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"Felicia, will you stop that? You're going to wake Lady Corrin up that way!"

"But wasn't that the point, Flora? To wake her up like this...?" 

 Felicia? Flora? Their voices were hushed but it was enough to stir Corrin from her slumber. Her red eyes fluttered open and filled with the darkness of the room around her, with a small slit of sunshine shining in from her window. Though, she could feel something cold cupping both of her breasts. Something that felt like small, chilly hands bringing her small sparks of pleasure. That was the moment that she realized exactly what was happening. She could feel both of her maids’ mouths wrapped around her nipples, one of their usually chilly hands cupping her large mounds as the other rested patiently on her thighs. “Just what are you-”


That seemed to trigger even more pleasure to wash over the princess as the curtain over her window flickered with the wind. It allowed her to see Felicia swirling her tongue around her erect left nipple while Flora gently bit down on the right one. A sharp sound of surprise slipped from Corrin’s lips, immediately followed by a desperate moan as she felt two equally cold hands travel along her thighs. Before she could say a word, two slender digits pushed into her cunt and forced another sound of bliss from her throat.

Corrin’s head immediately pushed back into the pillow she was laying on, her teeth catching her lower lip as she tried to keep herself quiet. Why were her maids waking her in this way? It felt fantastic compared to any other way that she had been woken up by them in the past. But that didn’t give her a reason for it happening. Though, concern about just why it happened quickly washed from her mind as she had another blast of pleasure force its way through her. Without either of the sisters saying anything, Corrin found her body nearly being assaulted by the frosty tingle of their ice powers.

She could feel Flora’s fingers that were cupping her breasts grow even colder, frosting over her skin. All while Felicia’s tongue and thumb next to her clit had the same effect. All three places on her body feeling the surprisingly blissful feeling of ice send Corrin’s mind spinning as she quickly found herself arching her back on the bed. Of course, throughout all of this, she could feel those fingers in her pussy continuing to push in and out of her. Everything these two did seemed to be coordinated in some kind of way that would bring the Princess more pleasure than she thought possible from this.

It certainly didn’t help that Corrin was able to meet their cold, icy blue gazes as she looked down at them. She was able to see the clear lust and intention to bring her pleasure in their eyes. “Girls, please… This wasn’t how I was expecting to- ahh!” Clenching her teeth together, she let out a sharp hiss as the fingers that were inside of her quickly pulled out of her and clenched down into her thighs. She could feel the twins’ nails digging into her skin every so lightly as they both refused to move from her breasts. It became clear right away that both of them intended to keep this up until Corrin met her climax, even if it took longer than either of them expected.

However, it was only another moment before Corrin felt something she hadn’t expected to happen. Two fingers pushed their way back into her pussy. Felicia’s this time. While two more made their way down to her asshole.

“Please forgive me, Lady Corrin.” Flora’s verbal apology sparked a sense of curiosity and nervousness through Corrin. Being the more stern and serious of the two, Flora would never apologize unless she intended to follow through on what she had planned.

And that plan led to Corrin gasping and screaming as two fingers were shoved into her tight ass. Her hands clenched onto the bedsheets while her back lifted off of the bed, allowing plenty of time for the sisters do to what they wanted if they chose to. Instead, all they did was start squeezing and kneading their princess’ breasts instead of just holding them. Her head continued to spin even as she felt and heard both of her maids pop their lips off of her supple skin. The attention on her breasts was now solely focused on their fingers.

Instead of being able to ask just what was happening now, Corrin got her answer by the feeling of two pairs of lips suddenly crashing against her own. She could taste Felicia’s lips first, the younger of the twins managing to get her kiss first. But the kiss between them didn’t break right away. It only lingered as she could feel the maid’s tongue clumsily force its way into her mouth. Of course, only adding to her pleasure, both sets of digits that were inside of her began to finally move.

“Fuck… Girls, it… I didn’t think you two could do this kind of thing…”

By the time Felicia pulled away from her, Corrin found herself panting and moaning as heavily as she could manage in her position. It was like Felicia stole the air out of her lungs with just a single kiss. But she shouldn’t be able to try and fight for that air back as Flora was next. There wasn’t a single breath wasted as the older of the two went in for her own affection.

Just like with her sister, Flora made sure to use her tongue to the best of her ability, wanting to tease and work her Lady over into an orgasm. “We wanted to make today as special for you as we possibly could, Lady Corrin. I hope you can forgive the immodest intrusion.”


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