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Weiss walked into her mother's room, shifting nervously as she looked around. She wasn't sure why she was here, only that her mother had asked for her. Willow sat on her bed, a familiar looking cat faunus beside her. 

“Ah, finally~!” Willow smiled. “Weiss, come in, come in.” She said, patting the bed next to her. Weiss nodded and walked over, rarely having the chance to spend time with her mother as it is. She sat between the two, her hands in her lap.

“You’re right Willow, she takes after you.” Kali smiled. Willow giggled lightly.

“Mom… Who is this? She seems familiar.” Weiss said. Willow smiled warmly.

“She used to be a worker here years and years ago! But when we met, we fell for each other~!” The mother clapped her hands on her cheeks. Weiss blushed.

“Wait, you-...?” She asked. Willow nodded.

“Oh, I've never cared about your father. But let's not get into all of that! I called you here because I wanted to teach you a little something!” Willow said, wrapping an arm around Weiss in a very unmotherly way. The heiress blushed a bit more.

“O-Oh-?” She shifted.

“You see, I know all about you liking girls rather than guys.” Willow started.

“Wh-What? I-I don't-!” Weiss stumbled over her words. Willow giggled.

“Oh come now Weiss. There's no judging here.” She began massaging Weiss’ shoulders.

“If anything, at least you won't marry someone like Jacques.” Kali joked lightly. Willow rolled her eyes, amused.

“Oh hush, you.” She leaned in, Kali doing the same as they pecked each other on the lips. Weiss' face was beet red, as it was currently being suffocated between their two sizable chests. It didn't last long enough for her to lose her composure, but it very nearly came to that. “In any case, Weiss… I wanted to teach you about the birds and the bees!” Willow said.

“... And you needed your girlfriend here for that?” Weiss asked flatly. Willow nodded as if the question had been entirely a legitimate, curious one.

“Well, I want to teach you the same way I learned. Through experience!” She said. Weiss's face flushed deeper.

“I-Is-!... Is that okay-?” She asked, preeeeeeetty sure this wasn't usual. Willow nodded.

“Your sister was the same way. Don't worry, if you feel uncomfortable, we can stop.” Willow smiled. Weiss took a moment to think before nodding.

“... I'll do it.” She said. If Winter had done it, so could she!

“Excellent! Kali?” Willow asked. Kali, without a word, stood and began stripping. Weiss gazed on her form to see her large breasts spill out and bounce once free of their confinement. She licked her lips without meaning too, watching as the Bellamomma stripped away her pants. Finally, her panties were cast away. Weiss blinked at what she saw.

“..... Mom, she doesn't-...” Weiss didn't know how to say it.

“Kali doesn't have a dick, no.” Willow came right out with it. “That's more of a Schnee thing. Schnee women have dicks, but most women don't.” She explained. Weiss wouldn't have known that. The only naked females she had ever seen were her mother and sister. Weiss’ own cock was hardening as she beheld the veritable goddess before her. “Alright. First lesson~.” Willow’s voice snapped Weiss from her trance. “On your knees.” Her natural domme came out. Weiss nodded, following instructions and kneeling.

“Oh, her breath tickles~.” Kali giggled as she looked at the Schnees on their knees in front of her.

“Alright Weiss… First, you're going to eat her out…” Willow leaned in closely, her breasts pressing tantalizingly to Weiss’ back. The Heiress gulped dryly.

“I-Isn't that cannibalism?” She asked dumbly, her brain very much not working. Willow and Kali both giggled.

“No, honey-... Just no.” Willow giggled. She reached past Weiss and ran a finger up Kali's slit. “You're going to be licking here.” She said as Kali shuddered. The cat faunus was excited. When the two had taught Winter, the Schnee had turned out to be a sub. Weiss seemed to be following in her footsteps, and that would make this so much fun. 

It wasn't just that they were teaching Weiss. Once Winter was good, taught, and horny, she was so much more impressionable. Willow and Kali had taken the opportunity to pound into her mind that they were her mistresses and she was only allowed to sleep with them. They'd locked Winter's cock into chastity, forbidden her from touching herself or dating, and turned her from a once proud Atlesian specialist to their sex slave. And now, it was Weiss’ turn. Weiss nodded and leaned in, giving a tentative lick. Kali giggled and put a hand on Weiss’ head gently.

“Good, but try and get a little deeper…” Kali said. Willow reached around, leaning into Weiss to force her face further into Kali's cunt. She fondled Weiss's breasts as the heiress moaned just a bit. Weiss put her hands on Kali's thighs, parting them a bit and pressing her tongue into the woman. Kali jolted a bit as Weiss’ tongue probed inside of her, her upper teeth pressing lightly against her clit. “Oh~...” Kali let out a small moan. “She's good…” She breathed out a little. Weiss' tongue curled around, pressing deeply inside of Kali as the smaller Schnee rolled her entire body. Willow's hands were so good, and Weiss had inherited her sensitive breasts from her mother. 

Kali moaned as her legs trembled. Weiss being this good as definitely not expected. She tried to grind her cunt against Weiss’ mouth, but the second she moved, Weiss wrapped her arms around the woman's thick waist. When Kali looked down, the look in Weiss’ eyes were of pure predation, as if they had a caught a rabbit in a trap. 


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