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Glynda takes the time she has during an exam to tend to herself right in the middle of her classroom.

It was exam day and the classroom was silent for all but the sounds of pencils and pens writing on paper, and that was the perfect time for Glynda to sit back in her chair and relax despite her classroom being full of busy students. No one had ever really seen the older blonde relax very often, and this was exactly why. She always waited until their faces were down and they were focused on their grade for her to be able to do so, especially if it was a day like today. The moment the final student put their pen to the desk, the teacher had her hand between her legs and underneath her panties.

She knew it was always a risk that she could get caught by someone if they finished sooner than she did, but it was one that was always worth it to take. Closing her eyes and enjoying the sound of silence, the fact that there were no voices ringing in her head, and the realization that no one would be looking up for at least half an hour since this was their mid-term. Glynda licked her lips as she traced her middle finger around her already slightly wet folds, a soft smile on her lips as she allowed her mind to drift along and wander.

Right away, her attention was grabbed by Yang Xiao Long, of all students, as she was arching her back and stretching, incidentally pushing out her breasts as much as her body would allow her without ripping through her clothing. Glynda knew that with a quick flick of her wrist, she could pop that top right off of her blonde and stacked student and no one would be the wiser of it. It caused a small ping of lust to travel along her spine, prompting her to push a single finger inside of her pussy to tease herself with. It wouldn’t bring her nearly enough pleasure to actually bring her to an orgasm, but it would be enough to get her going and make her want and crave more.

Glynda knew that it wasn’t right of a teacher to think of her students like she was, but it was simply par for the course for her on days like today. Even as she slowly forced a second finger inside of her twat, the older woman could feel her mind drifting to another student and a low moan leaving her lips. With how many times she had done this before, the older woman knew that she couldn’t allow her pleasure to be obvious in any sense, or else the students would be all over her with how the Beacon message boards often mentioned just how hot she was and how much people wanted to bend her over her desk.

There were plenty of male students that Glynda might just allow to bend her over the desk that she worked at, plenty of them young and attractive with very clear bulges most of the day as they walked around between classes. Deep down, she wondered just how many of them would treat her like she was just another young student, expecting her to match them pace for pace. The older blonde bit her lower lip as she imagined turning the tables on one boy in particular, Cardin Winchester. She knew that the young man was just another virile asshole of a student that just thought of himself and no one else, but she also knew that he’d be the easiest to break and make into her own living sex toy.

Of course, the female students had a pretty nice batch this year as well, each of them having their own special quirk that Glynda enjoyed about them. It brought a smile to the green-eyed woman’s lips as she quickly threw one of her legs over her desk, peeking around the room to make sure that no one was looking, even though they would all be able to see up her skirt to what she was doing if they wanted to. However, as she was peaking, she spotted Weiss Schnee, the refined brat of Beacon fanning herself with her test paper.

The older woman wasn’t sure if she wanted to get up and smack the Schnee for being a whining brat half the time or if she just wanted to sit on her face and make the Ice Queen scream. Either option sounded wonderful in the mood she was in, especially when the lust in her system only grew and made her push a third, unprompted, digit into her tight hole. A slightly louder, but still quiet, moan left her lips as she could feel her juices starting to actually travel down her thighs and into her seat. It was a miracle that no one ever caught her doing this, and a wonderful treat if people had caught her but no one cared enough to say anything.

Ecstasy and pleasure were starting to run hot in the older blonde’s body, a needy gasp escaping her just before she brought her hand to her breast. Her body was craving more, craving a firmer touch but a soft pair of lips against her own, and she immediately thought of the perfect candidate. Pyrrha Nikos. The young redhead was a force to be reckoned with on the training field and a wonderful student in the classroom, giving Glynda what seemed to be the perfect girl as she bucked her hips softly in her seat. The thought of Pyrrha’s lips against her own while her hand was firmly on the older woman’s breast was enough to cause Glynda to feel a miniature rupture of pleasure pulse through her body.

Not a word or a peep escaped her lips, but it was more than enough to prompt the older woman to adjust her position at her desk again. This time, she quickly moved her leg back down under the desk and spread herself out as far as she could. No one would be able to see just what she was doing unless they paid very close attention to her body, but she knew that she was working herself over and bringing herself closer and closer to an orgasm.

Each and every pump her fingers was just another push toward her climax that her body desperately craved, especially when combined with the feeling of fingers sinking into her clothing and the soft skin on her breast. Opening her eyes to look around the room, it was clear that no one had spotted her or even grown the wiser about what she was doing, even the smarter students that usually finished the fastest out of the class. Dragging her tongue along her lips once again, the older woman could feel the heat in her core burning hotter and hotter by the moment. She wasn’t sure if she wanted someone to catch her at this point, or if she just wanted to cum and for that to be the end of it.

But that didn’t stop her from pushing forward and pumping her three fingers into her tight snatch just as quickly as she could make them move. However, it did allow her the desire to press her palm against her clit as she fingered herself, quiet but heavy breaths escaping her lips the closer and closer she got. With her eyes glazing over the room, no one looking up from her desk, Glynda knew that now was a better time than ever to actually bring herself to an intense orgasm before anyone finished their test.

Leaning back in her chair as far as she could possibly go, the woman bit down on her lower lip and firmly pushed her palm against her clit, groaning and moaning as quietly as she possibly could. Closing her eyes and making for the final push, Glynda’s mind pictured one of her students catching her and trying to blackmail her. Of course, the older woman wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen in the real world, but the thought of someone actually being brave enough to try and pull something on her was more than exciting enough to push her over the edge.

Letting out a muffled scream, the older woman bucked her hips in her seat, her juices flowing into her chair and her climax hitting her harder than she expected. Her fingers never stopped pumping inside of her inner walls as they tightened around her slender digits, each one moving and grinding along her walls to add just another ounce of pleasure. Of course, with hot and heavy breaths leaving her, the blonde opened her eyes just in time to see the first student rise from their desk. Sitting up right away and shivering as she felt her juices soak into her rear end, Glynda immediately pulled her hand from her panties and happily licking them clean right as her student made their way to her desk. “How do you think you did?~”


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