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Throwing down her cards, Tsunade smiled as she figured she had the winning hand, having lost time and time again tonight but having that special feeling that she was going to come out on top in the end. Unfortunately, when she watched the man she was facing lay down his cards, that cocky smirks fell from her lips, turning into a disgruntled frown. “What the fuck?! How?! Why do you keep winning?!”

“Does it really matter? A bet’s a bet, Tsunade. So get over here.” The man that had just won for the umpteenth time tonight chuckled to himself as he stood up and dropped his pants, letting his cock free for the blonde in front of him to see. “You’re a woman of your word, aren’t you? You’ll do whatever I want if you lose? Well, I want to feel your lips and your tits around my cock until I cum all over you.”

The amber-eyed woman sighed and nodded, approaching the man before here and sinking down to her knees. “Yeah yeah, don’t let it go to your head…” One look at the man’s shaft and Tsunade could tell that this was going to be a night of pure joy for him, especially when it got harder just from the sight of her slipping out of her robes and letting her breasts be free for him to see. “If it wasn’t due to the fact that I’m still pissed off about you winning, your cock may just be big enough for me to enjoy.~” The blonde woman wrapped her hand around the base of the man’s shaft, slowly moving her hand a small amount as she trailed her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

The older woman started off slowly, swirling her tongue around the man’s cockhead as she pumped her hand back and forth along his shaft. She didn’t bother to fake moans for the other gambler as she got a decent taste of his cock, wrapping her lips around his shaft and moving her hand down to his heavy sack. Tsunade didn’t hesitate to push herself down and make her way to her poker partner’s base, listening to him moan and groan from the pleasure she was giving him with so little work. A soft chuckle left the older woman as she pulled back and played with his balls, letting his shaft lay against his thigh. “Don’t tell me you’re getting off after just that. I thought you of all people would be able to last longer than that.~”

Tsunade couldn’t help but giggle as she continued to fondle the man’s full balls, listening to him continue to groan as she lightly squeezed them in her hand. “Oh well. It doesn’t exactly matter to me. If you’re a quick shot, that just means I get to stop dealing with you that much faster.” The blonde woman slowly moved her hand from its place and wrapped it around the moaning man’s cock yet again, leaning down and wrapping her lips around his balls instead. She was eager and playful in sucking them into her mouth, finding a strange sense of pleasure and bliss from teasing the man who thought he won her over with something like this. Pulling back and dragging her tongue around his heavy sack, the amber-eyed woman giggled and pulled back completely, getting a good look at his twitching member in front of her. “Wow! You really did want to cum quickly, didn’t you? Well, too bad. You may have won the card game, but I’m going to make you suffer for being such a cocky asshat.”

Without waiting for instruction or response from the man, Tsunade took a firm hold on her massive mounds, lifting them up and slowly putting the other gambler’s shaft into her cleavage, earning yet another blissful sound from him. “You know… I thought I’d hate hearing you make that sound when you said you wanted this from me, but it feels pretty nice to know that, despite feeling so good, I’m not going to let you cum!” The older woman wrapped her lips around the tip of his shaft as it barely poked out from between her breasts, moving her chest down his length to his base and slowly bringing it back up as her tongue swirled around his cockhead. Being a woman of her stature, the blonde had always enjoyed the feeling of a cock between her tits.


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