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Waking up about her usual time of an hour before noon, Yang groaned and rolled herself out of bed. As she planted her feet to the floor, she heard a sound coming from across the hall in Ruby’s room. It sounded like the young track star crying to herself and trying to hide it. “I guess she’s having another bad day.” Yang sighed to herself and got dressed in just the bare essentials, a black and yellow pair of panties. Running her hand through her hair, she made her way to her friend’s room, knocking on the door and adjusting her hair to cover her breasts.

“Go away, Yang… Please not now…” Ruby pleaded, her sniffling easily heard through the door. “I just… I miss her, okay? Even if she didn’t treat me well, I’d still get to wake up to her every day and go to bed telling her goodnight! But… I can’t do that anymore! I can’t….and I hate it!”

“Ruby… I know I ended your relationship with her, but come on. There must be something I can do to help you. You do know it hurts to see you crying like this, especially because it’s my fault. Let me in and we can talk instead of having to talk to a door. We can cuddle and just talk the day away. I have practice at two but I’ll blow it off just to make sure you smile again before we go to bed tonight.”

After a moment of silence, Ruby’s door opened and the crimsonette looked into her boxer friend’s lavender eyes, her own silver ones stained red from her crying. “You… You don’t have to do that, you know… I mean I appreciate it, but-” She was silenced by a finger meeting her lips and a smile forming on the blonde’s.

“I want to. You’re my best friend, Rubes. No way in hell I’m giving up a chance to make you happy. Even if all we do is sit in a closed room and watch something together. So, let me in?” Her smile and the care in her voice were enough for the runner to nod and move out of the way, letting her friend into her room.

“Thank you, Yang, but...how are you going to help? I don’t feel like going out right now, and there’s nothing to watch today. All the movies and good online content don’t come out for another few days.” The younger girl sat on her own bed, patting the spot next to her for Yang to sit.

Shrugging, Yang sat on the bed and pulled Ruby’s head into her lap, starting to gently play with her hair. “Well...This may just be my frustration talking, but…. I could satisfy you. You know, get in between your legs and do some work. I know it’s not the best option, but I’m sure you and Weiss would occasionally do something. Maybe if I can do it better, it might help things.”

The track star turned her head and looked at her roommate with both an inquisitive look and an excited one. “Why...Why would you do something like that for me? I mean, I’m not gonna tell you no, but I’d always be the dominate one in bed.” She admitted, a soft red tint to her cheeks.

“I already told you, I’m in love with you, Ruby. I’ll do anything I can to help you.” Smiling down to her friend, before she knew it, she felt a soft pair of lips meet her own. Completely taken back by the action, she failed to register that the lips were Ruby’s. After a moment, she eased herself into the kiss, letting Ruby set the pace with a smile. When she felt her friend pull away, a soft whine left her but her smile remained as she gazed into Ruby’s eyes.

“I…” The crimsonette’s eyes darted to the side, her heart fluttering like a butterfly in the wind. “I don’t know what came over me, but I don’t want to stop.”

“Then don’t, dear. I’ll be yours if that’s what you need.” Raising a hand from her lap, she gently caressed Ruby’s cheek, guiding her into another soft kiss. As Yang felt her friend gently push her to her back and her soft hand gently slide down her body, she couldn’t stop the soft pleasured and excited gasp leave her lips before she looked up to see Ruby sitting over her. Both of the girls smiled to each other before Ruby stripped herself of her t-shirt, leaving her breasts exposed for Yang to see for the first time since meeting the young athlete.

“I.. I know they’re not as big as yours, but I hope you still like them.” A sharp gasp left the girl’s lips as she felt the blonde’s hands glide up her body from her hips and take a gentle hold of the budding breasts her friend possessed. She let out a quiet giggle and nodded. “I guess you do like them.~” Next to come off were her panties. Sitting up on her knees and looping her thumbs into the fabric, she pulled the dark red cloth out of the way and let her cock spring free. As she bent over to pull the fabric to her knees, she did her best to jiggle her breasts in Yang’s face, hoping the girl enjoyed her little show. Having a genuine smile on her face, she rested her length on the boxer’s stomach, moving the fabric that clung to her just out of the way to get a glorious view of the blonde’s cunt.

A moment passed of Yang just watching Ruby stare at her snatch like she was nearly ready to devour it and ravage it all day, she sighed and clapped her hands together, earning her friend’s attention. “You can’t just stare at it like that all day. Bring that bad boy over here and let me get it lubed up and ready. After that, you can put it in. I’m tight, but not a virgin, so you don’t have to worry about blood or anything.” She watched the crimsonette nod and make her way over, fully stripping herself of her red fabric along the way. Once she was close enough, Yang opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of her crush’s member, quietly moaning to the taste of pre that leaked onto her tongue but smiling all the same. Slowly bobbing her head along the shaft, the blonde dragged her tongue against the underside of the shaft as she moved her hair behind her ear and eased her way inch by inch.

Ruby groaned in joy as she felt Yang’s tongue scrape along the underside of her length, moaning happily when her blonde friend reached the base and basically kissed her pelvis. “Oh god, Yang.~” She cooed, running her hand through those gorgeous blonde locks with a smile on her face. “You’re definitely -ugh- better than Weiss at this!~” The girl threw her head back in pleasure as she felt her boxer swallow around her cock, Without a thought for Yang’s air, she started bucking her hips wildly into the girl’s throat, wanting to spray her first load into the blonde’s near perfect mouth.

Unfortunately for her, Yang had other plans. With a smile, she forced herself off the member with a loud and lewd pop, locking her eyes with Ruby’s before winking to her. “You’re not allowed to blow your load in there, hun. That’ll be saved for that pussy you were staring at a moment ago.”

The crimsonette nodded and leaned down to kiss her lover, biting her lip in the process and earning a loud moan from her friend. As their lips danced together, Ruby rested her length along Yang’s slit, grinding against it and drawing moan after moan from the blonde’s lips.


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