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I've done a few, and I'm doing more, obviously. I'm trying to get better at just regular "update" posts on here.

Broke Backpacking will end on July 30th. Then, as usual, a short break before we start the next one, but we're heading into the part of the year where those holiday specials take up time, and there's still act 2 and 3 of the DnD storyline.

so here's the pipeline, after the current story:

  • "Strange Bedfellows", with Noah and Sarah

  • DnD, act 2.

  • Halloween Special.

  • "Blank slot", aka, I currently have nothing planned here, so maybe I'll do a thing here on patreon where we decide together, idk.

  • And finally, Christmas Special

  • And, in January, DnD, act 3, and then who knows!

It feels weird planning this far ahead for something that is always so current in my mind when I'm working on it, but it is what it is.

As always, you are all quite literally the reason I get to plan this out and spend so much time on it, so thank you. I hope you'll continue to enjoy my stuff.


Tom Hallam

Cheers norty norty nort nort


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