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Going out on a mission with your team and best friends was one thing, having to sit and camp in a cave during a storm was another, and that storm suddenly becoming a thunderstorm with lightning striking just outside the cave was another thing entirely. Unfortunately, that was exactly what Summer was having to deal with as she cowered as far back in the cave as she could manage, literally shaking in place by the campfire the team made. It didn’t help her fear that every time thunder bellowed outside of the cave, the crack of lightning would echo inside of their little makeshift camp. “G-Guys….”

“Summer, come on. You’re twenty and still scared of storms?” Taiyang smirked as he crawled into the sleeping bag he had brought for himself, getting comfortable and looking at Raven for a moment, seeing she was still cleaning her blade. “Why not cuddle up to Raven? Remnant knows that she could use the company in bed since she got pissed off at me.”

“Well maybe if you didn’t break the fucking couch with Qrow, I wouldn’t be so upset. Now we have to take extra jobs just to afford to replace it because you and my brother were fucking idiots.” The red-eyed woman looked to her cowering best friend and sighed softly, sheathing her blade and making her way across the campfire, sleeping back in hand. “Come on, Summer. We’ll share my sleeping bag tonight. Just this once.” The black-haired woman stripped down right in the open, no shame as she bared her body to everyone in the case, except for Qrow who was already passed out and sleeping like an exhausted toddler. “It’ll get hot in there with the two of us. So, get as comfortable as you can.”

Summer watched in surprise as her friend undressed right there in the open, doing the same a moment later except for the red pair of lace panties she had decided to wear during their mission. A soft smile came to her face, however, as she crawled into the sleeping bag with the other woman, cuddling up close to her but still managing to shake just a bit. Though, a soft gasp did leave her lips as she felt the other woman’s hand make its way to her ass, gently grabbing her soft skin. “R-Raven…?” The brunette couldn’t help but blush as she looked up at her friend and saw a redeeming and reassuring smile on her face, realizing she was going to be safe and sound as long as she had the black-haired woman with her. Before she could stop herself or say another word, the silver-eyed woman leaned up and pressed a quick kiss against the red-eyed woman’s lips, surprised as they let the affection linger for a short time.

Raven didn’t seem to mind the affection as she pressed forward into the kiss, deepening it and using her grip on her friend’s asscheek to pull her closer. However, after a moment, the woman did decide to cut the affection short and look the other way, hiding her blush with the light of the flames. “Do you feel better, Summer? Safe now?” Something about her voice wavered as she spoke, red eyes staring into the flames as she tried to quell whatever emotion was rising up inside of her and making her want to feel those soft lips against her own once again. “Just get comfortable, okay?”

Of course, Summer couldn’t stop herself from chuckling and planting a soft kiss onto her friend’s chin, letting another one fall along her jawline. “Thank you, Summer. But… Can I admit something to you…?” The brunette whispered as she spoke, not wanting to risk letting Tai her her reveal the secret. “I can’t fall asleep at night without… cumming first… I don’t know why but... I just can’t. I’m-” The grunt that left the red-eyed woman’s mouth was all it took to shut the silver-eyed woman up and stop her apology in its tracks. However, she was happily surprised to feel a thumb start teasing at her asshole, making her gasp and shiver in delight as Raven’s middle finger reached as far as it could around to her slit. “It’s okay, Raven… Focus on one hole…” 


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