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I'm aware that this update is short notice since the month is practically over, but I have decided that I am going to change things up a bit from next month on. Sales and discounts will continue to be a thing, but I will be getting rid of prompts and weekly stories. The stories will now be posted as extras for when I see fit. So, it may still be weekly, it may be every other week, it may be 3 randomly spaced through the month. I'm unsure at this moment.

However, the biggest change will be in the fact that I am going to be changing Patreon to be a tip jar/fundraiser for bigger projects, such as Project Summoner, to help me pay for things to go along with the stories and just produce them in the first place. This is something that I've been wanting to do but struggled with for the longest time now because of having to focus on Patreon's weekly stories as well as Patron's prompts keeping me from doing it and making me feel slightly trapped in writing just smut. (I love smut, but I hardly feel like I hardly have time to work on other projects when I have 13 smut stories to work on but inspiration for something entirely different that I want work on.)

Now, I'll be honest and say that I have no idea exactly how to run a Patreon like that, so give me a few months to get things down and decide how I want to work things out. Whether that be posting art of the characters that I have commissioned every few weeks, posting lore and bits of the story weekly to go with it, or even throwing up a random smut story in between the novel ideas I want to write.

And, I'll say here and now that the first one I want to post about is a vampire story idea I've had recently called "The Valtler Line". I'll probably throw bits and pieces of Project Summoner and Project Crown to fill out space while I figure things out, but I want all of you to know this.

I'll be doing my best to mix in the smut I already had planned into April on at least a bi-weekly basis as well.

TL;DR: Patreon is changing to become a platform to hopefully fund bigger projects that I want to work on, general sales and Tiered discounts are still going to be a thing. Prompts will disappear and weekly stories are going to change as well



I definitely understand you wanting to branch out, and I definitely want to see what you come up in regards to your main projects. That said, stupid question, but will you still be doing the Patreon prompts from January, February & March at some point in the future? I ask just so I don't waste your time by submitting a prompt that you're not going to do.

Damien Kova

I might pick up doing prompts again in the future. But for now, prompts will be discontinued. As far as I know, I don't have any to do at the moment, so I'm cutting them off. Commissions are still a thing if you want something done, though.