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Our next Hangout Club will be Wednesday, February 17th @ 12pm CST! Add it to your calendars now!


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th @ 6:30pm CST: Burning Dragon Sneak peek + TBD
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th @ 6:30pm CST: Random GM Tips + Mecha Actual Play

February 12th & 13th I'll be doing live-streamed seminars from Con of the North: https://twitter.com/hexcrawl/status/1352032634210144256


Ptolus: Running the Campaign - Magic Item Wish Lists

DISCUSSING In the Shadow of the Spire - Session 24D: The Second Hound of Ghul Everyone fell silent. Impossibly, the shadows seemed to deepen. And then, out of the darkness, the second hound of Ghul appeared: It was a bony, undead thing. At its shoulder, it stood nearly twice as tall as Agnarr.


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