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“F-Fuck… You’re bigger than I would’ve thought…” Jasmine gripped the edge of her desk as she was bent over it, the feeling of one of her troublesome student’s cocks slowly filling her inner walls taking over her mind. She had never expected that the student would actually listen to her and behave for a straight month to earn the reward of fucking her, but here she was, bent over her desk with the young man’s hands on her hips as she pushed herself back against his hips. He definitely wasn’t the biggest cock she had ever taken, but for a senior in high school, he definitely wasn’t anything close to being called small.

A sharp gasp left the dark-skinned woman’s lips as she felt him suddenly thrust forward and force himself as deep as he could go into her tight cunt, a smile quickly following as she felt her glasses shift down her nose just a little bit. “I had a feeling that a troublemaker like you would be rough, but this certainly different than what I expected.~” Chuckling to herself, the woman in her mid-twenties licked her lips as she turned around to face the student that had a tight hold on her hips. His hands were shaking just enough to let her know that he was nervous about this.

“Really? A senior in high school, a bully to other students, known as a lady-killer amongst his friends, and you’re nervous about fucking your teacher after classes have let out for the day?~” A playful tone filled the white-haired woman’s voice as she couldn’t stop herself from giggling quickly as she pushed her hips back against her student’s once again. “I might just have to tell a few of the students that you don’t know how to handle an actual woman.”

“Sh-Shut up, Jasmine!”

“Oh my… Using my first name. I don’t recall ever giving you permission to do such a thing.” That playful tone she had immediately vanished as she looked back at the student and grabbed hold of the tie that all students and teachers were required to wear, pulling it and forcing the student to bend down and look her in the eyes. “Take a look at your position, young man. Cock buried inside of your teaching while she’s bent over her desk. One simple word will put you behind bars for years if you don’t learn your place.” A soft but seductive smile came to Jasmine’s lips as she heard the young man gulp in fear of her throat, causing her to lean forward just enough to place a soft peck against his lips. “Now be a good boy and fuck me. You’ve earned it, after all for behaving for an entire month without getting into trouble.~”

Right then and there, the young man’s hips started to move just like she wanted them to. Slow and steady at first, but with plenty of force behind each thrust. The young teacher loved the way it felt to have one of her student’s cocks plunging in and out of her pussy in such an atrocious position while she was in the place of her work. If anyone at all had decided to even peak into the room she taught in, they’d be able to see her being fucked by a student. Something about that thrill and danger always sent a rush through her spine, even if it was a rush that she didn’t exactly need.

Licking her lips, the white-haired woman let go of the young man’s tie before pushing her hips back against her student’s. Already, she could feel his member starting to throb, causing her to let out a soft sigh as she stopped moving her hips. She had thought the bad boy of her class would be able to please her a little, maybe even take charge and be a bit rough with her. But it felt like she was guiding him every step of the way, and that was just not how she had expected today to go. “Alright, alright… If you’re going to be scared or nervous about fucking your teacher, I’ll be the one taking charge. I didn’t expect you of all people to-”

“Me? I’m not the grown woman who has her student’s dick inside of-” 


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