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I still have a cough and my voice is still a bit rough, but I was actually feeling pretty decent overall tonight. So, I was able to get Doctor Who 4x13 and the 2008 Christmas special recorded. They'll be released tomorrow (Monday).

I don't want to push myself too hard too quickly (and my voice was starting to completely go by the end anyway), so I'm going to call it quits on the recording for tonight. 

I'll update you on the rest of the overdue/upcoming reactions once I see how I feel tomorrow.

Thank you again (still) for your patience!! 


Thomas Midena

Just FYI, every one of the 3 times I've gotten sick this year, my recovery has been slower than expected. I've learned to keep taking vitamins and whatnot for a while afterwards :)

Paul Mason

Thanks for the update. Look after yourself.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I think this is the first time I've been sick this year. I'm usually only sick once/per winter season, so I'm hoping this is it and I'll be good to go for a while. lol I do take vitamins on a daily basis.