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"NO WAIT! Let's talk. I can give you information. Whatever you want!" Miller begged the voice coming from the speaker, not activate the third trigger.

"Yes. Whatever I want. Now listen carefully.." Giovanni replied.

"No! AHHHHHHHHHHH" Miller covered his ears and screamed to try and filter the coming trigger.

Giovanni increased the volume of the speaker.

"Obedient purple puppy," the words echoed through the room.

Agent Miller's eyes glazed over as the words passed through his defenses.

He lowered his hands and stood up, looking blankly forward.

"Outstanding agent. You are now completely under my control. Whenever you hear my voice saying that trigger, you will do everything I say." 

Miller kept staring into nothing.

"Listen very carefully, agent. You will not remember anything that happened since you stepped into this house. All you know is that David's work is on track, and all the victims are being cared for.  Nod if you understand."

Agent Miller nodded.

"My associate will come in and take you for a little chat. You will answer all of his questions to the best of your knowledge." Giovanni finished and turned off the microphone.

"Go, get anything you can from him," Giovanni told James.

A few minutes later, James unlocked the door to the lab and opened it.

"Come with me, agent," James ordered, and Miller followed him outside the room and into another across the hall.

"Clean yourself up, and put some pants on." James handed Miller a towel and his clothes.

Miller wiped his body from the sweat and dried cum and put on his briefs and pants.

"Sit over there," James pointed at an empty chair that was placed near a steel statue of Liam.

"I like a good view while I work," James said as he led Miller to the chair and glazed over Liam.

Liam was leaning with his back on a column. His cock hard, and his knees slightly bent.

His hand grabbing an imaginary head that seems to be sucking his cock.

His steel body shone under the bright room lights.

Agent Miller sat on the chair, and James grabbed a notebook and started recording notes.



Wongfoo 2003

Kevin's brother is back. Now we know that they both had joined David. Or did he got them at the auction first?


Crap, I want to join Liam so bad. Becoming metal is definitely one of my fantasies.


where is part 12 n 13?