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“That boy… Kekavasha…” Jade’s voice rang through her ears as she stepped up to her bedroom, one hand on her hat and the other on the door as she opened it. “There’s something about him that’s going to make this very interesting and fun.” As she spoke, there was a creeping feeling of desire and excitement bubbling up inside of her. And, of course, Jade was capable of feeling it and recognizing that it was there. She wasn’t feeling lust or desire for the man himself, but for what he would be able to bring her.

As the door closed behind her, she felt her heart rate slowly starting to rise. It was something simple, but with how calm and collected she was, it was easy to notice that she was feeling heated as a result of their meeting. “I can’t wait to see just what he’ll be able to do for the IPC. And for me.~”

Jade couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as she made her way further into her room, stopping just before a mirror that she kept against the wall in the middle of the room. It was only big enough for one body to be in it, and tall enough to show off her entire figure as she stared. There was no hesitation as she took her hat from her head and tossed it across the room onto a stray chair next to her bathroom. A spot where she put a fresh change of clothes whenever she would get out of her showers.

As she looked herself up and down in the mirror, something stuck out to Jade. There was something different about her that she normally didn’t notice. Something that caused her eyes to linger along the curves of her body. Maybe it was the way her hair rested against her breasts, reaching low enough to her hips to lightly rest against her ass. She gave a quick turn of her hips to the mirror, allowing her to see the fact that her hair was indeed resting like she thought.

Or maybe it was the fact that the excitement she felt lingered inside of her, causing her to feel like she needed someone’s eyes on her body. “I’m not sure just what caused this feeling… But I’m not shy about getting rid of it.” Without missing a beat, Jade stripped herself in her mirror, slipping her dress off from her shoulders and allowing it to pool in the floor around her feet. It left her in just her blue bra and purple panties, letting the woman get a good look at herself.

Her eyes naturally gravitated toward her breasts, being one of her most pronounced features. She was quick to cross her arms underneath them, lifting them up ever so slightly before letting them drop and watching the gentle but clear bounce they had as a result. “The girls haven’t lost their appeal, thankfully. I’m not exactly chasing anyone’s gaze, but using that gaze to my advantage isn’t something I’m ashamed of.”

Jade brought a hand to the top of her breasts, giving it a gentle press as her eyes continued down her body to her hips. Her eyes followed her panty-line, moving from her hip to where the fabric met her crotch. And, for a split second, a spark of lust rushed through her. Was she turning herself on just by looking at her body? The thought crossed her mind. And deep down, Jade knew that it wouldn’t have been the first time.

However, she was quick to bring her free hand to her panties, hooking her thumb in the hem of them before pulling them down on her right side. The smile that was on her face grew as she exposed more of her crotch. Unfortunately, that only went so far before she had to bring the hand that was on her supple chest to her other hip, pulling her panties down with both hands now.

She bent over just enough to give her a perfect view of the side of her ass as her panties met her thighs. Only to drop them to the floor and stand back up straight. “Sometimes… I’m truly not surprised I catch people’s gaze. When I can get lost in myself when looking at the mirror like this, it’s no shock that they get lost looking at me in person.”

A gentle laugh spilled from Jade’s lips as she brought both of her hands behind her back and unclasped her bra, slipping the straps onto her arms one at a time before allowing it to fall to the floor. Her eyes now locked back onto her supple mounds since they were exposed like this. Her body bare to the world and anyone that would be able to step into her room.

Part of her wondered just what it would be like for someone to step into her room right now. And another part of her wanted to lock the door just in case that happened, but she couldn’t allow herself to get caught up in her own thoughts. No one knew that she was in her room right now. And there were only a few people that she was close enough with for them to be comfortable enough to walk into her room without knocking.

As her mind wandered, Jade’s hand made its way between her legs, teasing her lower lips as she thought about the consequences of leaving the door unlocked. The thought of someone grabbing hold of her and trying to make her do what they wanted of her. Her fingers calmly and slowly moved back and forth along her lower lips, teasing her folds as she stared into the mirror.

However, as she absentmindedly pushed her middle finger into her cunt, the sensation of sudden pleasure rushing through her brought Jade back to the real world. Another devious laugh spilled from her before she turned her attention toward her bed. “Maybe I should handle this excitement before it becomes a problem…”

Without missing a beat, Jade started to make her way to her bed. There was a sway in her step as she moved, her hips popping ever so lightly with each step. And when she reached her bed, the pink-haired woman was gentle with herself as she placed her shapely rear end firmly against the edge of the bed. Only to slowly spread her legs and bring a hand to her pussy.

There was no hesitation as she began to tease her lower lips once again, this time fully aware of just what she was doing. A lustful breath escaped her as she circled her pussy with the tip of her middle finger, the sensation of pleasure that she was chasing now fully realized inside of her. Jade kept her other hand firmly against her breasts, groping herself and allowing her slender digits to sink into her titflesh as she teased her pussy.

Deep in the back of her mind, she knew that this wouldn’t be enough to fully satisfy her, but that wasn’t what she was chasing. If Jade wanted to be fully satisfied, she would need another person. Or maybe two depending on how lustful she was feeling. But to satiate the excitement and desire that coursed through her, her own hands would be more than enough. Especially as she pushed her middle finger into her pussy once again, using her palm to tease her clit as she began to explore her tight hole.

Another blissful breath left Jade as she leaned her head back, letting the pleasure begin to properly sink into her. Combined with the feeling of her hand on her breast, the tip of her index finger and her thumb pinching her nipple, said pleasure was starting to turn into pure ecstasy. Her breath hitched in her throat as she reached a sweet spot against her inner walls, her finger instinctively pressing against it and lightly toying against it as she fell backward onto the bed.

As soon as her back hit the bed, Jade forced her ring finger as deep into her cunt as she was able to, immediately pumping it in and out of her along with her middle. Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her as a result of the sudden onslaught of pleasure. Her eyes fluttered shut as she allowed the lust and desire to fully consume her now, leaving her ignorant of anything happening outside of her bedroom. There was no need to care when her pleasure was the only thing on her mind right now, lustful thoughts and desires clouding her mind.


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