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10/19 Update: We're officially caught up/current with everything except Good Omens (well, and Endgame, but that's already been rescheduled for next Monday). I haven't been able to record 2x3 and 2x4 of GO yet because I was down for the count all day on Tuesday with a nasty migraine. I likely won't be able to record them today as I have a pretty full schedule. If I can't, they'll be recorded tomorrow and released as soon as they're ready.


We're finally caught up with What We Do in the Shadows, Classic Doctor Who, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Here are updates for everything else.

SWEENEY TODD: Currently exporting and will be posted by 8pm Mountain Time today.

DOCTOR WHO: Episodes 11x4 and 11x5 will be recorded tonight. I'm hoping to also get them edited and posted tonight, but they'll definitely be posted tomorrow (Tuesday) if not.

ONE TREE HILL: Episodes 8x9 and 8x10 will be recorded and released later tonight. I'm going to try to get episodes 8x11 and 8x12 done tonight as well, but it's more likely they'll need to be recorded and released later in the day tomorrow (Tuesday).

GOOD OMENS: Episodes 2x3 and 2x4 will be recorded either tomorrow or Wednesday and released on Wednesday.


Carrie and Psycho tied for the second spooky movie of the month, and I was torn between the two so I put it up for a vote on YouTube and Psycho won.

I've decided to switch up the movie schedule for the rest of the month so we can have Pyshco go out the week of Halloween instead of Spider-Man: Far From Home. I'll be recording both Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home this weekend to be released next Monday. So, it's Sweeney Todd today, Endgame and Far From Home next Monday, and then Psycho the following Monday.



Retro Tom

Endgame & Far From Home will be an excellent way to kick off my vacation. This works well for me


Of all the reactors I am a patreon of, I'll say you're the most consistent and I thank you for that. Hope you enjoyed your much needed family time!


Thank you for this! This helps me feel slightly less awful for always having to change things around or falling behind. :-/