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“I'm bac-...” Willow walked in to a cumdrunk Kali and a satisfied Weiss. “...... Kali, what happened?” She asked, her cock absolutely rigid from the scene. Weiss gave her that same predatory look.

“She's a little… indisposed right now…” She giggled lightly. Now that she saw her mother naked, with her dick as hard as it was, Weiss could tell. 

It was decent. A good looking cock. “Why don't you lay down, mother?” Weiss stepped forward, pushing her mother in the chest. The woman gasped lightly and sat on the bed. Then, she gave her own grin.

“Oh? You want to try and dom me~?” She asked. Willow grabbed Weiss by the hips and rolled, putting Weiss on the bed beneath her. Without bothering to wait for an answer, Willow sank her cock as deeply inside of Weiss as she could. The heiress gave a light moan, feeling her virgin hole stretched. “Shit… You're so tight…” Willow moaned as she began fucking Weiss harder, looking down at where they connected. She caught sight of Weiss’ dick and gasped a little. Her daughter was hard again, and that wasn't it. 

Before she could continue the thought, Weiss’ legs curled around Willow and forced her to pound Weiss even harder. Willow groaned out as she leaned over, a hand on either side of Weiss’ head.

“Fuck… Mm, sweetie… Getting close~?” She chimed, looking her daughter in the eye. Weiss, however, gave her a grin.

“Not really.” She said. The look on Willow’s face dropped a bit as she realized she was far closer to the edge than Weiss was. The heiress grabbed the woman's arms and rolled. Willow found herself on her back beside Kali, Weiss riding her cock as the Schnee pinned her mother to the bed. Weiss brought herself nose to nose with Willow. “I saw what you brought in here…” She said, the mother riding on the edge of climax. “That little cage you brought in looks just the right size for a certain something…” She chimed. Willow's heart froze in fear, but even as she tried to regain control of the situation, Weiss held her firmly to the bed.

“Weiss, wait-!” Willow said.

“Oh, you're not gonna get out of it…” Weiss giggled. Panting lightly as as Willow lost control, the mother moaned as she surrendered the bliss. Her daughter had taken control, and now had taken her seed.

“Weiss… You don't… When a Schnee…” She tried to explain that she'd just impregnated her daughter. Weiss rolled her eyes and kissed Willow lewdly.

“Shh~... Just surrender~...” She cooed. Willow shuddered as Weiss lifted herself off. The mother's cock flopped onto her stomach as Weiss smiled. “After all, we both know how this ends.” She held her stiff cock next to Willow's. The older woman was probably around five inches, while Weiss herself packed nine. 

“...Oh god…” Willow mumbled to herself. “Weiss… We can't do this…” She mumbled before Weiss put a hand over her mouth. She felt so insignificant, so much less than Weiss. Her own daughter dwarfed her and was about to put her in the same state as… “Kali… Kali, help…” Willow reached over and blindly groped Kali.

“Good idea. Slave~?” Weiss asked. Kali stirred and looked between the two. Weiss was still struggling just a little to hold Willow down.

“Kali, please…” Willow asked, looking desperate. Kali smiled and nodded.

“Yes Ma’am!” She shouted as she got up quickly. Willow's relief was short lived, as she picked up the cage and handed it to Weiss, who had grabbed both of Willow's arm in one hand. 

“Thank you, slave.” Weiss said. Willow began breathing shallower, knowing what would happen if Weiss was successful. Her days as a domme would be over. Her daughter had already pounded in just how inferior she was. “First… Lets make this fun…” Weiss said as she lined herself up. She felt a gentle grip on her dick as Kali helped make sure she'd land home.

Willow waited for it to come. “God…” She waited. Her mind was panicking, the tables turned, and even Kali's allegiances had shifted. Willow had never lost control over the milf faunus, so some twisted part of her wondered what made it happen. She knew she was about to find out but dear lord, it terrified her. Her core was on fire, never having been this horny before. And yet still, nothing happened. She opened her eyes, not even remembering closing them. Weiss towered over her, cock ready to plunge into her, but something was stopping her.

“I'm now debating on if I want to.” Weiss hummed. The mother's heart sank, despite being saved from what would be slavery to her daughter. She opened her mouth, for whatever reason she didn't know.

“P-Please…” She mumbled. What was she asking for? 

“Oh? You want it?” Weiss asked. Willow swallowed dryly, her head nodding without her permission. “If you let it out before I do, I'm going to cage it.” Weiss said bluntly. “You're okay with that?” She asked. Willow shut her eyes.

In her mind, she remembered the plan. Make Weiss cum her brains out, cage her, and have another sex slave. Now, however, Kali had betrayed her and Weiss had already taken Willow's seed. That's right… Willow had already fucked Weiss. If Weiss tried to fuck her now, maybe Weiss was already revved up enough that she'd finish first? Maybe Kali knew that and that's why she was helping Weiss! That had to be it. If that were the case, then the only logical thing to do would be to get fucked by her daughter’s thick, huge cock. Opening her eyes, she nodded.

“Fuck me, Weiss.” She sealed her own fate. Weiss grinned and sank her cock inside of the older woman. Willow twitched and moaned out, not used to being filled. Her own dick bounced along with her breasts as Weiss began pounding into her immediately, bitting her neck and suckling her.

“Mm~... Good girl~... You'll make such a good slut…” Weiss said, reaching up and cupping Willow's cheek. “How does it feel, Mom? I'm bigger than you… I just learned how to have to sex and I'm already better than you at it…” Weiss rolled her body, sending shocks through the woman's. 


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