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Doctor Who update for those who watch the full edit reactions:

I've decided I won't be continuing the full edits for Doctor Who and Classic who after the end of this month. (The watch-along reactions will continue as they have been.)

There are several reasons behind this decision, but please know that it wasn't made lightly or quickly.

Episode 4x2 will be the final full edit for Doctor Who. ALSO, this video will go out on Saturday this week as I typically do the full edits on Thursdays and it's Thanksgiving here in the U.S. on Thursday. So, I'll be spending the day with my family.

For Classic Who, it didn't seem right to leave off with only one episode left in The Chase, so you'll get full edits for episodes 2x34 and 2x35 on November 30th and those will be the final ones.

As a reminder, there are instructions linked in the description of every video for how to get your copy to sync with mine if you're using a streaming service in the UK.

I completely understand if this means you'll need to terminate your membership, and I will not take it personally.

Today's Star Wars reaction:

The files for The Rise of Skywalker are taking FOREVER. Converting the show footage file for a movie generally takes two hours or less, but we're currently at 6+ hours and it's still not finished. :-/ So, it's going to be a few hours late.

November Zoom call details:

Our Zoom hangout call for this month is this coming Saturday at 5pm (New York)/10pm (London).

You can access the call using this link. I don't think you'll need a passcode to access the call but, if you do, the passcode is: qN9XNX

A few standard reminders/requests:

  • This will be a video call, but you are not required to have your video on if you're not comfortable with that. You're also not required to have your audio on either. You're more than welcome to be a quiet observer if that's what you prefer. There is also a chat feature.
  • Speaking of quiet... please be mindful/respectful of the other people on the call by being in a quiet location if at all possible.
  • There is no real agenda for the call. It's just a chance for us to hang out and chat about whatever we feel like. If you have any questions you've been wanting to ask, this will be the perfect opportunity for that.
  • There is no set length for the call. It will depend entirely on how many people show up and how long we're able/wanting to stay and chat. So, if you're a little late, that's fine. This post will be updated when the call is over.

Publishing schedule for this week:

The included image shows the videos scheduled to be released this week.

If you want to see the schedule for beyond this week (for both Patreon and YouTube), click here.

Abbreviation Key:

  • OTH = One Tree Hill
  • CW = Classic Doctor Who
  • TW = Torchwood
  • DW = Doctor Who (NuWho)




Very excited for Friday. A New Doctor. Geronimo!