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Just want to let everyone know that Mitsu and I will be attending Otakon next weekend in DC and I'll be taking the train to get there. On that train ride, I'll be writing on that ride. Short stories of $5 tier or higher. I'll message each of you personally and get an idea of a 1k word story you'd like. They may not all get done on the ride there, but they will get done. Just as a thanks for sticking with us for so long and continuing your support!

I should admit now that I've completely forgotten about doing the monthly Patreon story. I've been slightly burnt out lately and just been taking my time with stories and such. I do hope that you have enjoyed the constant stream of stories that have been coming out, though!

Unfortunately, with work picking back up a bit, the stories may slow down slightly. Not gonna say whether they will or not, but just putting that knowledge out there.

I can't exactly think of what else there is to say for the update, so for now I'll leave it there xD

Hope everyone is having a good day/night!


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