Our girl is home... (Patreon)
After three nights in the ICU, our girl got to come home this morning!
Three days ago Lorelei couldn't even stand on her own and we didn't think she was going to make it through the day. Yesterday the staff was still having to use a towel to help support her as she walked and went to the bathroom. This video was taken just after we got her home this morning. (It looks like the original link to the video isn't working. Here's an updated one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1vwxtqrsbkcroru/ScreenRecorderProject1.mp4?dl=0 )
I can't believe how far she's come in such a short period of time.
We're definitely not in the clear yet. There are still several things that could go wrong, she's only eaten once in the past two and a half days, and there's still only a 50% chance she'll pull through.
But, she's still fighting so we're going to keep giving her the opportunity to fight. We're also going to soak up and be grateful for every single moment we get with her.
If she's still doing well tomorrow, I'll finally be in a good enough headspace to record the OTH season 1 finale so... *fingers crossed*