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Due to technical difficulties that are explained in the video, I'm only able to bring you a partial reaction to episode 1x4.

To make up for this, I've moved episode 5 up a week in the publication schedule and am bringing you what I have of 4 and the full reaction for 5 in the same video.


Please no spoilers beyond this episode unless you see that later episodes have already been released. In that case, no spoilers beyond those episodes.

PLEASE NOTE: Full reactions will not include the full footage from the shows due to copyright/legal reasons. Some portions of the footage will either have video and no audio or audio and no video. The portions have been carefully selected in an effort to (hopefully) minimize the impact of the edits on the viewing experience.


DW 1.5 Final - PATREON.mp4

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The Inedible Mattman!

!! great reaction on this one!! I love that you're loving this show. I just subbed to your patreon today and I do not regret it. Cannot wait to see more of your journey through Nu Who :)

Ian Smith

A great pity that so much of your part 1 footage was lost - I was looking forward to seeing your reaction to the 10th farting gag in a row! RTD had begun his career writing for children's TV; and it seems that,many years later, he carried some of that over into Who! There's a neat little scene in Part One where they re-introduce UNIT (the militia that were present with the Doctor in Downing Street),a key element of the Classic series. There was a lengthy story arc in the 70s (which ran for several seasons) where the Doctor was stranded on Earth without a functioning Tardis, and had to seek employment by acting as an advisor for UNIT in its quest to combat alien and paranormal threats. Hence his comment "they wouldn't recognise me now. I've changed a lot since the old days". You were wondering about the Doctors age. He's always a little vague (and it's a continuity nightmare),but at this point he's actually marginally younger than he claimed to be when he was in his 6th incarnation! Way back,the 2nd Doctor stated his age to be 430 - but it's impossible to estimate how long the Doctor stays in one body. Don't even try :) Anyway,despite all the childish humour, I actually really enjoy this two-parter. It was great to have a story given more time to develop;to see a cliffhanger (and I love the build-up to it);and to have Mickey develop as a character. The scene between him and the Doctor at the end is a favourite of mine. BTW,did you notice the continuity error when the spacecraft crashes into Big Ben? There was a mix-up with the CGI,and the craft was depicted approaching the clock tower from right to left - but the model effect was filmed with the spacecraft travelling through it from left to right....so they had to reverse the film,hence the numbers on the clock face are the wrong way round.


While it didn't seem out of place or confusing while watching the episode, the information about UNIT Classic Who does make all of that make a little more sense. It's good to know that not even the people who make the show really know how old The Doctor is. It saves me a lot of trouble trying to piece it together and make it make sense. lol I did talk about Mickey in my original recap, but forgot to mention it in this one... I was surprised to see him come back and was worried that he and Rose would spark things back up again (especially when The Doctor extended the invite to join them). I still don't like him, but this episode made me dislike him a little less. lol I did, however, REALLY enjoy the scene with the two of them at the end as well. loved how The Doctor covered for him by telling Rose he wasn't allowed to join them. It was a nice moment to witness. I definitely didn't notice the mix-up with numbers on Big Ben until you pointed it out. I LOVE knowing these little behind-the-scenes tidbits. So, please feel free to keep them coming. :)