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The night before a big job, Yinlin takes some time to relax in a spot where she knows she can remain hidden.

This was written with datamined details before release. Things could be different between her portrayal in this story and her in-game portrayal.

Tags: Wuthering Waves, Yinlin, Public Masturbation, Electrocution/Electric Play, Mild Voyeurism

“Minghua, where are you heading?”

A cold voice stopped Yinlin as she opened the door in front of her. It was the same cold voice that she had grown accustomed to hearing over the last few weeks of being in this mafia’s home. Minghua was the name that she had given herself to infiltrate this mafia family, using it so that no one knew who she truly was. However, very few knew who ‘Yinlin’ was. “To get some repair gear for my puppet.” Yinlin’s lips curled into a sly smile as she flicked her hand, the pointy-eared black puppet that rested on her shoulder turning its head before drifting off of her. “Do you need us to pick something up on our way back?”

“No no. Just want you to keep your eyes out. Rumor has it another Secret Agent made their way into our ranks.” The man scoffed before waving his hand dismissively. “When will those PSB bastards learn their lesson?”

“I’ll grab some food on my way home. Might be out a bit.” With another flick of her wrist, the puppet that was now floating behind her rested itself back onto her shoulder. And she was quick to bring a hand between its points ears, gently caressing it as she stepped through the doorframe.

As soon as she was out the door and had it closed behind her, Yinlin pulled a small notepad out of her skintight qipao and opened it. Making her way toward the repair shop, she looked at the blank lined pages before her aside from what seemed like some random scribbles on the edges. But, of course, that was how she wanted it to look, being the Secret Agent that the mafia was now looking for.

In the back of her mind, Yinlin figured that the mafia head was onto her, but that wasn’t something she could worry about right now. They wouldn’t have much longer to think about her, after all. Tonight was the night she had planned to take them out, using a gang war that was approaching the area as cover to take them out before slipping away. However, there was something else that she needed to handle first.

Pulling a pen out from between her breasts, Yinlin began to scribble on the nearly empty page, adding to what was already there and a date that seemed almost illegible between the scribbles. Fortunately, as she walked the streets, it did not take long at all for her to be alone. Without a single person around her, she took the opportunity to toss the notepad into a nearby bush. Only to then flick her wrist and watch as Zapstring made her way to the bush and pushed the notepad a bit deeper into it, coming back to Yinlin’s shoulder without more than a second passing. “There. That should handle that. Now… How to relax before the big night…?”

It was at this moment that she looked up from the ground and noticed the repair shop in front of her. But instead of making her way into it like she told the mafia man she would do, Yinlin walked her way around it without breaking her stride. She made her way to the one spot at the back of the shop where the camera had been broken for weeks, gesturing for Zapstring to make her way up toward the top of the building.

As soon as the puppet made its way there, Yinlin watched as the threads that kept the puppet tied to her were starting to glow. Without missing a beat, she grabbed onto a few of the threads and watched as Zapstring pulled her up the wall. Of course, she gave her little puppet help by walking up the side of it as quietly as she could. And when she was at the top of the building only a few seconds later, Yinlin snapped her fingers and watched as Zapstring made its way to her.

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she brought Zapstring to her cheek and gently nuzzled it. “Thanks, Zapstring. Why don’t you keep an eye out while I take a few moments to myself, huh?” There was a bit of a cheerful tone in Yinlin’s voice as she talked to the puppet. And she couldn’t stop herself from giggling as Zapstring nodded its head and moved to the edge of the building.

With that handled, Yinlin let out a gentle breath before pulling on the qipao that she was wearing, giving her hips a gentle swirl to help her get it off and strip out of it. And before she knew it, the skin-tight fabric found its way onto the repair shop’s roof. Another breath left the woman as she ran her hand through her scarlet hair, the gentle and cool air of the night starting to nip at her skin. “This is going to be fun.~”

Letting her hands down to her sides, Yinlin allowed her mind to wander for a second. She allowed thoughts of lust and desire to fill her mind and cause her body to start heating up, craving that familiar blissful sensation of touch that she secretly loved. All the while, purple and pink electric strings began to leave the palm of her hands and her fingers, falling to her sides. And as the lustful thoughts continued to fill her mind, the strings started to slowly wrap around Yinlin’s body.

Starting with her waist, the strings formed a belt along her hip line. Only to then move up her back and over her shoulders, draping down and forming a circle around each of her breasts. The strings continued to move down her stomach, crossing above her belly button and then wrapping around her thighs, looping back into the belt that formed along her hips. The smile that was on her lips grew as her body was suddenly engulfed in a gentle but clearly noticeable shock.

A blissful breath that almost sounded like a moan spilled from Yinlin as the pleasure immediately hit her. The feeling of the cool air fighting with the heat that radiated from her as she became slowly more and more turned on. There was no way she would be able to leave this shop as heated as she was now, but that was the point. She didn’t want to leave. She wanted to sit right above the shop’s front door and masturbate while watching the street below her.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she took her first step toward the front door, the mental realization of what she was doing hit her. But, that only turned her on more. The thought of people being able to see her and not know who she was? The knowledge that no one would be able to believe them that a ‘scarlet-haired vixen’ was masturbating on the local shop’s roof out in the open?

As she stood over the edge of the building, Yinlin looked down at the ground below her and then at her hand, watching as a few threads carefully covered her digits. “Perfect.~” As sparks danced along her fingers and body, there was no hesitation as she dropped down onto the roof’s edge, spreading her legs and keeping her eyes firmly on the street in front of her.

Of course, she knew that Zapstring would keep an eye out for anyone who approached from the back. But for anyone that went to the shop’s front door or simply went about their business in the street? Yinlin could see them all. And it caused her pussy to ache, causing her to instinctively bring two of her fingers to her lower lips and start teasing them.

There was no hesitation or shame as Yinlin buried those same two fingers deep into her cunt. The shock that came from the strings caused her to almost moan out in pure bliss, but she was able to keep herself quiet. Call it a game, call it a habit, call it whatever but she couldn’t bring herself to make a sound when she was trying to enjoy herself doing a mission. Maybe it was because she just wanted to play it safe. Maybe she wanted to see if she would be able to hold out properly without getting caught.

She bit down on her lower lip to keep herself quiet as she began to pump those fingers back and forth against her inner walls. A fast and steady pace right off the bat, allowed her slender digits to explore for her sweet spots as her eyes refused to leave the street below her. Even as people walked out of the store, faces down so they could look into the bag for whatever they just bought, Yinlin saw them. People walking the street and looking around to get a bearing on their location, she watched as their eyes seemingly glazed right over her without a care in the world.

It caused her heart to race as she watched multiple people look in her direction but see nothing. Until she noticed a young man looking at her from a distance. From the look in his eyes, it was clear to her that he couldn’t properly tell that it was her sitting on the roof. Nor could he see just what she was doing, unable to see the fingers inside her pussy moving even faster now that she had someone’s attention. But the fact that someone acknowledged her presence was fascinating to her, lighting her up inside and making her wonder just what would happen if they tried to get others to see her.

With the lust that she felt driving through her, Yinlin’s electricity traveled along the strands that were latched onto her body. A sharp breath left her lips, barely audible even to her own ears. And all the while, the pain of being electrocuted like this turned her on even more. Her inner walls clamped down around her fingers in an attempt to feel even more pleasure, chasing the peak of ecstasy.

However, it was at that moment that she noticed the young man’s gaze still on her, now being able to focus on her form. Instinctively, she spread her legs farther to see if he could notice her fingers pumping back and forth in her pussy. Of course, it didn’t matter to her if he was able to see her properly or not, the simple fact that he could see someone sitting on the roof was enough to send Yinlin’s pleasure skyrocketing.

Her inner walls desperately squeezed around her fingers as a silent orgasm rushed through her, causing Yinlin to bite down on her lower lip to keep herself from screaming once again. She continued to finger herself right there on the roof, her gaze now meeting the young man’s as he properly realized what was happening. Her lips curled into an eager and enthusiastic smile as she watched a blush come to his cheeks, this man fully realizing the gravity of what was happening. However, she noticed that he was quick to turn his head away from her, shamed about looking in her direction while she was pleasuring herself.

While she was disappointed that he would turn away from her like this, the pleasure that came from her orgasm caused Yinlin’s grip on her resonator abilities to slip for a moment, causing every single strand wrapped around her body to spark at once. The sudden influx of purple and pink light that surrounded her brought his attention back just in time for another, rushed, orgasm to run through her, her juices squirting down onto the ground in front of the shop.

But now that she had his attention again, Yinlin wondered if she should try and take him back to the mafia house for the night or if she should go for another round and have him continue to watch her. “Let’s see what he does and decide from there.~”


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