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There will be a delay of episode 89-93 because I want to post them all together as to not disturb the emotional experience of reading the finale.  Im really proud of how its turning out so far. 

Also the smut will be released before the final episodes because I want to set the mood properly. 

I really cant wait to release the final episodes for you guys to see. I also hope that once this story ends you’ll come to love my upcoming stories [ million dollar sugar baby & Reborn ] 

as much as you loved DHS. 

thats all for now. Thank you 



I’m looking forward to reading everything you do! Reading and looking at your work is one of the best things I like to do when I have a down moment in my busy life (as a student, essential worker, and human being) 😁


You are awesome! Can’t wait to read anything you put out! Appreciate your work! 💜❤️

