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As a Patron Exclusive, here is the complete collection of the Alexandrian Remix of Dragon Heist.

There are two files attached.

THE COMPLETE COLLECTION contains every single article from the Dragon Heist Remix -- all 25 parts, the original review, 8 addendums, and 4 Running the Campaign articles -- that have been posted to the Alexandrian to date. It currently stands at 110,000 words and 318 pages.

In addition to updating the previous Preview Draft to include all of the Remix material (including corrections previously only available on the website), this release also reformats everything into the new-and-improved Alexandrian PDF format.

This zip file contains the final campaign-ready files I prepared for actually running the campaign.

What's the difference between this and what appeared on the website?

First, a lot of my general discussion about WHY things were designed the way they were designed have been stripped out. I've also removed a lot of the discussion about HOW various tools can be used during play. (I know how this stuff is supposed to be used... and so do you if you've read the whole series.)

Second, additional reference material has been added where appropriate to ease my mental load during play.

Third, light revisions based on actual play (some, but not all of which got reflected onto the web pages) have been added.

Fourth, and probably most imporantly, organization: The Remix series on the Alexandrian was written as a design-oriented discussion that ambitiously grew into a much more prodigious project than I had originally anticipated. The original organization was not designed for use at the table, and became even less useful for such as time went on.

The running files are organized for play: The first three chapters of play are clearly broken out, each heist is given its own focused file, and so forth. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to just look at the file list and instantly grok how they're meant to be used.

The only thing to particularly call out, I think, is that the props for each scenario can be found at the end of the file. You'll note that these are files are "watermarked" with the numerical code for the chapter (for example, "DH1 Props"). Why? Well, there are a lot of props. Something I learned when running my Ptolus campaign (which has literally HUNDREDS of props) is that my players will often ask me questions about a prop which they received weeks, months, or even years earlier, and I won't necessarily remember exactly where they got that specific handout. I learned to mark on the prop what scenario they came from (using a numeric code which doesn't spoil anything for the players) so that I could quickly and easily locate my notes regarding the prop.

These files remain dependent on actually owning a copy of the Dragon Heist book, of course.

UPDATE: v2022-10-15 of the Complete Collection corrects typos and adds a more explicit section on leveling up PCs during the Remix.




I'm another person who joined just for this. Starting a second run-through of Dragon Heist soon and want to *mix* things up (ba-dum-tiss). Thank you very much for the content and the well-organized PDF!


Count me in as another joined-for-this. :) Those who have run this: has anybody observed weirdness with leveling to 5th during the Eye heists? (The power jump from 4th to 5th level in 5e is typically really large, so I'd expect that running all of the heists at the same difficulty level would make the last one MUCH easier than the first one...but maybe that's fine.)


IME, it was fine. It gives the players an semi-invisible boost, "Hey! We're getting better at this!" If they've been saving a heist that's particularly difficult for last, it also gives them a nice boost for that.