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Yang Xiao Long had been alone in her home for the past few hours now. Her roommates, teammates, and best friends, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna had left to go out of town for the night to watch a nearly sold out concert of one of Blake’s favorite bands. Throwing punches and practicing her boxing in the living room, her sister, Ruby, crossed her mind for the first time in a few hours and it wasn’t long until her punches slowed to a stop. Sighing to herself, she felt a tear come to her eyes as the thought of her missing sister came to mind. “Ruby, why didn’t you just let me go with you on the mission…? It’s been three years and we all miss you. Just like mom, we didn’t even have a body to bury at your funeral…” Just as the final words were leaving her lips, there was a loud knock at the door, followed by another. As if someone was pounding on the door to try and get in. “WHO IS IT?! IT’S NINE AT NIGHT!” The blonde’s hair quickly turned to a shimmering gold as her lavender eyes quickly turned red with anger.

Yang threw the door open to a sight she never would’ve expected to see after the M.I.A. report on her sister. In front of her, standing in nothing but a leather cloth made into a hooded cloak just like their mother used to wear, only covered red with blood, hazey silver eyes peering through the hood like two moons shining in a starless night. “R-Ruby….? How?” She reached her hand out to make sure she wasn’t dreaming and the moment her warm hand came in contact with the crimsonette’s cool skin, tears began streaming down her cheeks like rivers to a waterfall.

“I… I told you I’d be home, Yang…” Smiling and pulling her hood behind her head, the young leader quickly collapsed into her sister’s arms. “I...told you…” Escaped from her lips as she was contently unconscious, finally making it back home from her captor's confines.

Quickly dragging her sister inside, the blonde rushed over to the couch to grab her scroll, calling her teammates and smiled, her heart warm and giddy from having her little sister back in her life. Even if she had no idea how long. “Come on, girls! Pick up the phone!” Her shouting stirred the younger girl into a conscious state, just enough for her to hear what was going on.

“Yang, we just left a short bit ago. What’s going on?” Weiss asked, sounding a short distance from the scroll. “You’re on speaker, by the way.”

“Ruby’s back! I don’t know how, but it’s her!”

“What?! How do you know? We had her funeral so long ago! It’s been three years!” Blake argued, feeling like Yang was pranking the two of them.

“Be honest. Do you really think if my sister came home with those silver eyes and cute smile, saying she told me she’d come back, that I’d be lying about it? Do you really think I would?” Both girls on the other end of the call remained quiet for a moment. “Really…?”

“No no! It’s not that! We know you wouldn’t lie about it, but...why is she back now?” Blake asked, a bit concerned and skeptical that it wa actually their Ruby.

“I don’t know! She passed out and fell in my arms. I’m gonna take her upstairs and clean her off. It looks like she’s been wearing nothing but that leather cloak for awhile. I’m so glad she’s back! Hurry home so you can come see her!” Yang commanded her friends, a smile on her face as she looked to her sister’s face, sitting beside her and running her hand over her changed features.

“We can’t! There’s been three accidents on the road and we’re stuck in traffic. We’re not even gonna make it to the concert, let alone back home before tomorrow. But tell her we’ve missed her. Please, Yang!” Weiss pleaded, grabbing Blake’s hand as both of them teared up as well.

“You got it, Weiss! Now, I’m gonna take her upstairs to get her bathed. I’ll send you two a picture when I’m done so she’s nice and pretty for you.” Ending the call, the blonde placed a loving kiss on her sister’s cheek before picked her up, bridal style, and carrying her to their upstairs bathroom with the jacuzzi tub big enough for four. “Don’t worry, Ruby. I’ll get you cleaned up and in some clean clothes. I’ve missed you so damn much, Sis…”

A soft smile came to the scythe wielder’s lips as a soft breath of relief came from her nose. “Th-... Thank you… Yang…” She forced out, her eyes never leaving the area in front of them as out of habit now. “Was….That the girls… on the phone?”

“Yeah. They say they’ve missed you….” Yang stopped just outside of their bathroom, tears once again streaming down her cheeks as she held her sister, every drop landing on Ruby’s cheeks. “...We all have, Rubes. All of us! Me, Ren, Jaune, Nora, Weiss, Blakey, everyone! Even Glynda missed having you in her class…” Swallowing down her pain, she felt her sister’s hand weakly caress her cheek, wiping the tears from under her eyes.

“I’m back now, beautiful… Just… Let me get clean and rested… It took me two years to get out of there...and another year to find out where you three went…” Ruby smiled to her sister, doing her best to reassure her that things were going to get better now.

The blonde eagerly nodded and brought her sister into the bathroom, setting her in the tub and pulling the cloak off of her. Getting her first good look at her sister’s body since they last saw each other, Yang could see dozens upon dozens of scars, cuts, and even a few spots on her that still slightly bled. And for the first time since accidentally walking into Ruby shower before the mission, seeing her sister’s cock. “When was the last time you ate anything? I can make you a milkshake or something while waiting on the water to fill the tub.”

“No. Just...stay with me… We can eat after…” There it was again, that smile that every one of Ruby’s friends loved to pieces. “In fact… Get in with me. I want to lean on you…”

“R-Ruby, that’s not like you.” Yang blushed a shade that matched her sister’s namesake, sighing and shaking her head. “I don’t care, I’ve missed you. You want me to join you, I will!” Smile on her face, the blonde started stripping in front of her sister, allowing her E-cup breasts to fall free between them before wiggling her hips and letting her underwear fall to the floor.


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