous of just how gorgeous her friend had become. Sakura didn’t hear Hinata’s answer as she brought a hand to her friend’s cheek to gently caress it. “We’ve done everything we could for each other, and the other girls in the village, since the Chunin exams way back in the day. I’d do anything for you.” 


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