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Remixing Avernus - Part 3G: Jaquaying the Dead Three

"Dungeons should always be heavily jaquayed." - Jaquaying the Dungeon This article will probably make more sense if you read Jaquaying the Dungeon first, but the short version is that non-linear dungeons are more interesting than linear ones. The latter feature, at best, navigational pseudo-choices which lead the PCs through an inflexible sequence of prepackaged experiences.


colin r

Here's a jaquayed map. (Not going to share it on your website (yet) because I'm not sure where you draw the line on bending copyright.) For anyone wondering what the brown lines are, these cultists have put in rickety planks to keep from having to walk through the groundwater all the time. Will there be dex checks to keep from falling off at bad times? Oh yes. Also, there's a continual light at a strategic corner in D18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1odrZiVbTFCo2gWluHS_tMNvrbKyUkrnL/view?usp=sharing