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Attending one of Hana Song’s ‘gaming’ parties was something that Angela never thought she’d actually give in and do, especially on Halloween of all nights. It didn’t help that someone in a mask and dressed like a skeleton made his way to her all because she had decided to dress like a witch for the night to try and help get into the feel of things, a soft sigh leaving her the moment she heard him ask if she was always such a ‘witch’. It was one of the corniest things she had heard in years, but it did cause her attention to shift over to him. However, that was half an hour ago, before she had lead the lad into a nearby closet on a dare thanks to her Korean coworker.

As of right now, the blonde witch had her hat off and on the ground, her knees touching the floor and her tongue dragging along her lips. She didn’t even know this lad’s name, but here she was with a hand on his cock and her eyes locked on the rigid member that hung in her face. “I have to admit, there aren’t usually many men your age that have a member of this size.” It was clear that her words were a compliment as her tongue swiped across the impressive cock, a quiet and happy moan leaving her for a moment.

It didn’t matter to her that, right here and now, she was giving oral pleasure to someone half her age, just the fact that she was able to actually have a little bit of fun and let loose. So used to being the doctor and the medical professional around everyone, it was nice that someone saw her as nothing but a witch to have a bit of fun with. Wrapping her lips around the hard member, Angela didn’t hesitate to start bobbing her head, taking more and more of the thick shaft into her mouth.

With a soft giggle, an idea came to the blonde’s mind, causing her to drop her hands into her lap and start moving her head on her own. She purposefully gagged quietly around the member, letting her throat sputter and spasm against it as she pushed herself to the base. In a matter of moments, the Witch could feel her lips touching the base of the young man’s dick, her gagging slowly subsiding as she looked upward toward the young man she was currently giving a blowjob to. It was easy to feel his hands sinking into her golden locks, his fingers tangling into her hair. A smile came to her lips as her heart skipped a beat, something in the back of her mind prompting her to pull down the top of her corset, allowing her large breasts to spill out of her clothing.


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