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Hello Everyone!

I have three quick updates...

1) Episode 1x11 of One Tree Hill will not be released today due to me visiting a friend out of town and her WiFi going out today (I'm writing this on Monday). The company isn't able to get a tech out until later this week after I'll already be on the road back home. I will get episode 1x11 published later this week once I am back home and, in an effort to try to make it up to you because I HATE having to miss an episode almost as much as I hate typing all of this out on my phone, I'll be releasing TWO OTH episodes next week (one on Tuesday and one later that week).

2) I wasn't able to respond to comments last week as I'm back home for the first time in three and a half years visiting family and friends, but I have read them all and will be responding to everyone once I get back home and have had a few days to settle in. I've missed chatting with you! :( 

3) You probably won't care about this one but it's so exciting that I'm sharing it anyway. lol Another thing I was able to do while I've been home is attend the Supernatural convention that happened this past weekend! (I'm sure most of you know by now that it's my favorite show of all time). It was AMAZING and I got to have a meet and greet with every cast member who attended (which were quite a few; including Jensen/Dean, Jared/Sam, and Misha/Castiel)! If anyone wants to geek out about it with me, let me know and I'll make a separate post when I get home so I can share pictures and stories. :)


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