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I just wanted to give you an update now that have a little better idea of the schedule for the week.

Torchwood: Episode 1x5 is going out as normal in just a few minutes. Episodes 1x6 and 1x7 will be recorded and released later today (most likely late in the evening here in Mountain Time).

Doctor Who: The Mid-Series 3 Thoughts video and episode 3x7 will go out tomorrow, but they will be later in the day (possibly into the evening). The full edit for 3x2 is tentatively scheduled to be released on Saturday (time of day is unknown).

Classic Who: The full edit for episode 2x2 is scheduled to be released on Sunday at the latest (time of day is unknown).

What We Do in the Shadows: Episodes 4x5 and 4x6 are scheduled to be released on Sunday at the latest (time of day is unknown).

Supernatural: Episodes 1x15 and 1x16 will be released on Sunday at their usual time.

Killing Eve Pilot: This pilot (and the subsequent pilots have been pushed back a week).

Blade Runner Follow-Up Thoughts: I don't have a date set for this bonus video yet, but it will get posted by the end of the week as well.

THANK YOU again for your patience and understanding! Also, the schedule is kept up-to-date as well so you can check that anytime here.



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