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Our next Alexandrian Hangout Club meeting is October 17th @ 2pm CDT. Mark your calendars!  




You mention "There’s a 25% chance each town has chwingas," but the book gives a 25% CUMULATIVE chance of chwingas in each town, so the party is sure to find them after at least 4 towns. Still the same idea that the it might take several towns, but the party won't be searching for 7 towns or something before they find them.


Also, if the party has met the criteria for being welcomed into the cult occupied castle in Caer Dineval, they will almost certainly jump at the chance to speak to Hethyl the Soothsayer. And Hethyl will tell them that they're the only ones who can stop the Duergar from ravaging Icewind Dale. I know Jason is dissatisfied with the narrowing of player options later in this campaign, and I was too, but I have to admire how well everything fits together to funnel the players into dealing with the Duergar threat. Whether the party is part of a lumber cartel or working with the Zhentarim to control Ten Towns, they still have to deal with the Duergar. It's just disappointing that Chapters 5-7 rely on WoTCs favorite, an-NPC-shows-up-and-tells-you-what-to-do, plotting. I will probably have the dragon kill off Vellynne in Chapter 4, leaving the players to guide themselves.