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Ruby stood in front of her step-sister’s house, biting her lip and sighing as she went over a mental list of everything she had brought. “Game console, controllers, scroll, toothbrush, toothpaste, chargers, and clothes. Yeah. I’ve got everything…” She shook the backpack in her hand lightly with each item, counting as she spoke. As she finished her sentence, the young girl could feel her cock growing erect and pressing against her panties. “And a hard cock that’s full and won’t be emptied any time soon...right…” Shaking her head and adjusting her clothes to hide her cock, she rang the doorbell to the home and waited for her blonde sister to answer the door. “Luckily, I can fix that once this sleepover is finished…”

Yang threw the door open with a yawn, standing there for a moment in nothing but a pair of jean booty shorts and a golden zip-up hoodie that covered her chest. Even if the jacket was open, the view of her nipples was hidden from the crimsonette. “Ruby?” The blonde asked through her yawn. As soon as she realized it was indeed her silver-eyed sister, she wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. “I had hoped it was you!~”

“Yeah, hey, Yang!~” Ruby cheered, hugging her older sister back with a smile, feeling those familiar warm hands find their way to her rear and squeezing both cheeks. She was about to yell and scold the blonde for it, but fell silent as she saw the stacked mother standing behind her with an equally tired look on her face. In that first moment before even hearing the woman’s voice, Ruby took note that Raven was holding a metal spatula over her shoulder and had a bored look in her red eyes. As her eyes speedily drifted down the older woman’s body, she could feel the blonde squeeze her ass again. However, she was too focused on the older woman’s black laced panties to say anything to her sister.

“So this is the girl Summer gave birth to? She’s smaller than you said, Yang.” Raven spoke in a dark, but motherly tone to her daughter, tapping the spatula on her shoulder as she stood there. “Well, don’t just stand there. Come on in. You’re welcome to use our house as your own for the weekend before we take you back home.” Grabbing those golden locks that Ruby was so familiar with, Raven pulled Yang off the young girl and brought her into a quick hug. She didn’t seem to notice that she squished the younger girl against her large breasts as she closed the door behind her.

Ruby, on the other hand, did notice and instantly felt herself get excited and just wanting to squeeze the soft mound her face was pressed into. Despite the blush on her face and the blood rushing to her cock, the crimsonette got lucky and avoided doing such a thing before watching the older woman make her way back to the kitchen. “Um… Miss Raven? What are you cooking?” She headed to the other side of the house, following behind Yang as the blonde showed her to the spare room.

“Just something simple. Eggs, toast, sausage, and the like. Any requests?” After a moment of silence, she figured Yang had already pinned Ruby to the bed and starting making out with her. “Well, I’ll make a little extra in case the girls need some energy afterward.”

Setting her things up in the spare room, finally able to be away from the two sexy- normal… normal women, Ruby was able to relax and set up the things she had brought. Knowing she was alone, the young girl fished out her cock and let it breathe as she plugged her scroll into it’s charger. The moment she she plugged it in, she could feel the device buzz and hear the shower turn on a second later. Thinking that was a bit strange, the silver-eyed girl took her time in checking the text that she got. She opened it to a picture of Yang standing in the mirror beside the shower in nothing but a towel, nearly letting it slip from her grasp. “Fuck, Yang… What am I supposed to do with this? Your mom is downstairs…”

“Ruby! Yang! Lunch is ready!~” Raven’s loud voice echoed through the entire house as she set the girls’ plates, making her way to the couch in the living room.

“In the shower, Mom! Will be out in a minute!” Yang called from the shower in just as loud of a voice, making Ruby sigh and put her scroll away.

Without saying anything, the crimsonette headed back downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing her plate and eating. However, a quick look up from her plate and she could see the older woman sitting across from her with a smile on her face. “Thank you for letting me stay Miss Raven.” Had to stay polite, even for your sister’s mother after all.

“Just Raven will work.” She mother said, keeping her smile. She noticed the mood around the younger girl had changed compared to when she had come inside their home, as if something was wrong and she didn’t wanna say anything. “What’s wrong, Ruby? Something seems off.” The woman stretched her arms behind her head as she asked the question, popping her bones in the process and almost letting one of her breasts slip free of her bra as her back arched.

“Well…” The young girl took a deep breath as she did her best not to make it obvious that she was staring at Raven and hoping her breasts would pop free of her bra. “... Yang’s always done this thing at school where she’d tease me somehow and for some reason I thought she wouldn’t while I was here. Yet she sent me a picture of her in the shower a minute ago.”

“So why’s that a bad thing? My daughter’s a sexy young woman. Are you just not into women?” The black-haired woman sounded confused by the confession, trying to rack her brain over why this young girl wasn’t interested in her daughter. “Oh! Right! I was there when you were born. Does Yang know about your cock?”

“Yeah…. She does. It’s just that her and I have never done more than kiss and I haven’t been able to cum in almost a month. I’d be scared if we did anything, condom or not, I’d get her pregnant. Or somehow screw up our friendship.” Her eyes never left her plate as she confessed to the woman, worried about what Raven was going to say to her.

Raven just chuckled at the young girl’s words, finding them both humorous and sweet. “Ruby, that’s both very sweet and very stupid of you to think.” She knew she had the young girl’s attention as her silver eyes shot up and met her red ones. “Do you really think Yang would be the type to let your friendship change at all other than into an actual relationship if she was being serious?” As she spoke, she slipped her foot along the young girl’s thigh, teasing her just slightly as she watched the girl gasp and bit her lip. She didn’t give the girl any more time to react as her toes spread and started rubbing the crimsonette’s quickly hardening shaft, smiling to herself as she felt the heat between her toes. “My Yang’s a bit of an airhead, but she’s a sweet girl. At least until she gets a bit of alcohol in her system. Then she becomes a submissive slut for just about anyone who’s stronger than her.~”

Ruby just gasped as she felt Raven’s toes massaging her throbbing shaft. Words were at a loss to her as she felt Raven’s warm foot move to the underside of her cock, forcing the toes to her tip and massaging the underside of her cock with the sole of her foot. The young girl did her best to keep from moaning like a bitch in heat as the heat from Raven’s foot teased her rigid member. “Raven… I…”

“Shhh. Shhh. Keep quiet, girl. You’ll be letting Yang know if you get any louder.~” The woman continued to tease the younger girl’s cock, with a gleeful smile on her face. She wasn’t going to say anything to either Ruby or Yang, but the older woman was growing wet and excited from teasing this young girl. She could always fuck her daughter into a moaning mess any time she wished, but this was something new and exciting. Almost reminded her of when she was dating Taiyang for awhile. “You’re so hard, Ruby.~ Do you wanna cum just from my foot? You naughty naughty girl.~ If you were my child, I’d have to punish yo-” She stopped as she felt the young girl buck her hips into her foot, silently submitting to the pleasure that was overtaking her.

“Hey, Ruby? I’m out the shower, feel free to get in.” The blonde’s voice rang through the house like a sirena as she came down the stairs and into the kitchen in nothing but a towel. The moment her lilac eyes met silver, she watched Ruby get up from the table and dash out of the room in a flurry of what appeared to be rose petals. However, no petals seemed to fall to the floor or around the room.

“Thanks, Yang!” Their visitor’s voice came into the kitchen as she stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Standing in the bathroom and leaning against the sink, Ruby stared herself down in the mirror, breathing heavily and noticing a small amount of sweat on her face. “Fuck…” She started reliving the pleasure in her head, biting her lower lip as she started grinding against the sink. After a moment, Ruby stopped and stripped herself down, taking a nice cold shower. Even though she could feel her member throbbing and in need of release, the crimsonette did good and worked through the frustration, not masturbating under the water as she washed her body. “You can do this, Ruby…. They are both sexy women, but you can do this… Just hold off until you get home and then you can use yours toys….” As she ran her hands through her hair, she could’ve sworn she’d heard a thud from downstairs followed by what sounded like the blonde’s voice screaming out in pleasure.

After a bit longer, the small girl stepped outside the shower and dried herself off, getting dressed and opened the bathroom door. As soon as the door was opened, she could hear the blonde’s voice screaming alright.

“Please, please, Mistress! I’m sorry for being such a bad girl! Punish me to your heart’s content!~”

As the crimsonette finally got to the stairs looming over the living room, she remained hidden as she watched the two, eyes wide and cock once again throbbing. Ruby silently sat on the edge of the stairs and watched as Raven outright slapped her daughter.

“You think I wasn’t going to already?!~” There was rage and love in her voice, as she was looming naked over Yang, who was only in just her towel still. “Right. Got ahead of myself. Safe word is Remnant. Got it?”

“Got it.” The blonde smiled and leaned up just enough to kiss her mother, smiling as their lips met.

Letting her submissive daughter have her moment, Raven smiled into the kiss before outright slamming her against the couch and throwing the towel off of her. Ruby and Raven both listened to the sharp gasp that left the blonde as the black haired woman smiled widely. “You dare bring a young sexy thing like that into my home and don’t tell her that you’re my pet? You Mistress’s belonging?~” Raven didn’t hit Yang this time, only reaching into her hair and nearly throwing her sideways on the furniture, forcing the girl onto her side. Before giving the blonde any time to answer, she sat over her, planting her wet cunt on the girl’s mouth and forcing her daughter’s nose into her triangle-designed pubes. “Well, you know what? For your insolence, you’re going to make me cum right here on the couch while she’s in the shower. You’re going to show her who’s slut you are as soon as she gets out of that bathroom, with your face covered in my juices.~”

If someone was able to make an agreeable sound with their tongue buried inside a pussy, Yang managed to make it happen. Having been forced to eat her mother out an uncountable amount of times now, she knew exactly what spots to hit to force the woman into an orgasm faster than normally. She reached her hands up to gently grab the older woman’s hips to keep her in place, but flinched and dropped them as she felt a quick slap come across her lower lips. Moaning into her mother’s wet lips, Yang managed to hold herself together as she did her best to work the woman over.

“That’s the way, stay enthusiastic as you eat me out like you wish you could do to that sister of yours.~” Raven tangled her hand in those blonde locks and pulled the younger girl snugly against her snatch. “And don’t you dare stop until I tell you to.” With her free hand, the mother slapped her daughter’s thigh over and over, making the girl flinch and moan to the pain as her tongue never left her hole. “Mmm, fuck.~ Keep doing a good job like this and I might let you eat Ruby’s cum out of my cunt after I fuck her!”

Ruby, on the other hand, mindlessly watched the two of them, licking her lips as she watched the show before her. Mother and daughter fucking like lesbian master and slave. Without realizing it, the crimsonette’s hand had drifted into her underwear and started slowly stroking her cock as she watched. She couldn’t really see her blonde sister’s face, but she had a strong feeling she was enjoying being forced under her mother’s cunt and having her thigh slapped enough to leave clear marks.


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