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Finally I could tell he was just about to cum. I pulled away and dashed over to the controls for the device. I looked him over again -- a tall, tan muscular young man posed on his knees on the circular pad, lit from below by the faint blue glow. He'd kept his pose nicely despite the pleasure and anticipation building inside him. It was an odd pose: he looked like an athlete who'd fallen to his knees, thrown back his head, and lifted up his arms to squirt two water bottles into his parched mouth simultaneously.

This is going to be fucking great, I thought.

"Ready to finally be turned to stone, Kev? You're the one who didn't believe me even when I showed you Chris's marble statue! You've watched your buddies petrify before your eyes. But now it's finally your turn. I'm going to press this button and your strong fit body is going to transform. It's going to harden into mineral… into stone… into solid rock. I'm going to turn you into an object. A piece of art. A perfectly life-like statue of a muscular young man. A piece of art with a particular purpose as well."

He groaned long and low in his throat, a drawn-out rumble. His purple cock throbbed.

"Once I've petrified you, Kev, you won't be my friend and fuck buddy anymore. You'll just be an object. One of my possessions. We didn't discuss how long you want me to keep you petrified, so I guess I can keep you turned into a living statue for juuuuust as long as I like. A day, a week, a month? Maybe a year? Maybe ten years? You'll slowly gather a layer of dust, just sitting on display as a muscular male nude, a living sculpture. Your cock will stay literally hard as rock, frozen so perfectly still that if I don't touch it then it too will gather a layer of dust."

I touched a finger to my chin, pretending to consider.

"Maybe I'll sell you to a museum. Maybe I'll put you outside my front door, in the entry way, where everyone can walk past your petrified body as they come and go from the house. You'll be helpless to do anything but be a decoration, an erotic sculpture. A private statue on public display You'd look very nice mounted above the little koi pond out there. Of course, you might grow a layer of moss on your stone muscles. We can't have that! Maybe I'll keep you in my bedroom instead, as a sex object. You can watch me fuck and suck other guys. And I can do whatever I like to you, whenever I like."

Another long rumble. He sounded desperate for release now, and I could see his muscles tremble as he struggled to hold the position.

"Tilt your hips up, Kev," I ordered. "Point that cock upward and outward as best you can. You want to be a perfect statue, don't you?"

He obeyed, and I knew it was time.

"I know I've been teasing you, Kev, but I'm a nice guy," I said. "I know you're ready to cum and ready to petrify. So how about you do both?"

With those words, I pressed a button on the small plastic remote that was linked to the vibrator in the cock ring I'd slipped onto Kevin. It gave a short, strong buzz. That was all poor Kevin needed to send him over the edge into a spectacular orgasm. I saw his balls pull up and his scrotum tighten, his hard cock angling up even more as he began to cum. All of his muscles tensed, growing hard and defined. His eyes grew huge and round, and his already-open mouth gaped even wider.



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