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Our next Hangout Club will be Wednesday, February 17th @ 12pm CST! Add it to your calendars now!


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th @ 6:30pm CST: Burning Dragon Sneak peek + TBD
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th @ 6:30pm CST: Random GM Tips + Mecha Actual Play

February 12th & 13th I'll be doing live-streamed seminars from Con of the North: https://twitter.com/hexcrawl/status/1352032634210144256


Random GM Tip - Driving Past the Dead End

You're running a scenario. The PCs have a fistful of leads telling them where they're supposed to go next. (If you're using node-based scenario design, they might have a fistful of clues pointing them towards multiple places they could choose to go next.) But instead of doing that, they head off in a completely different direction.


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