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Untested 5th Edition: Streamlined Skills

ThinkDM recently wrote a blog post discussing the skill list in 5 th Edition called 5 Skill D&D . His two main points are, First: The optional rules that allow you to roll any Skill + Ability combination should just be the way that the game works rather than an optional rule.



> Poisoner’s Kit is conflated into Thievery (although you could make a case for a separate skill). I think you should instead conflate it into Medicine (which I would favor keeping separate from Lore). You might also allow it to be done under Survival if the poison is a naturally occurring thing that a well-informed survivalist would know is poisonous. Of course delivering the poison could be a species of Stealth. e.g. "This is a Calisto Pulse. It can disarm micro-explosives from up to twenty feet." "What kind of micro-explosives?" "The kind I just put in your wine."